Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“…when the things that make me weak and strange get engineered away.”

business and economy, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, monkeys!, music, office antics, people, science and technology No Comments »

Tuesday – 11 January 2011
Day Two of the work week and all’s pretty much well. We just finished stacking 44 chairs into a U-Haul for delivery to the other office. Not quite the most Tetris-worthy feat I’ve been party to, but it was still pretty impressive.

Last night, I started playing Call of Duty: Black Ops.

In theory, I was going to meet up with a couple of coworkers online, but they weren’t around. So, I started playing the campaign. I will most likely want to look into changing my controller configuration, as I found myself pushing buttons and discovering that they didn’t do what I wanted/expected.  (Yeah, something about the layout being different than HALO. Go figure.) I made it through a few missions before calling it a night.

Stray Toasters

Back to the work grind.



books, comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, health, house and home, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Friday – 07 January 2011
It’s Friday and my 9/80 “off” day. Despite that, I’ve been somewhat productive this morning. I’ve already take my car to the shop (tune-up and tires), started laundry, prepped the carpets for vacuuming.  And it’s barely 10:30. (Well, it was when I typed that…) I consider that “productive.”

Last night, SaraRules! and I hit the gym, for my first workout of the year. She started a new routine, so I figured that I’d give it a go.  It wasn’t too bad… except for the lunges:

  • Bench Press: 3 sets/8 reps, 165 lbs
  • Front Squat/Push (shoulder) Press: 2 sets/10 reps, 40 lbs
  • Step-ups: 2 sets/10 reps, 25 lb dumbbells
  • Bent-over Row: 2 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs
  • Lunge (static, one foot elevated): 2 sets/10 reps
    • Set 1: 25 lb dumbbells
    • Set 2: 15 lb dumbbells
  • Push-ups: 2 sets/10 reps
  • Plank: 2 sets/45 seconds
  • Cable Horizontal Wood Chop: 2 sets/10 reps, 30 lbs

All-in-all, not a bad workout. There were a couple of exercises that were awkward, but nothing insurmountable.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
I read this yesterday, and shared it with Nyx, but neglected to add it to yesterday’s post: The Agonizing Last Words of Bill Zeller

Stray Toasters

And with that, on to the rest of the day…


Back when I was your age…

art, books, education, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, history, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, stage plays and theatre, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 05 January 2011
It’s midweek, which means that it’s Comics Wednesday! Unfortunately, no word has been given on if/when “Sushi Wednesday” will be reincorporated into the mix. I guess time will tell.

Last night was D&D 3.5 night with and company. Our party got into a fight… and got seriously smacked around. In fact, ‘s character took a beating at the hand a a war chief and came down with a sudden case of death. And, even though my character has some cleric-like (read: “healer”) abilities, he was beyond the scope of my power. So, I called in a favor. A big one. Really big. We got ‘s character back, but it came at a pretty steep cost.  (That whole cleric thing I mentioned before…?  It’s gone, at least for the foreseeable future.) Hopefully, that won’t come back to bite us in the collective recta.

Today, I got to work only to discover that I had left my ID badge at home.


I have a temp badge. Yay. Although, I really shouldn’t gripe too much… it does what I need it to. Mostly.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
Publisher Tinkers with Twain

A new edition of “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is missing something.

Throughout the book — 219 times in all — the word “nigger” is replaced by “slave,” a substitution that was made by NewSouth Books, a publisher based in Alabama, which plans to release the edition in February.

Alan Gribben, a professor of English at Auburn University at Montgomery, approached the publisher with the idea in July. Mr. Gribben said Tuesday that he had been teaching Mark Twain for decades and always hesitated before reading aloud the common racial epithet, which is used liberally in the book, a reflection of social attitudes in the mid-19th century.

I read this article before heading to work this morning. When I got to the office, angstd messaged me to ask if I had seen it and what I thought about it…

I first read Huck Finn when I was in 8th Grade. I remember having a little bit of difficulty with it, not because of the content or offensive language, but from a few of the slang used. Aside from that, it was “just a book.” The fact that it dealt with social issues – especially slavery – wasn’t a big concern of mine, at the time. (Come on… I was 13 and it was reading for school.) I do remember thinking that it was a good book, however.

