I took shipped some packages for this morning. Here’s today’s friendly tip: Unless it’s a matter of life and death (or the making or breaking of a business), do not ship things “Three Day Select.” Use “Ground” and let the recipient wait the extra day or two. It’s not worth the extra expense.

Work was decent; I managed to be productive.

After work was coffee. There was a good turnout and the conversation(s) were varied and good. I started a drawing and had critique it; it needed a little work. She had me go back over it… upside-down. As one of the architects I worked with used to tell me: “It’s good training. Builds character!” Post-coffee dinner was good, too.

Stray Toasters

  • posted a link to this earlier. Good reading.
  • …and on the other side of the coin, ST:TNG and X-Men actor Patrick Stewart “…has accused Hollywood of featuring ‘extremely irresponsible’ scenes of violence directed towards women.” Read more about it here.
  • If you’ve seen Trainspotting, this should be familiar. Here is a take on it… with a Star Wars spin.
  • A BIG “Thank you” to for repairing my Gambit statue!
  • : Go to the concert.
    (This public service announcement was brought to you by the letter “R” and the numbers “3” and “0”)

  • Fish don’t fry in the kitchen;
    Beans don’t burn on the grill.
    Took a whole lot of tryin’,
    Just to get up that hill.
    Now we’re up in the big leagues,
    Getting’ our turn at bat.
    As long as we live, it’s you and me, baby
    There ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.

  • “Target has taken a large bite!”
  • As much as I enjoyed the McG eye candy pieces that were Charlie’s Angels and Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, I was glad to see that X-Men helmer Brian Singer might be in the running for the director of the burgeoning Superman movie project.

Quote of the Day
Our dinner conversation took a tangent (not to be confused with an arctangent or a cosine) towards the civil rights movement. I was making a point and used Rosa Parks as an example. looked thoughtful for a minute and then rejoined the conversation with:

So.. when she’s getting into a car, does Rosa Parks have to call “Shotgun,” or is it just automatically assumed that she gets it?

didn’t quite know how to respond. In fact, she seemed a bit worried about how I would react. It made me laugh. A lot. That seemed to ease her mind.

And with that…
