In the words of Morris Day:

America, I’m back!
The aristocratic black…
My whip ain’t got no crack…
It’s got a helluva bang!

Mm-hmm. That’s right. The fever’s gone, the sickness is past and I’m feeling human again. (Well, demi-human, but why nitpick?) Turns out that I’d hit at least 102° at the height of the fever. I sweated out as much of it as I could during a two-hour soak (…a two-hour sooooak). When I woke up this morning, I was down to 99.5°. That was a much more acceptable figure.

I made it to work today. And it was a busy day, to boot. It was good to be able to get back into the swing of things on a day when things had to get done. There even came a point where it looked as though I was going to be there late. Very late. Make-me-late-for-Clitorati late. But it didn’t happen. *whew* (And, despite missing yesterday, I am only three hours “short” for the week.)

Tonight’s Clitorati gathering was as good and eclectic as usual. I’m not sure how many people we ran out of the cafe with our talk of (more or less) everyday objects being stuck in not-so-usual places in the human body.

Stray Toasters

  • I called Kris, middle sib of the sibko, to wish her a happy birthday today; she was on her way to Hotlanta for the weekend. She’s grown into quite an incredible young woman…
  • …however, that won’t stop me from posting a link to this:
    (…even though my sibs aren’t pains. Most of the time.)

  • Since did it, I had to follow suit:
    You're a Cappucinno.
    You’re a Cappicinno!

    What Kind of Coffee are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

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  • “Man-thing” (not to be confused with the Marvel Comics character of the same name.)

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  • “Personal bubble! Personal bubble!!”