I’m not on board with Professor Gribben’s argument. I understand translating books from one language to another, but this was written in English – granted, some word structures are a bit dated, but English, nonetheless – and as a classic work of American fiction, I say leave it. Mr. Twain wrote it in a particular manner and I think that it should remain in that form. “Nigger” has a… colorful… history, but it is part of the American lexicon and, more importantly, it was part of the daily speech of many in the 19th Century. Changing the word to “slave” changes the dynamic of the language. I’ll concede that both words were used to denigrate the people about whom they were used, but one has a history of being used more harshly and cruelly. (Three guesses which it was.)

I was pleased to note that the article included a counterpoint:

“I’m not offended by anything in ‘Huck Finn,’ ” said Elizabeth Absher, an English teacher at South Mountain High School in Arizona. “I am a big fan of Mark Twain, and I hear a lot worse in the hallway in front of my class.”

Ms. Absher teaches Twain short stories and makes “Huck Finn” available but does not teach it because it is too long — not because of the language.

“I think authors’ language should be left alone,” she said. “If it’s too offensive, it doesn’t belong in school, but if it expresses the way people felt about race or slavery in the context of their time, that’s something I’d talk about in teaching it.”

Agreed. Were some of the issues that came along with and out of slavery offensive?  You bet they were. But I don’t see them as things to be swept under the rug or turned away from. If we do that, we forget about a powerful and divisive part of our history.

I’m sorry that Professor Gribben has a hard time with a few words. But, that’s all they are: Words. They can be used destructively, but we can learn many things – from who we were and where we’ve come from to what we have achieved and where we are going – from even the most harsh of words.

Perhaps the professor should take some time to read Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word, by Randall Kennedy. The book takes the word and attempts to present ways to diffuse its volatile nature and history.

Maybe that would help.

Stray Toasters


Not bad… for a Monday.

art, education, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, football, history, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, people, science and technology, trains/model railroads, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 03 January 2011
Today is the last day of my vacation; our robot overlords gave us the day off. (Did I say “overlords?” I meant “protectors.”) Tomorrow, the new work year begins. Fortunately, this is the week with my 9/80 “off” Friday, allowing me to ease into this whole “working” thing again.

So far, 2011 has been alright. After playing ‘Clix with Chris on Saturday morning, SaraRules! and I headed up to her parents’ place for a New Years’ food and football. ‘Twas good. After that, we headed to the theatre and caught Tron: Legacy. I enjoyed it; SaraRules! didn’t. And, that’s not to say that I didn’t have a couple of issues with the movie, but it was entertaining.

Sunday started with and me hitting the local Lowe’s and Home Depot. He was kind enough to offer his time – and Jeep – to allow me to pick up and transport more sawhorses, plywood and foam for my growing railroad. I still need to set up the saw horses and paint the foam. All in due time. I also need to start thinking about more permanent railroad structures — SaraRules!’ father is going to help me frame and finish the basement in the not-too-distant future. He also gave me a couple of ideas about extending my layout… vertically. I was intrigued with his idea and haven’t ruled anything out yet.

We headed back up to the in-laws’ for New Years’ leftovers. (Every bit as good the day after as they were the day of…) We watched a little football and then headed home to watch The Godfather: Part II, which I don’t believe I’d ever seen before. It was good… quite good, but I had a little bit of a rough time following the corollaries between the flashbacks and the “present day,” until the end of the movie.

Today, I met Perry and a couple of his kids for coffee. I also worked a little on a drawing that has been stagnating in my sketchbook for the better part of 10 months. It felt good to get something – anything – done on it.

Instant Replay: Football

Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens
7 – 13
The boys from Cincy came Baltimore to wrap up the final week of regular season play. Bonnie and Clyde… I mean, Batman and Robin… I mean “T.O. and Ocho” didn’t play, though. That’s fine, because the Ravens seemed to have a tough enough time dealing with Bengals’ QB Carson Palmer, despite FS Ed Reed’s two interceptions.But, nevertheless, the Ravens wound up coming away with  “W,” and that’s always a good thing in my book.

