Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“It’s not a habit, it’s cool, I feel alive…”

comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, IKEA, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, style, The Covet List, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Wednesday – 22 October 2008
Midweek is upon us.
This means that I can (finally) sate my desire for plastic crack… and four-color crack, as well.
(WizKids, as of when I posted this, still hasn’t released the full list of figures.  KHAAAAAAAAAAAN!)

Hopefully, the workday will be a little more smooth than yesterday.

Stray Toasters


“We can go from boom to bust, from dreams to a bowl of dust…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, quote of the day, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout, zombies 1 Comment »

Friday – 17 Oct 2008
Last night, I headed home for a quiet date night with SaraRules – on tap: CSI:, Sleeping Beauty (the Disney version… which I’ve never seen) and Senator Palpatine McCain on yea). Shortly after I got in, I received an unusual text… from . She was at SLCIA with a 90-minute layover and was wondering what I was up to.

*blink blink*
I told her to hang tight while I made a couple of calls.

I touched bases with and to see what they were up to; both of them had things on their agendas. I called up SaraRules to see where she was (just down the street) and when she got here, we headed to the airport. We got to spend about 45 minutes or so with before she had to head back to the gate area to catch her next flight. It was a pleasant – and quite unexpected – surprise.

On the way home, SaraRules and I realized that we were getting hungry and neither of us felt like cooking. We chose Macaroni Grill for dinner. (Actually, she chose it; I just did the driving.) It was a good call, too. I had the Chicken Marsala with a calamari appetizer. Both were quite good.

We got back home, found the couch, stretched out… and, in fairly short order, both of us were knocked out. That meant that we missed most of The Late Show interview; we woke up in time to catch the very last part of it. SaraRules went home and I finished reading Top 10: Book 2 and DC: The New Frontier.

Wes managed to get me to go to the gym yesterday. I would like to make it a more-regular occurrence. Before we got started with the main workout, I wanted to try a max press… just for the Hell of it. I was pretty sure that I couldn’t get a rep at 300 lbs, even though I had 275 on the bar and had found a couple of 10-pound weights and two 2.5-pound weights to get to 300.  (There was a guy, a few machines away, watching as I added and subtracted weights from the bar. The expression on his face seemed to say,”Is he really going to try to press that much…?”) I backed it down to 250 lbs… and got two reps out of it. Not bad for not having really done bench press in nearly four months. The rest of the workout was good and tiring:

  • Bench press: 3 sets/10 reps (2 sets – 185 lbs; 1 set – 155 lbs)
  • Fly (machine): 3 sets/10 reps, 100 lbs (10 sec hold on 10th rep)
  • Back Extensions (machine): 3 sets/12 reps, 80 lbs
  • Curls: 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs (1 set), 30 lbs (2 sets)
  • Lateral Raises: 3 sets/10 reps, 15 lbs
  • Side Bends: 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs
  • Tricep Extensions (rope): 3 sets/10 reps, 60 lbs

My post-workout weight was 179.9 lbs. That’s… a little higher than I like. Time to lay off the extra helpings of brownies and ice cream after dinner.

Four-Color Coverage – DC: The New Frontier and Top 10
I was introduced to DC:The New Frontier by way of the video that was released earlier this year. It adapted the story into a (roughly) seventy-minute animated feature. The ‘toon was good and adapted the story well, but it missed a lot of the details and richness that two trade paperbacks afforded.

The story is set in 1950s America. Thanks to the air of fear created through McCartyism, costumed adventurers have been outlawed… unless they take an oath of loyalty to the U.S. administration. A couple of heroes do, most decide to just fade into the sunset.

The movie focused more on the story of Hal Jordan, using him as the readers’ main connection to the story (similar to the way that Wolverine and Rogue were used in the first X-Men movie) and that worked well for the animated feature. The books, with the wider pallete of characters, included Jordan but also gave much more insight into the other heroes featured in the story. For example, “John Henry,” a character who received a brief nod in the movie, had a plotline that ran throughout the books and – along with the Martian Manhunter’s story – served to show a couple of sides of the racial struggles in America in the 50s.

