Monday – 08 March 2010
The weekend was good.
The work week has begun.

Today is also International Women’s Day.

Yesterday, I wound up going to the train show with . It was a very nice change of pace for a way to spend a Sunday afternoon. There were some very nice layouts on display. There were a lot of things that could have easily wound up on The Covet List there. A lot.

I dropped off — after stopping in to sample a few of the peanut butter cookies that he’d been talking about during our trip. They were good; I asked OnlyAly for the recipe. And then, it was on to the in-laws’ for dinner and a movie.

We watched Black Dynamite. It was done in the style of a 70’s blaxploitation film — sets, clothing, dialogue, music… the whole nine yards. Actually, it was part-blaxploitation/part-kung-fu movie. It was, in a word, “Awesome!” It was a great way to cap off the evening.

Stray Toasters