Sorry, and .

Ray! Hey, Ray!  Hey… yeah, so you guys just beat a division rival, are going to the Playoffs for the third straight year – a team record – and you don’t have to face Indy in the first round!  How does that make you feel?

Yeah, I bet it does feel pretty sweet!

Oakland Raiders at Kansas City Chiefs
31 – 10
The Raiders went to Arrowhead Stadium and scalped the Chiefs.

They finished the season 8-8, their best record in seven (7) years! They also set a curious record: It marked the first time that a team has swept their division (6-0), but did NOT make it into the playoffs.

Congrats, SaraRules! and [info]1silver_seraph.


Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons
10 – 31
I don’t know what it is about the Panthers and teams with bird-themes, but once again, they managed to lose.

There’s always next season, I guess…


Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
7 – 38
The ‘Fins dropped this one to the Pats. ‘Nuff said.

Stray Toasters


New Year: 2011

event, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, football, games No Comments »

Saturday – 01 January 2010
Welcome to 2011.

Today is also the seventh day of Kwanzaa; today ‘s principle is “Imani” or “faith”:

To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Last night, SaraRules and I had a small gathering of friends and family over for a Kwanzaa potluck dinner. The company and the food were wonderful. Wine flowed. All was well with our little corner of the world.

After dinner, SaraRules and I decided to stay in for the evening. We played a little Guitar Hero until it was time to switch over to watch the ball drop in Times Square. As poor as we thought that Dick Clark looked and sounded last year, he seems to have deteriorated even more rapidly.  I think it’s time to pass the torch to Ryan Seacrest.

Today has been good. The day started off with Chris coming over to play ‘Clix. Since the release of the DC 75th Anniversary set had new Lanterns in it, we played the Green Lantern Corps (Chris) versus the Violet Lantern Corps/Star Sapphires (me). Chris pretty much mopped the floor with me and my force, but it was fun. And, it was also fun to play a group that I’d never fielded before.

Now, we’re at the in-laws’ for football and food.  Yeah, this is a good way to start the year.

I hope that everyone has a safe and happy 2011.
Be well.


“I’m not looking back, but I want to look around me now…”

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Friday – 31 December 2010
Snow falls on the ground.
The broom sweeps away the snow.
The driveway is clear.

BOOM!  Just like that: Two days of haiku!

It snowed again last night, with very light snow falling this morning. This time, it was the light, powdery snow for which Utah is know. Thus, I was able to literally sweep away the snow. Today’s snow removal music was 2112; I finished in the time it took to listen to “2112” (the A-side) and “A Passage to Bangkok,” so… 24:08.  Not too shabby.

Last night, SaraRules! and I went down to Abravanel Hall to hear – and see – The Blue Planet Live! We went with Logan and Sanaz, and wound up running into and Jeff, as well as Mickey and Sammie . The performance was narrated by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch. It was a good production. It was made more amusing by the woman sitting behind us who was amazed/fascinated by practically everything on-screen. (Seriously… you’d think that she didn’t use her television for anything but watching The Young and the Restless and maybe Martha Stewart Living.)

I was originally planning on heading up to The Wonderful World of Trains with today, but his schedule won’t allow it. I may still head up on my own, as I’m itching to get a look at the new location of The Bookshelf… and it’s three blocks from WWoT.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
Today is the last day of 2010. It’s been a year of ups and downs, but mostly “ups”:

  • SaraRules! and I bought a house (…and discovered a great little neighborhood espresso shop)!
  • My mother retired.
  • I lost another good friend.
  • I got back into model railroading after a nearly 30-year absence.
  • I celebrated my first anniversary.
  • I turned 40… and, thanks to the coolest wife ever, got to race cars for my four-hour mid-life crisis!
  • My third niece was born.
  • We got to host Thanksgiving in our new home.
  • We had my family come out and celebrate Christmas with us.

…and, as I said last year: “…these are all part of ‘life.'”

On the whole, 2010 was a good year. I am thankful for the many new people I met and I am grateful for the many wonderful things that I got to experience. If you were part of my year – no matter how big or small a part – thank you for the pleasure of your company and for being a part of my journey.