The story was a fun read. Darwyn Cooke did an excellent job of taking characters whose adventures have become so familiar and placing them in a different time, but making them – and their stories – relevant and interesting. And, in another interesting tie-in to history, the book ended with excerpts (mostly from the last half) of John F. Kennedy’s 1960 Democratic National Convention Nomination Acceptance Address.

Top 10 is the story of Neopolis, a city where all of the residents have superpowers. The book was written by Alan Moore, also known for such books as V for Vendetta, Watchmen and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

The book follows the police force, based out of Precinct 10 – more commonly known as “Top 10” – in their daily routines. The feel of the book is a cross of Astro City (1, 2) and Gotham Central… and it works. In the stories, we see not only the officers’ working their beats, but also glimpses of their personal lives, as well.

An unexpected treat that Top 10 also provides is the artwork. Not just the characters and the architecture… but the background characters. If you look carefully you’ll see that some of the extras are… “oddly  reminiscent”… of other, well-known figures in comics and literature.

Alan Moore has created a rich setting with characters whose motivations and idiosyncracies are as diverse as the city in which they live and protect. The books were good reads and I look forward to checking out the two spin-off series and the sequel.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
Excerpted from John F. Kennedy’s 1960 acceptance speech:

Can a nation organized and governed such as ours endure?

That is the real question.

Have we the nerve and the will? Can we carry through in an age where we will witness not only new breakthroughs in weapons of destruction, but also a race for mastery of the sky and the rain, the ocean and the tides, the far side of space, and the inside of men’s minds?

That is the question of the New Frontier.

That is the choice our nation must make — a choice that lies not merely between two men or two parties, but between the public interest and private comfort, between national greatness and national decline, between the fresh air of progress and the stale, dank atmosphere of “normalcy,” between dedication of mediocrity.

All mankind waits upon our decision. A whole world looks to see what we shall do. And we cannot fail that trust. And we cannot fail to try.


“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

arts and leisure, books, comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, quote of the day, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Wednesday – 15 Oct 2008
I finished reading Watchmen last night. I enjoyed it. It’s a great alternative take on the Cold War. It will be interesting to see how well – and how much – they were able to adapt for the film version.

SaraRules came over for a bit last night. We started watching The DaVinci Code; we got about halfway through it. I have seen it before; she hadn’t. She started getting tired, so we decided to stop the movie for the night. After she left, I watched a little bit of The Late Show and The Late Late Show before calling it a relatively early night.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
has been sharing the wisdom of Lao Tzu on Wednesdays. Today’s entry:


A brave and passionate man will kill or be killed.
A brave and calm man will always preserve life.
Of these two which is good and which is harmful?
Some things are not favored by heaven. Who knows why?
Even the sage is unsure of this.

The Tao of heaven does not strive, and yet it overcomes.
It does not speak, and yet is answered.
It does not ask, yet is supplied with all its needs.
It seems to have no aim and yet its purpose is fulfilled.

Heaven’s net casts wide.
Though its meshes are course, nothing slips through.


“Summer’s going fast, nights getting colder…”

comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, everyday glory, food for thought, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, style, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 10 Oct 2008
Last night, after a summer of waiting, the new season of CSI: started. And it ended a little differently than I expected. But, I was glad to see a show follow through with something that is so rarely done in comics: We’re killing off a character. And we’re not going to punk out and reverse it. (Watch… no sooner than I write this, it will turn out that they’ll pull a Dallas Bobby Ewing shower scene.) I will be interested to see how the new CSIs, played by Laurence Fishburne and Lauren Lee Smith, join/integrate into the team.

After CSI: went off, SaraRules helped me do a little cleaning around the apartment. Rachel, one of the MFAs from SUU, is coming up this afternoon to hang out for the night… and the apartment needed a little love; good progress was made. I have a few things to finish up this afternoon, but that should be easy enough to deal with.

It was 37°F when I woke up this morning.
The forecasters are saying that the chance of snow in the valley this weekend is good.
Whiskey Tango…?!

Chew on This: Food for Thought
Commentary: Hollywood sses world in black and white.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

Stray Toasters

Live a vapor trail…


“We the people…”

everyday glory, food for thought, news and info No Comments »

posted the following in his journal earlier:

As evidenced by Katie Couric, Sarah Palin is unable to name any Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade.

