Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.”

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Monday – January 21, 2008


Text of the “I have a dream…” speech


Human of the Day
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


“A working class hero is something to be…”

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Wednesday – 02 January 2008
The year is another day older.
A new work week – and work year – began this morning.


Yesterday, SaraRules and I headed over to her parents’ to watch the Rose Bowl (Illinois and USC) and just… chill. It was nice. The game, not so nice. The Fighting Illini got their midwestern hindparts handed to them, eight ways from Sunday. TLC would have called it “Unpretty.” (It’d make you feel unpretty, too…) After we turned from the game – somewhere in the third quarter – we watched Resident Evil: Extinction. I had seen it before, but it was a fun way to spend the evening.

We left, and came back to the apartment and decided that we weren’t tired enough to call it night, so we watched Superman: the Movie. At SaraRules’ request, not mine, believe it or not. *jawdrop* Wow. And, again, for two-and-a-half hours, I was a seven-year-old kid.

This morning, I don’t know if the alarm went off. If it did, I turned it off in my sleep. I woke up a little bit later, performed the hygiene rituals and hit the bricks. A week-and-a-half vacation is hard to recover from. But I – and everyone in the office – managed to pull it off. At lunch, SaraRules came to the office (she wanted to say “Hi” to ) and we met shockpuppet, and Joe for lunch. Sushi. Go-Sushi. Post-lunch, I picked up last week’s four-color shwag and then headed back to work.

After work, I came home and hung out with SaraRules before she headed back to Cedar City. After she left, it was time to have a bite to eat and then head to Paragon City with the Hand of Nefer-Tem. I was invited to join a team. We fought the Council of Thorns. And the difficulty level was cranked waaay up – we had our virtual hindparts handed to us, eight ways from Sunday. (It made us feel unpretty, too.) But, the experience was good, so I can’t complain too much.

I just got a call from SaraRules: She made it back to southern Utah without any problems.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
A commercial for Staples just came on and made me think of something: You see all of the ads for “Back to School” buys and whatnot in August. Every August.

And, because every year people apparently forget that they need to by school supplies – until they see those ads – there’s a bit of a rush at the stores to get supplies for little Johnny and Susie.

My question: Why not buy some/all of the supplies sooner? I mean, it makes sense… but it’s not something that you really think about – or want to think about – until you need it.

Kind of like buying a plunger.

Stray Toasters

  • I have a taste for… some… kind of dessert, but I’m not sure exactly what.
  • Thermochromic Toilet Seat
  • The Electric Company. Mm-hmm, that’s right… Easy Reader.
  • Proving that he really is 2 Legit 2 QuitMC Hammer’s Next Act: Tech Entrepreneur
  • I’ve been rather vocal – at least to comic-reading friends – about how completely asinine I think the resolution to Marvel’s “One More Day” and “Brand New Day” storyline in the Spider-Man books is/was. (Short version: Joe Quesada and company have retconned Peter Parker and Mary-Jane’s wedding right out of existence. By making a deal with the devil – okay, technically it’s Mephisto, but come on… he’s as close as you’ll get to Old Scratch in the Marvel Universe.) I found a few blogs on Comics2Film that sum things up nicely:
    1. One More Day: One Less Reader
    2. One More Day: The Right Way to do a Retcon
    3. One More Day: The Art of the Swerve
  • The Men’s Warehouse is having their Winter Sale. Hmm…
  • IKEA is also having their Winter Sale. Hmm…
  • Goats.
  • Bruce Springsteen was right: “57 channels and nothing’s on…”
  • Keys to the Kingdom


“All that we can do is just survive. All that we can do, to help ourselves, is stay alive…”

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Monday – 24 December 2007
Yet another reason that I appreciate :

: Are you fully armed, armored and supplied for the coming invasion tonight?
Me: Indeed
: Every year on this night the Zombie King Claus and his legion of undead come down from the north to feed.
Me: The entries are all fortified and braced.
: Or is it Klaus? hmm.