I wish you a very happy and prosperous 2011 and beyond.

Stray Toasters

And with that…

Be well and be good to yourself and to others.


“Snow falls deep around my house and holds the winter light…”

arts and leisure, business and economy, everyday glory, exhibits, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, history, movies and TV, music, politics and law, science and technology, The Covet List, trains/model railroads, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 30 December 2010
NBN Thursday
Falls silently upon us.
Like new-fallen snow.

That’s right. I just busted out a haiku.  Just. Like. That!

What’s more, the haiku references a few pertinent things:

  1. It’s Thursday;
  2. I have declared it a “No Bad News ” Thursday; and
  3. There is snow on the ground.

And you got all of that information in seventeen syllables.

Yesterday, I visited The Train Shoppe. In itself, not too out-of-the-ordinary. However, this trip was made a little different by the fact that I was joined by my father-in-law and grandfather-in-law, both of whom have a soft and warm spot in their hearts for model railroads. I picked up a package of earthen bumpers and a half-curve of O36 track.

I came back home just as snow started to fall last night. By the time SaraRules! got home, about an hour later, a couple of inches of snow had fallen. We decided to stay in for the night and watched Seven Pounds. It was a good movie, although there was something in the pacing and the way the story was told that was a little “off.” I definitely felt that it was more of a “watch at home” movie than a “sit in the theatre” one. But, as I said: It was good; it was also a bit unexpected.

After the movie, SaraRules! and I bundled up and went outside to shovel the driveway and sidewalks. We were done in about twenty minutes. It’s amazing how quickly it goes when there are two shovels at work!

We woke up this morning to find another 3-4″ of Mother Nature’s frozen, mocking laughter blanketing the ground. *sigh*

Stray Toasters

Okay, enough procrastinating… time to make the donuts shovel the snow.


“Merry Christmas… from Chiron Beta Prime!”

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Saturday – 25 December 2010
It’s Christmas!

Wait…wait, wait, wait…

That wasn’t a proper Christmas greeting, but it was fun. And, it’s one of my favorite non-traditional Christmas songs. But, let’s try that again:

There we go. That’s more like it.

I hope that everyone has a safe, fun and very merry Christmas. I count myself very blessed and fortunate to have such a wonderful group of family and friends.

Be well and be good to each other!


“I’m not going to spend my life being a color…”

art, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, music, news and info, trains/model railroads, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 23 December 2010
How did my NBN vacation Thursday kick off?
By picking up my parents at the airport!
Let the Christmas revels begin!

Yesterday, SaraRules! and I headed over to her parents’ house to make Christmas sugar cookies. Last night, we went back over to decorate those cookies with her parents, Sanaz and Logan. As part of the fun, I made a Green Lantern gingerbread man:

“In brightest day,
In blackest night,
No cookie shall escape my sight!”

His lantern symbol might not be awesome-looking, but it’s the best I could do with a toothpick.  I’m pretty proud of him.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
Yesterday, I had an item in my blog post that mentioned the outrage some groups are having about Idris Elba playing Heimdall in the upcoming Thor movie.  What I neglected to mention was that these same groups haven’t said ANYTHING about the fact that Tadanobu Asano was selected to portray Hogun the Grim (another Norse god)… despite the fact that Asano’s involvement was known – and fairly public – well before Elba’s.  So, let me get this straight:

  1. Some people are getting bent because a black actor is portraying a Norse god in a movie based on a comic book…?!
  2. The same people have nothing to say about an Asian actor also portraying a Norse god in the same movie based on a comic book…?

Isn’t that kind of saying,”Hey, we’re racists… sorry… “racial purist” bastards, but see, we’re only nitpicky when it comes to some people!” or am I wrong?

Stray Toasters

Yeah… that’s good for now.


“What’s your favorite color, baby? Living Colour!”

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Wednesday – 22 December 2010
It’s midweek.
Comics (and probably not-Sushi) Wednesday.
Sugar cookie-making with the in-laws day.
And, the day before my parents get to town.

I’m already tired.

