Friday – 30 November 2007
The end of the week is at hand.

Dinner last night was a lot of fun. We went to Sampan. Tasty beef lo mein… with enough left over to make a decent post-workout lunch. After dinner, most of us headed to Barnes & Noble for coffee and conversation. I also picked up a new Windows Server 2003 book, that is perfect for some of the things that I’m going to need to know for work.

After the group broke up, came over to take pictures for my Christmas card. She took many pictures. MANY. So I’ll have a good number of options from which to select. It was nice to see – and hang out with – her this past week.

This morning, I overslept a little. Only by half an hour. And I was happy that it was “only” a half-hour, as I didn’t get to bed until somewhere around 3:30. So, while I didn’t get as early a start on the day as I could have, I wasn’t as far off the mark as I could have been. Today’s workout was a good way to wrap up the week:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets / 20 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets / 8 reps at 225 lbs.
  • Nautilus Fly: 3 sets / 10 reps at 95 lbs, with a ten-second hold on the last rep of each set
  • Decline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets / 10 reps at 50 lbs.
  • Bench Dips: 3 sets / 20 reps – all sets with a 35 lb plate
  • Dips: 1 sets / 10 reps
  • Lower Back Raises: 3 sets / 15 reps

Stray Toasters

Quotes of the Day
Today’s quotes come from last night’s coffee gathering:

  • (after seeing an ad in Lürzer’s Archive): I want to be able to shit cupcakes! I’d be []’ best friend!
  • (referring to… an acquaintance): She’s the Amazing Expando-Girl!

And that’s a wrap!

See you on the other side of Juab County.
