Thursday : 01 September 05
It was another busy-ish day at the office. That’s good. I like it like that.

and I headed to Deseret Industries – the LDS Church’ version of Goodwill – to look for some Hawai’ian shirts, after work; we need ’em for ‘ wedding tomorrow. I broke out with two shirts; she found one. When I got home, I made the mistake of plopping down in the comfy chair. An hour and some serious change later, I woke up.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt     
I started off the night a few hundred points – out of 11,000 – into Security Level 15. I need nearly 11,000 By the time I ended, I was only a few thousand away from Level 16. I got into a couple of really good (and small) teams. We dispensed justice to many of Paragon City’s less noble citizens tonight. And all without any death and experience debt.

Stray Toasters

  • I think that I would like one of these.
  • Icosihenagon
  • I have been trying to remember a name for the past three days. I finally came up with it tonight, thanks to Google: Improv Everywhere
  • Something for , and from The Escapist: Death to the Games Industry: Long Live Games (The story continues via the “next” link in the lower right corner.)
  • From CNET’s Quote of the Day
    Following China’s recent introduction of measures to combat its citizens’ addiction to online role-playing games, gamers offered their perspective on the BBC’s Web site. Naveed Khan of London likened his addiction to “World of Warcraft” to being an alcoholic.

    “I’d get withdrawal symptoms within five minutes of leaving the game. I’d only leave for a drink, but I’d run back to my machine,” he said. “I call the experience a virtual drop. You just sink and sink…But you can’t deny the buzz…and it’s difficult to let go…If people knew they would become an alcoholic, would they still make that first step? I think not.”

  • I received a very cool compliment from this afternoon.
  • Why I never forward those cute emails you send me
  • For – Batman’s Rogues Gallery figures from DC Direct:
  • Close enough to touch… but just out of reach.
  • iPod Nearly Dooms New Zealand
  • Superman II – Restored Intenational Cut Reviewed