Tuesday saw a bit of errand-running. I went to the office to drop off Christmas presents to my team and then it was off to lunch with a few other coworkers. We went to Market Street Grill; the service was uncharacteristically slow, but the food was still good (for seafood in a landlocked state, that is!). Next, it was on to the Post Office to drop some Christmas cheer in the mail. After that, I did a little wandering before making it back home.

After dinner, SaraRules! and I went to an advance screening of The Green Hornet.  (Thanks to Melissa S. for the passes. I have been… leery… of the movie, especially when it was announced that Seth Rogen would be starring. My main concern was that it would be more along the lines of “The Green Hornet meets The Hangover.” While there was some camp and a few places where belief had to be suspended, it was a fun movie. I don’t see it as an Oscar contender, but it was definitely entertaining. As I told SaraRules!, “I was trying to put it on a scale between The Spirit (bad) and Superman (good), in terms of superhero movies.  It’s definitely more Superman than Spirit.”

(7) … possibly even (8)

Stray Toasters

I’m sure that there are a lot of other things I could add to this post, but I’ll just wrap up here.


Hello, Sunday…

business and economy, Council for Better Driving, education, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, games, health, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, science and technology No Comments »

Sunday – 19 December 2010
It’s a chilly, rainy/snowy day here in the valley.

On the “plus” side, today is my uncle’s birthday:

Yesterday, SaraRules!, and I did our best Smokey and the Bandit impression and headed to Cedar City to retrieve the last of SaraRules!’ things from storage. We were up at 0630 and on the road a little after 0700. The trip down was a little slow, thanks to new snowfall and poorly-plowed roads in Utah County. After that, it was pretty smooth sailing. After picking up the trailer, we headed to the storage unit, where Josh (SaraRules!’ former MFA classmate) met us and helped us load up. We stopped for a bite to eat that The Pizza Factory and then got back on the road. The whole process took a hair under 12 hours, from the time we left to the time we got home after returning the trailer. It was a good, productive and tiring day.

I’d also like to take a moment to thank for volunteering his time – and his Jeep – to help us get the things from southern Utah:

Today, we’re doing a little shopping and then heading over to Sanaz and Logan’s for dinner… and gingerbread tree making/decorating. Tonight, as there will be no new episodes of The Walking Dead (for ten months!), we’re most likely going to watch The Godfather.

Stray Toasters

  • I neglected to mention this a few days ago: I’m an uncle again!
    My brother and sister-in-law had a little girl, whom they named “Corrine,” on Thursday.

And with that, it’s time to get ready to face to the day.


“Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news…”

arts and leisure, business and economy, comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, games, geekery, health, history, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, style and fashion, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Thursday – 16 December 2010
I am a little shocked and embarrassed to admit this, but I had completely spaced off the fact that today was Thursday – and NBN Thursday, at that – until I started typing the date. Go figure.

Today is ‘s birthday:

Today is also the day that Ludwig von Beethoven’s birthday is generally celebrated:

Last night, Dr. Volt’s held a release day tournament for the new Heroclix set: DC 75th Anniversary. Even better, Jeremiah ran it, so I was able to play in the tourney. (This doesn’t mean that I didn’t get asked rules questions, mind you.) I went 1-2 for the night – it was a sealed draft – but it was still a good bit of fun.

After the tourney, I headed back home. SaraRules! and I watched The Terminator on AMC. I remember going to see this in the theatre (I believe it was at The Janus…) with one of my cousins. Some of the effects look rather… dated… but, on the whole, the movie is solid.

Stray Toasters

Time to tie up a few loose ends and then head to the office holiday party.


Monday morning stuff, things and whatnot

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, IKEA, movies and TV, news and info, people, trains/model railroads, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 13 December 2010
Today kicks off my last week of work before Christmas vacation. Or, I guess another way of looking at it is: My last week of work for the year. I like the sound of that a little better.

Yesterday was a good and somewhat busy day. SaraRules! and I had breakfast with her parents and at Paradise Bakery… where they ran out of eggs. Let’s allow that to settle in: A bakery with no eggs. Genius! After that, and I went gallivanting about the valley:

  • IKEA
  • Ski ‘n’ See
  • West Valley Hobbies

I made a quick stop at Best Buy, before heading home. At home, I decided tear out  the reversing loop on one side of may model railroad and to try and figure out a way to change the rail yard a little.

