“You don’t remember me, do you…?”
arts and leisure, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, human of the day, movies and TV, music, news and info, travel No Comments »Sunday – 20 December 2009
Yesterday was a good – and full – day. I started at 0830… and was on the move until around 2300. But, it was worth it.
I started the morning with a call to my uncle; it was his birthday. SaraRules and I talked with him for a few minutes before we headed out to start our respective days: She was shopping with her mother; I was having coffee with Chris and Perry. After that, Chris and I headed up to Dr. Volt’s for another HeroClix tourney (pictures here). This time we had four people (including Chris) show – technically, it was five people… but the fifth showed up after I had started the first matches, so he opted not to play. He said that he’s in for the next tournament, though. Chris won the event, going 3-0. He played Josh (one of the new arrivals) who until that game was also 2-0. Josh took home the Fellowship prize.
After I dropped Chris at home, I came home and then SaraRules and I headed to Five Guys for burgers and fries. They were, as usual, quite tasty. Back home to change and get ready to head out to the Utah Symphony Holiday Pops with Jerry! concert. It was a lot of fun, with a lot of good music… but, the best part of the concert came just after the concert:
I was walking backstage with SaraRules (she had to put away some work material), when we came to a doorway that led to steps from one of the upper tiers. A few people exited the door, among them an older lady in a red dress.
She turned and looked at me.
I looked at her.
She looked at me… like she knew me.
I looked at her… blankly.
She looked at me… like she knew me… and came over and took my hand.
I stood there… still not knowing her… not quite sure what to say.
“You don’t remember me, do you? I’m Lotta Mae1 ” she smiled and said.
“I don’t believe that we’ve met before, ma’am,” I responded, warmly and with a smile.
“Oh… you’re not Eric, are you?”
“No, ma’am… I’m not.”
“Oh, well, then… I’m sorry.”
And, with that she walked off.
SaraRules and I continued down the hallway, she with a grin on her face. I was still completely in the dark as to exactly why, but I did find the situation a bit comical. After we got to her desk, SaraRules explained that after thinking about it, she understood why the woman thought that I was this “Eric” chap. As we were walking out, we saw Eric and she introduced us. Eric…
- …is roughly my height
- …is roughly my build
- …is very similar to my complexion (Yep! There’s another Black guy in Utah!)
- …also has a shaved head
- …was also wearing a black suit.
That’s about where the similarities end:
- He was in a white shirt; I was in a white/purple-striped shirt
- He had a gold jacquard tie; mine was with purple with white/grey squares.
- He was clean-shaven; I have a goatee.
When SaraRules explained to him what had just happened, he broke out in hearty laughter. I did, too. Again. We came to the conclusion that we were apparently Mirror Universe opposites and that Lotta Mae had failed to notice that I was actually the “evil twin.” (And, I actually made a Driving Miss Daisy joke to SaraRules about it on the way back to the car, as well.)
But, it was a heckuva funny way to end the evening. And for that reason, I’m naming Lotta Mae and Eric as co-Humans of the Day.
Stray Toasters
- The Bears – Ravens game has been postponed until 1615 (EST), due to weather.
- Bryan Singer on X-Men: First Class
- By way of Rachel: Star Wars Weather Forecast
(Enter your city in the text box at the top of the page.) - ‘Alien’ Screenwriter Dan O’Bannon, Dead at 63
- 99 Luftballons, Side-by-Side Comparison – the German translation and the bastardized version that we got in English.
- British troops to get first new camouflage in 40 years
- Traveler’s worst nightmare: East Coast snowfall cancels over 800 flights
- A Lament for Saab
And now, I believe that it’s time for coffee and some form of breakfast.
1 – I’m not sure that’s how her name is spelled; since this is my story, I get to spell it the way I want. Hopefully, I’m at least close to how it’s supposed to be spelled.