The Rules: Post info about ONE Supreme Court decision, modern or historic to your lj. (Any decision, as long as it’s not Roe v. Wade.) For those who see this on your f-list, take the meme to your OWN lj to spread the fun.

My pick is the Miranda decision, without which Law & Order and other TV cop shows would have to come up with more clever plotlines.

I’m going to pick up the ball and run with it. I’ll go with Brown v. Board of Education, which ruled that state laws establishing separate public schools for blacks and whites denied black children equal opportunities. This reversed a number of Supreme Court decisions up to, and including, Plessy v. Ferguson, which upheld segregation under “separate but equal” laws.

Check that action out: Two Supreme Court case references for the price of one. Booyah!

As a reward, I think I’ll watch a little Schoolhouse Rock!

“Another suburban family morning, Grandmother screaming at the wall…”

comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info 1 Comment »

Wednesday – 01 Oct 2008
Last night was rather quiet, which was a decidedly pleasant change of pace from the way the day started. After getting home and winding down a bit, I headed back out to pick up my copy of Iron Man. While at Best Buy, I noticed that they had a few DVDs that I was interested in marked down, so I picked them up.

We didn’t have our Scion game so after returning home, I logged into City of Heroes for a bit. I was asked to join a mid-30s level group as a sidekick and we took on the Circle of Thorns. I cut my gaming a little short, as SaraRules stopped by for a while. After she left, I logged back in and ran a couple of Ouroboros missions. After that, I read Watchmen until I fell asleep.

Stray Toasters

  • Rush has a song called Nobody’s Hero. If you “mis-listen” to the song, it almost sounds like they are singing “Nobody Zero,” which strikes me as a great name for a street-level, Batman-like hero. Well, maybe more like Kick-Ass or Twilight Guardian or some other non-powered, average Joe who decides to fight evil. But, it’s also got me wondering: What other song lyrics lend themselves to being turned into possible superhero names?
  • On last night’s Late Show with David Letterman, Josette Sheeran was one of the guests.  She is the Executive Director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme. After discussing the WFP’s mission, Dave posted a URI for donations: http://www.wfp.org/lateshow/
  • While watching for SaraRules to drive past – and watching the traffic along this section of 215 – three parts of the media-cloud in my head all came together:
  1. Ants Marching, by The Dave Matthews Band

    Driving along this highway
    All these cars and up on the sidewalk
    People in every direction
    No words exchanged,
    No time to exchange when
    All the little ants are marching
    Red and black antennae waving

  2. Synchronicity II, by The Police

    Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes
    Contestants in a suicidal race

  3. The theme from Speed Racer (the 60’s cartoon, not the recent movie)

    He’s off and flying as he guns the car around the track
    He’s jamming down the pedal like he’s never coming back
    Adventure’s waiting just aheeeeeeeeaaaaad

Back to it.


Mid-day randomness

books, everyday glory, food for thought, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Today is loonybin88’s birthday:

We’re having fun with our dysfunctional phone system here at work. Yay.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
This I Believe: Caring Makes Us Human

Stray Toasters

I should probably think about what I want for lunch…

“Money, it’s a crime. Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie.”

everyday glory, food for thought, football, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 25 Sep 2008
How do you kick off a great NBN Thursday? How about with a text message from your father saying that you have two (2) tickets to the Raiders-Ravens game for your birthday? Boo-yah. Yeah, I’d say that qualifies.

After work last night, I went home and decided – after almost a year – to hook the 360 up to the Interwebs and download firmware updates. The main problem: The 360 is in the living room, my router is in my office – in the back of the apartment – and I didn’t have an ethernet cable that was long enough to reach. I thought about – and tried – using my old router (as a hub) to daisy-chain a couple of cables. Which I would have gotten away with, if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids and your dog! the fact that I didn’t have any 10′ cables to run from the second router to the 360. *sigh* Then, on a whim, I decided to see if I could share Defiant‘s wireless connection to give the 360 access to the Interwebs. After a quick consultation with and a look at some Mac forums, I found what I was looking for. And it was pretty simple, too. And it worked.