After that, we headed up to SaraRules!’s parents’ place for dinner. Sanaz’ parents and sister, as well as were also there. We had lamb, imam bayildi, rice pilaf, sliced vegetables, pita and homemade hummus. It was quite a feast. We rounded out the meal with baklava for dessert.

All-in-all, it was a good day.

Stray Toasters


Friday. Finally.

business and economy, comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, games, health, movies and TV, news and info, people, politics and law, trains/model railroads, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 03 December 2010
It’s Friday.
Thank God.
“Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.”

It’s my 9/80 “on” Friday, so I – and a few others – are in the ghost town that we call an office today. As one of the others is Paul, I got to start off the morning talking about model railroads and some ideas I have for what is becoming known as “The Train Room” in the basement.

Last night, SaraRules! and I rented kids for the evening. Kate and Perry were having an evening out and asked us if we’d mind watching their kids. As usual, the kids were fine. We popped in The Iron Giant – which I always enjoy – at the request of the youngest child and they watched that (and Transformers Prime) until it was time for bed. Getting them into pajamas, teeth brushed, and off to bed was a breeze. After the kids were abed, SaraRules! and I watched Fringe and then a couple of episodes of Renovation Realities.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
I’ve had a couple of thoughts running through my head for the past few days:

  • You have no one to blame for your unhappiness but yourself.
  • You only get out of life what you are prepared to put into it.

It seems that so many people are unhappy/dissatisfied with Situation X or Thing Y in their lives, but seem unwilling to actually do anything about it. And then, they seem… surprised… that the issue doesn’t just auto-magically fix itself.

That’s unfortunate.

Stray Toasters

  • The inversion has set in, heavily, across the valley.  I hope that the forecasts of rain over the weekend were correct.
  • What Is the Best Superman Origin Story?
    I actually agree with both of his choices here.
  • WorldWorksGames has come out with some amazing looking new sets in their TerrainLinx line. Case in point: Hinterland Forests
  • I received the latest addition to my train yesterday: Lionel 6-7612 Spirit of 76 North Carolina Boxcar
  • Chuck Norris fact: He’s now an honorary Texas Ranger
  • During yesterday’s comics run, I also picked up a new member for my Sinestro Corps shelf: Mongul

    At 9″ tall, he’s a good head to head-and-a-half taller than the other figures.

That should be good enough for now.


“Twas the snowy day before Thanksgiving…”

art, business and economy, comics and animation, Council for Better Driving, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, football, geekery, health, movies and TV, office antics, science and technology, trains/model railroads, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 24 November 2010
Today begins my 5-day weekend.
I celebrated by shoveling the driveway and sidewalks.

Yesterday, we were forecast to have a huge blizzard. We got a few inches of snow. That’s not too bad. The main concern, however, was that the today’s temperature is not supposed to get above freezing. With that in mind, The Council for Better Driving: Utah reminds all drivers to take care when venturing out on the roads today.

Last night, SaraRules! and I did something we haven’t done in a while: We watched NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles. It’s kind of funny, considering that we have the shows set to record on the DVR. SaraRules! had also baked cookies and fixed hot chocolate.  Win-Win!

After watching TV, I went to work on the model railroad. More specifically, I reconfigured the layout. Again. This time, I’ve gone with a U-shaped layout, with a 4’x8′ table on either side of the room with two tracks running between them, along the base of the U:

This allows me to have a residential/commercial setting on the right table and a rail yard on the left table. (As you can see, the rail yard could use a little more track… but all things in good time.) I also have about three feet of clear space at the end of the right table that I could use to expand that side of the layout, If I’m feeling adventurous. Another thing that I like about this setup is that I’m literally in the middle of the action; yeah, it’s kind of geeky, but it makes me smile.

Something that I’d love to do – time, money, and space allowing for it – is to put a bridge (or two) over the span in the middle. I think that would just look neat. With that, I’m also trying to see if I could do a short run – or maybe just a passing line – under the bridge.  But, that will mostly depend on how much clearance the track has from the top of the board.

Stray Toasters
