Saturday : 24 September 05
I woke up this morning around 6:40, thinking that I was running horribly late for work. Fortunately, my brain engaged a few moments later. It reminded me: “It’s Saturday. Get your ass back in the bed and sleep some more.” I was happy to comply.

, John, Max, Perry and I made a pilgrimage to The Bookshelf and the Clearfield location of The Endzone. I bought a couple of sourcebooks for my Shadowrun game… and some ‘Clix (HeroClix and Mage Knight). Among the haul were:

came over and hung out for a while. She, and I went out for a bite to eat and then came back and watched a tape of the Law & Order: SVU season premiere. Wow. It was intense; and I discussed the seeming descent into… “something” that Det. Stabler seems to be exhibiting. After that, it was Real Time with Bill Maher

…and then: breakfast. There was a fair turn-out. I neglected to take The Joker for . Oh, well… I’ll find a way to get it to her.

Stray Toasters

“…and miles to go before I sleep.”