SaraRules came over a little later. Wednesday nights have become Project Runway (and, often, The West Wing) nights at my place, as SaraRules doesn’t get Bravo at her place. I’m not a huge “reality TV” fan, generally speaking, but I like seeing some of the designs that the contestants come up with on the show. Last night’s episode had an interesting challenge: The designers had to design outfits based on specific music genres… for each other. The genres that were chosen were:

  • Country (Leanne designing for Korto)
  • Hip Hop (Kenley designing for Leanne)
  • Pop (Jerell designing for Kenley)
  • Punk (Korto designing for Suede) and
  • Rock (Suede designing for Jerell)

A couple of the designs (Pop and Punk) were spot on;the Rock outfit was… a little bland; the Country look was a bit too subtle. But the Hip Hip look was… just… bad. Which was sad for a two reasons:

  1. Despite her occasional attitude, I like Kenley and most of the pieces she comes up with.
  2. LL Cool J was the special guest judge.

Yeah. You get tagged to design a Hip Hip look… and get it all wrong… AND you have to show it off in front of LL Cool J. Triple whammy.

It was also funny hysterical to hear some of the snarky comments by the other designers about the design – including a couple of “sabotage” comments, when they were asked, “So, do you think that this looks Hip Hop,” as she would try different accessories with an outfit. And they would say, “Yes…” and turn away before they burst out with laughter. Surprisingly enough, Kenley did survive elimination this week. But the preview for next week’s episode featured a couple of shots of the remaining designers in tears as their designs were critiqued, so it should be worth a look.

After Runway, I flipped over to The Late Show with David Letterman; I wanted to see who they got to fill Senator McCain’s guest spot. I had considered flipping over to MSNBC to see if Keith Olbermann had anything to say about it. I didn’t need to – Olbermann was Letterman’s guest. And they both had opinions to share about the senator’s decision. Letterman’s comments, by way of :

And, I found this copy of Olbermann’s thoughts:

Wait… did he say that making a bi-partisan/joint announcement was originally Senator Obama’s idea? And it was copped by the McCain camp? Huh.

Stray Toasters
Check back later for ‘Toasters.


Dollars and Sense

everyday glory, food for thought, news and info, politics and law No Comments »

Senator McCain is suspending his campaign to help work on the economic crisis.

He is calling for Senator Obama to do the same.

I wonder about the following:

  1. Will Senator Obama ask Senator Biden to leave the campaign trail, as well?
  2. What will be the fallout if Senator Biden doesn’t leave the campaign trail?
  3. What will Governor Palin do if/when/while she has the campaign trail all to herself?

“He’d have to be… ten times more charming than that Arnold on ‘Green Acres.'”

comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

It’s been a bit of a busy day.
That’s not a bad thing.
It’s job security.

For some reason, despite being busy, the day seems to be creeping past. Oh, well.

Stray Toasters



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Thursday – 11 September 2008

Today marks the seventh anniversary (1, 2) of the day when innocent people lost their lives due to the actions of radical factions of an otherwise peaceful faith.

Before someone decides to take umbrage at that last statement, consider that many religions, including Christianity, have their fair share of bloodshed – in the name of their god – on its hands, too. So, let’s not jump to “holier than thou” statements.

That said, today we remember the lives lost to a tragic event.

In the words of Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing:

Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;

There are lessons to be learned from the past.
There are things to be on our guard against in the present.
But one day – through diligence, vigilance and Providence – we will once again see the hope and promise of a better place for ourselves and future generations.

Until that day, do not give into fear.
Do not give into hate.
Do not give into ignorance.

And do not forget the loss and sacrifice of those who died on this day seven years ago.


Where’d the weekend go?

comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, football, games, geekery, news and info, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 3 Comments »

Monday – 08 Sep 2008
Happy Birthday to Sib-4, !

This morning, like most mornings, I shaved. The difference being that today was the first time that I’d shaved since Friday morning. I think that was the longest I have gone without shaving my head since I started shaving it… over ten years ago. Madness.

SaraRules waved to me on her way to work this morning; it made her easy to pick out of the rush hour crowd.

Stray Toasters

That’s it for now.


Yet another reason SaraRules makes me smile

everyday glory, food for thought, geekery 1 Comment »

Me: I know that this is horrible, but…
Me: The next storm on deck is “Ike.”
Me: If we make it down the alphabet far enough, the “T” hurricane should bear a female name.
Me: Would it be wrong to name it “Tina?”
SaraRules: *laughs* Wouldn’t it depend on the relative brutality of the two storms in relation to each other?
Me: Good point!

