Today was an all-around good day… even though I had to work for a few hours. Even work wasn’t too bad. The day itself was good, too: blues skies and a decent temperature. As for the rest of the post-work day, it included: Ultimate (frisbee), bowling, and breakfast. And guest appearances by and

I also received a bit of a double-edged surprise today: My Godsister (daughter of my Godparents) called me. Out of the ordinary, yes, but always welcome. She called to relay a bit of bad news – A friend of ours (he was closer to being like a “cousin” in our extended family) died. My main reaction was a repeated, stunned “Wow;” she said that was pretty much all that she could say when she first found out. She didn’t know many details, but she wanted to make sure that I knew what had happened. She also asked that I get in touch with a couple of friends of ours and pass the news on to them. I did. Wow. I’m going to miss him.

Stray Toasters

  • I played Ultimate this afternoon. I realized that there is something more than just the benefit of a good cardio workout; it was good on a more… primal… level. To simply run around the field – jumping, catching and throwing the frisbee – was good in helping to regain a bit of balance. Not spending time thinking about Situation X or Problem Y. Letting the world outside of the park stand still or even just “go away.” Just being in the moment. It was great. Another plus: came to hang out with us.
  • Oreo milkshake. Very tasty.
  • I followed a link on Backwash to a story on this site about Cadbury Easter Eggs. (Thanks to for pointing it out!) I then wandered around the site a bit. There were some rather amusing items on there; this includes, but is not limited to, a story about Santa Claus and Metroplex (a Transformers® robot) trying to pop Jiffy-Pop® popcorn.
  • While looking at the X-Entertainment site, above, I ran across an ad for an upcoming movie called The Real Cancun. It is by the producers of the MTV series The Real World and Road Rules. It is a “reality-based” movie. Even “better,” it follows 16 college students (“cast members”) over the course of Spring Break in Cancun, Mexico. Do we really need this?

    As William Shakespeare wrote in As You Like It (Act ii, Sc. 7):

    All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players.

    This is an apt analogy. But at what point did we become cast members in a global version of The Truman Show? I know that we have allowed our collective cultural voyeurism desires/tendencies to make us want to know/see more about what goes on in the “everyday” life of Person A, B and/or C, but into what have we let it evolve… or more aptly “devolve?” This, to me, is yet another drain-circling indicator.

  • To a gamer (and many movie buffs), the term “Easter Egg” is fairly well-known. I had thought that the term was close to being common/general knowledge. Apparently, I was mistaken. In going from being a “superpower” to becoming a “hyperpower,” it seems that we have left other countries in our technological dust. This would seem to hold true for our cousins across The Pond. This article, from BBC News Online, explains the story behind Easter Eggs that are not dyed, candy-/money-filled, or hanging from trees (which is a concept that I never understood).
  • A poseable, wooden hand “mannequin” is a good aid for drawing. It is also a dangerous thing to set on a dinner table… especially when people let their senses of humor take over when manipulating it.

That’s it for now. It’s time to hit the rack.