And to all, a good night…

“But she’s a Black Magic Woman and she’s trying to make a devil out of me.”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, IKEA, news and info, science and technology, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 14 December 2007
Yep. It’s a Friday. And I am having… difficulty… staying/getting/maintaining focus(ed) on work.

SaraRules got in last night. On her way to SLC, she met me at the AF office and hung out with Tyranist, Derek, Dwim, Eric and me for a few. Then we braved the elements – and the road monkeys – and headed home. As it was cold and we we didn’t feel like foraging, it was a pizza night. God bless online ordering. We watched TV, ate pizza and chilled.

This morning, I ignored the alarm and slept in a bit. Jason called to find out which office I would be working in today (SLC) and ask if I wanted a bagel for breakfast. I told him I’d meet him at the local Einstein Brothers. They make a mean ham-and-cheese bagel omelette. I also stopped next door at the Beans & Brews for a cup of espresso-laden frozen mocha goodness. Then, on to the cotton fields…

Chew on This: Food for Thought
I was chatting with earlier and he asked me a question for which I didn’t have an immediate answer. I told him that I’d have to chat with the S.O. and get back to him:

me: Hmm. I may. I’ll talk it over with the S.O.
everydave: nog
me: X.O. Not sure if she quite qualifies as C.O.
everydave: ? commanding officer?
me: Yeah.
XO == executive officer (First Officer)
And I can’t recall what the abbreviation for Second Officer is.
…but I’m looking it up.
everydave: gotcha
SO is then significant officer?
me: Yes.
everydave: you’ve got some weird military fetish going on…and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that, being a pacifist and all
me: Well, “Other,” but both apply/fit.

So, that raises the following questions:

  • In relating to one’s significant other in military terms, would they be C.O or X.O.?
  • And should a person take into account that “X” or “ex-” is not necessarily an attribute that should be applied to one’s current sig-other? And/or because of that, should the S.O. just be brevetted to “C.O.” in order to avoid any possible issues/complications.

Just wondering…
Stray Toasters


“…a date which will live in infamy.”

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Happy Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Myspace Graphics

Have a safe and happy holiday… and remember: It’s about more than just eating turkey.

“Don’t be shocked by the tone of my voice…”

arts and leisure, books, Council for Better Driving, everyday glory, food for thought, games, LEGO and Rokenbok, monkeys!, movies and TV, science and technology, toys, travel, zombies No Comments »

Saturday – 17 November 2007
As Bobby Darin sang, “What a difference a day makes…”

Last night’s drive to Cedar City was relatively uneventful, although long. I left SLC a little later than I had planned, thanks to some office monkeydom. Nature of the beast, I guess. Leaving late meant that I got caught in the Great I-15/I-215 Southbound Exodus crunch. It’s great when it takes you 20 minutes to go four miles. Once I got past 106th South, traffic wasn’t bad… until I got to Orem. At UVSC, I-15 turned into a parking lot again. A monkey-filled parking lot. And, that had barely cleared up when there was another clot around Center Street in Provo. Not so amazingly, when I got out of Utah County, traffic was (for the most part) fine. Although, there seemed to be more southbound traffic than I am used to seeing. *shrug*

When I got here, aside from seeing SaraRules, I was also reunited with my work ID badge, which had decided to stay here on holiday. SaraRules, Roommate Kim and I ate take-out from Wendy’s and watched Batman Begins, which made for a good way to end the day/week.

So far, today has been quiet and lazy. In true Saturday fashion, the morning started with breakfast and coffee and cartoons – a new episode of Legion; a rerun of The Batman. Now, SaraRules is knocking out some homework and I’m playing around on the Interweb. And deciding if I want to play around with Parallels. Tonight, I’m either going to a basketball game – which will get me back on track for my “Year of Sports” goal – or going to a Gershwin… opera-type-thingamabob.

Stray Toasters

Time to find some trouble to get into…


Happy Veterans Day

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“Ideas are bulletproof.”