“The spark still flies, reflected in another pair of eyes…”

comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, music, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 29 August 2008
I made a good call in deciding to take the day off. Sleeping in this morning, though peppered with a few odd dreams, was a good thing. Today, I have a few errands to run, but after that, in the words of the DJs from Power 97: “It’s the weekeeeeeend, baby!”

It turned out that I could have gone to sushi yesterday – my 2:00 meeting got pushed back. Oh, well.

After work, I met SaraRules at her parents’ place. She accompanied me to Dr. Volt’s, where I fed my four-color crack addiction; I picked up one box each of Avengers and Mutations & Monsters, ‘Clix as well. We headed back for dinner and to hang out with her family. We watched the Jags take on the Redskins as we ate dinner.

After the game, we flipped over to coverage of the DNC. More on this later. After the fanfare and fireworks were over, SaraRules and I headed back to my place. We were going to make a batch of brownies, but the couch and television – along with general laziness – won out. The cable box decided to cooperate last night, so SaraRules was (finally) able to catch an episode of Project: Runway. Last night’s episode, Fashion That Drives You, contained an interesting challenge: The designers had to come up with outfits constructed out of materials used in the making of Saturns – seat covers, seatbelts, dashboard accessories, floor mats, et al. There were a lot of inspired designs… and a few duds.

Next up: Burn Notice. I had seen part of this episode, False Flag, before… but not from the beginning. There was a twist that occurred just before I started watching it (the first time) that had me a bit confused. Seeing the whole thing play out cleared up the confusion, though.

When Ms. SaraRules went home, I toyed with the idea of playing City of Heroes or hopping on PokerStars.
I just called it a night, instead.

Food for Thought: Chew on This
As I mentioned above: We watched coverage of the Democratic National Convention last night.

Once again, I have to say: “Wow.”
Not at the staging, though impressive.
Not at the turnout, which at 80,000+ people was amazing.

I say “wow” to the fact that, once again, Senator Obama delivered an amazing speech.

I liked the fact that the speech played to peoples’ hopes and dreams and not their fears. I also appreciated that Senator Obama didn’t just make it a “sunshine and rainbows everywhere” kind of speech, but that he acknowledged that it was going to take work – and time – to get the country back on track. I agree with ‘s assessment that Senator McCain may pick up a few new speechwriters after last night’s oratory.

I’m also sure that it was no small coincidence that the speech occurred on the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech. Senator Obama referenced that speech and, it seemed to me, fell into the cadence of a preacher for a few minutes while delivering that portion of his speech.

Over the next eight weeks, it will be interesting to watch as the Obama/Biden campaign takes to the trail to deliver their message and to see how the masses – Democrat, Republican and Independent – respond to them.

It is also of interest to note that Senator McCain has chosen a running mate: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. She is in her first term and is little-known outside of Alaska. If people were concerned about Senator Obama’s lack of age and experience, I would like to know what their reaction to the even-younger and seemingly less-experienced Governer Palin is/will be. Could her selection be “See, we’re kind’a progressive, too!” spin? I would hope not and I’ll reserve judgment on this until I hear more from and about her.

Stray Toasters

…right on to the friction of the day.


“Suffer the little children…”

everyday glory, food for thought, music, news and info, politics and law, sports, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

From today’s “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” file: Olympic Girl Seen But Not Heard

The basic jist: The little girl who sang at the opening ceremonies was pulling a government-sponsored Milli Vanilli. Why? Because, and I quote:

Games organizers confirm that Lin Miaoke, who performed “Ode to the Motherland” as China’s flag was paraded Friday into Beijing’s National Stadium, was not singing at all.

Lin was lip-syncing to the sound of another girl, 7-year-old Yang Peiyi, who was heard but not seen, apparently because she was deemed not cute enough.

“The reason was for the national interest,” said Chen Qigang, the ceremony’s musical director, in a state radio interview. “The child on camera should be flawless in image, internal feeling and expression. … Lin Miaoke is excellent in those aspects.”

“Because she was not deemed cute enough.” You’ve got to be kidding me.

I understand the whole “Put your best face forward” idea, but come on. This is taking it to a whole new level.

Way to go, China.