Saturday – 03 April 2010
SaraRules is off at quilt club.
I am having a cinnamon bun from The Garden of Sweden and a cup a’ joe.
Heavy D is playing on the iPod.
And we’re supposed to get the keys to the house in a couple of hours.

Yeah, I’d say that’s a good Saturday morning.

Yesterday, SaraRules and I went window shopping for furniture for the sitting room/parlor (or “front room,” as they are commonly referred to). This included a trip to The Garden of Sweden. Selah. We hit a few other furniture stores, as well. We found a sofa/loveseat that we liked at one store and a couple of chairs at another. We’ll have to see if those will be what we go with.

We also saw the new Clash of the Titans. First off, I’ll say that it was entertaining. Secondly, I’ll say that purists who were looking for a remake of the 1981 film will be a bit disappointed; this movie was more “inspired by” the original, rather than a reshoot of it. This movie could have been called something else and still been a good mythology-based film. Oh, well.

Stray Toasters

Off to buy a couple of new deadbolts…