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Thursday – 11 October 2007
Last night, I stayed at work a little later than I had originally planned. I spent the time hanging out and talking with a coworker; it was cool.

When I finally decided to head home, I remembered that I still needed milk. So, a quick jaunt to the local Super Target was in order. Of course, I completely spaced off the fact that I need soap, as my in-house supply is running low. *sigh* Oh, well… there’s always tomorrow.

When I got home, I tried calling Kris. No answer, so I left a message. No sooner than I hung up… the phone rings. Kris’ number – she was picking Mom up from the airport. So, I got to talk with both of them. Bonus.

While trying to decide what to have for dinner, I chatted with (not Sara), and … who found a sushi restaurant with 95 different rolls on the menu, including one called “Dracula Killer.” I finally settled on spaghetti – quick, easy and there would be a little something left over for Thursday’s lunch.

While eating, I indulged in a few episodes of Legion of Super Heroes and Justice League Unlimited, courtesy of Perry’s early birthday gift. Of the JLU episodes, I watched Kid Stuff, For the Man Who Has Everything and a couple of minutes of This Little Piggy. I had forgotten how incredibly well-written these episodes were.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
“Without direction is not the same as without purpose.”

Four-Color Coverage
I finished reading the V for Vendetta graphic novel, upon which the movie was based.

I would definitely say that I’m glad that I read this after I saw the movie. The movie captured and adapted the story very well, but there’s only so much that can be put into two hours’ worth of film. That said, I can understand why omissions and changes were made in the screenplay and that they didn’t detract from the telling of the overall story. But, there was something about reading the whole story that makes the experience more complete.

“Thank you,” to for allowing me to borrow his copy of the book.

Stray Toasters

And now, off to work. Hi-ho, hi-ho and all that.


“This is not a false alarm, this is not a test…”

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Random Access has gone Pink for October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


“Cruising under your radar, watching from satellites…”

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The inbound commute was relatively painless. There was a PoW monkey that I got stuck behind from Lehi to just shy of my exit, but she was able to intermittently find the skinny vertical pedal with her right foot, so I didn’t have to run her off the road. (Although the temptation was there a couple of times…)

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
The following was sent to me in a text message, it was the perfect way to start an NBN Thursday:

May the crabs of a thousand whores infest the crotch of the person who fucks up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch.


“We’ll get higher and higher, straight up we’ll climb…”

books, comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, music, quote of the day, zombies No Comments »

Stray Toasters

  • I checked my mail this morning, on a whim. (Mostly because I couldn’t remember whether I checked it yesterday…) I’m glad that I did – there was a letter waiting in there that made for a great start to the morning.
  • Sara posed an interesting – and somewhat unusual – question last night: “What is your favorite texture?”
    My counter was “Tactile or other, such as ‘food texture,’ for example?”
    So, I started thinking about it. The one that I’ve come up with so far is: Skin. It is common and similar… yet it can also be so varied: rough, smooth, calloused, pitted, wrinkled.
  • Last night, I continued my reading of the graphic novel V for Vendetta, on which the movie was based. I had the iPod playing in the living room. I was reading the scene where Evey is being tortured in “prison” and Madonna’s Die Another Day started playing. It reminded me of the opening scenes of Die Another Day (the movie), where Bond is being tortured in time with the song.
  • Along those same lines, I had forgotten that the fight between the pirates and Prince Septimus’ guard in Stardust had been choreographed against Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld (“Can-Can”), until seeing the movie again this past weekend.
  • By way of CNet: Blocking memorable scenes with LEGOs
  • The drive-time commute included Van Halen’s Dreams. I like the video for the song, it features the Navy’s Blue Angels. The song started playing just as I was coming to the summit of I-15 on Traverse Mountain. When I looked to my left, there were paragliders floating around the ridge. Sure, they aren’t F/A-18 Hornets, but the overall effect was good enough for me.
  • , Comics2Film has a few stills from the upcoming season of Legion of Super Heroes.
  • If you haven’t heard about Warner Brothers upcoming adaptation of New Frontier (1, 2), a graphic novel by Darwyn Cooke, check out this teaser/preview.
  • Tonight, God willing and the creek don’t rise, I’m going to a preview of Resident Evil: Extinction. Zombies!!!

Quote of the Day
I responded to a department email with lyrics from Working in a Coal Mine, by Lee Dorsey:

Working in the coal mine
Going down down down
Working in the coal mine
Whoop about to slip down

This was the IM response I received from :

(10:38:12 AM) : I am SO TIRED.
(10:38:20 AM) : 🙂
(10:38:21 AM) : How long can this GO ON?
(10:38:41 AM) : Good morning, Mr. B.
(10:38:53 AM) : (ps- damn you for getting that song stuck in my head this early.)
(10:39:07 AM) : Could have been worse.
(10:39:13 AM) : I could have gone with Sixteen Tons.
(10:39:15 AM) : …or…
(10:39:20 AM) : The Pina Colada Song.
(10:39:21 AM) : 😀
(10:39:24 AM) : eh, sixteen tons wouldn’t have been…. FUCK YOU

Back to it.

“Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst Of Evils.” – General John Stark

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Tuesday – 11 September 2007
Six years ago
Four planes were used as weapons
Two towers fell

One nation was brought low by a previously unthinkable act.


Click here for previous posts and thoughts about the day.


“They call me the working man; I guess that’s what I am.”

everyday glory, food for thought, games, music, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Monday – 03 September 2007
Happy/Good/Merry/Whatever Labor Day to those of you in the U.S.

Labor Day.
Summer’s last hoorah.
The last day to wear white, in some fashion circles.
Or the day spend it at the mall/shopping center, hunting down the latest bargains.
The day we sit at home, on our collective recta, not working… unless you happen to work in the service industry.

Labor Day Related Songs
This is by no means an exhaustive or comprehensive list; these are just the first few songs that popped into my head:

  • Working Man – Rush
  • Working for the Weekend – Loverboy
  • A Job Ain’t Nuthin’ but Work – Big Daddy Kane
  • I Get the Job Done – Big Daddy Kane
  • I Go to Work – Kool Moe Dee
  • She Works Hard for the Money – Donna Summer
  • Money for Nothing – Dire Straits
  • Opportunities – Pet Shop Boys

It reminds me of Memorial Day, in the way that many people oxymoronically don’t – or possibly choose not to – remember the reason for the day… other than, once again, great sales.

Playing ‘Clix last night was fun. Chris handily handed me my plastic crack-playing ass. But, it was fun. I got to try out some new figures and get a better feel for some of the game’s dynamics.

Stray Toasters

Time to find some trouble to get into.  And lunch, too!


“Do… a deer, a female deer”

everyday glory, food for thought, games, LEGO and Rokenbok, music, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Wednesday – 29 August 2007
Waking up wasn’t quite so bad this morning. That’s not to say that I leapt out of bed as soon as the alarm sounded, but it wasn’t an ordeal.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
Right out of the gate, Nomad started playing The Jackson 5’s ABC on the morning commute. Not a bad way to kick off the drive, to be honest.

Easy as…
As simple as…
Do re mi
ABC, 123, baby, you and me girl

I occasionally think of how one would perform a song in sign language. I had one of those moments this morning:

(simple enough, you would finger-spell this)
Easy as…
(again, I think that this should be fairly straight-forward)
(finger-spell, so to speak)
As simple as…
(again, this should be simple)
Do re mi

That’s where I hit a blocker. Do re mi. *blink blink* “Do re mi fa so la ti do” is a solfege (NOT to be confused with Soul Edge), used to help in sight-singing, where each syllable correlates to a specific tone/pitch… but I don’t know that it really “translates” into sign language.

If anyone knows anything about this, help me out.

Stray Toasters
