Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“You don’t remember me, do you…?”

arts and leisure, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, human of the day, movies and TV, music, news and info, travel No Comments »

Sunday – 20 December 2009
Yesterday was a good – and full – day. I started at 0830… and was on the move until around 2300. But, it was worth it.

I started the morning with a call to my uncle; it was his birthday. SaraRules and I talked with him for a few minutes before we headed out to start our respective days: She was shopping with her mother; I was having coffee with Chris and Perry. After that, Chris and I headed up to Dr. Volt’s for another HeroClix tourney (pictures here). This time we had four people (including Chris) show – technically, it was five people… but the fifth showed up after I had started the first matches, so he opted not to play. He said that he’s in for the next tournament, though. Chris won the event, going 3-0.  He played Josh (one of the new arrivals) who until that game was also 2-0. Josh took home the Fellowship prize.

After I dropped Chris at home, I came home and then SaraRules and I headed to Five Guys for burgers and fries. They were, as usual, quite tasty. Back home to change and get ready to head out to the Utah Symphony Holiday Pops with Jerry! concert. It was a lot of fun, with a lot of good music… but, the best part of the concert came just after the concert:

I was walking backstage with SaraRules (she had to put away some work material), when we came to a doorway that led to steps from one of the upper tiers. A few people exited the door, among them an older lady in a red dress.

She turned and looked at me.
I looked at her.

She looked at me… like she knew me.
I looked at her… blankly.

She looked at me… like she knew me… and came over and took my hand.
I stood there… still not knowing her… not quite sure what to say.

“You don’t remember me, do you?  I’m Lotta Mae1 ” she smiled and said.
“I don’t believe that we’ve met before, ma’am,” I responded, warmly and with a smile.
“Oh… you’re not Eric, are you?”
“No, ma’am… I’m not.”
“Oh, well, then… I’m sorry.”

And, with that she walked off.

SaraRules and I continued down the hallway, she with a grin on her face. I was still completely in the dark as to exactly why, but I did find the situation a bit comical. After we got to her desk, SaraRules explained that after thinking about it, she understood why the woman thought that I was this “Eric” chap. As we were walking out, we saw Eric and she introduced us. Eric…

  • …is roughly my height
  • …is roughly my build
  • …is very similar to my complexion (Yep! There’s another Black guy in Utah!)
  • …also has a shaved head
  • …was also wearing a black suit.

That’s about where the similarities end:

  • He was in a white shirt; I was in a white/purple-striped shirt
  • He had a gold jacquard tie; mine was with purple with white/grey squares.
  • He was clean-shaven; I have a goatee.

When SaraRules explained to him what had just happened, he broke out in hearty laughter. I did, too. Again. We came to the conclusion that we were apparently Mirror Universe opposites and that Lotta Mae had failed to notice that I was actually the “evil twin.” (And, I actually made a Driving Miss Daisy joke to SaraRules about it on the way back to the car, as well.)

But, it was a heckuva funny way to end the evening. And for that reason, I’m naming Lotta Mae and Eric as co-Humans of the Day.

Stray Toasters

And now, I believe that it’s time for coffee and some form of breakfast.


1 – I’m not sure that’s how her name is spelled; since this is my story, I get to spell it the way I want. Hopefully, I’m at least close to how it’s supposed to be spelled.

“Everybody’s working for the weekend (and the end of the year!)…”

everyday glory, football, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, science and technology, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 18 December 2009
It’s the end of the work week.
It’s also the end of my work year.
And, if that wasn’t enough, it’s a week before Christmas.
And, on top of THAT… in four (4) more days, the days will start getting longer again. Selah.

Last night, SaraRules and I ran some errands and made some (more) Christmas candy. When that was done, we watched Tuesday’s episodes of NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles. Not a bad way to spend a Thursday evening. What we didn’t do was watch the Colts-Jags game; from what we heard from SaraRules’ father, it actually turned out to be a good game. Oh, well. If it comes down to it, I’ll just look for the rebroadcast on NFL Network.

I slept fairly well last night, but – for the third time this week – I woke up due to a rather disturbing dream. You know the kind: The “Should I really be upset with Person X for that…?” kind. It took me a minute or two to realize that the transgression occured in a dream and to calm the urge to tell someone where to go, how to get there and where they could find a pair of gasoline drawers to wear on the way. *sigh* My subconscious is apparently a cruel and evil bastard.

On the plus side, today is the quiet Friday in the office. I’m not saying that one of the Star Wars movies or Green Lantern: First Flight might make their way onto the big monitor today… but I’m not not-saying it, either.

Stray Toasters


“It’s Christmas at Ground Zero…”

everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, style, travel No Comments »

Wednesday – 16 December 2009
Last night, SaraRules and I went out for dinner and then did a little errand-running. After we got home, I found my way to the couch… and The Dreaming. That’s right: I took a nap. SaraRules woke me up and suggested that I call it an early night. I did… but slept poorly. That wasn’t a great thing considering that I had the privilege of…

…coming to work early this morning. I was here a few minutes after 0700. We had a building-wide power outage (thanks to our friends at Rocky Mountain Power needing to do some line work), which meant that we had to take things offline last night and bring them back online this morning. In a perfect world, that would have been a piece of cake. In a perfect world. But, as Huey Lewis put it so eloquently: “Ain’t no livin’ in a perfect world…” Thus, we’ve been working at bringing recalcitrant systems back online and coordinating with other teams to find out what they need us to bring online versus what can remain powered down.

Stray Toasters


Monday Night Toasters

comics and animation, everyday glory, football, geekery, music No Comments »

It’s Monday night.
Dinner is in the oven; it was my night to cook.
There’s football on the TV… even though I’m not really invested in the game.

I got some shopping done today, which is a good thing.  I think that I can cover most of the other Christmas shopping online.

Stray Toasters

  • Today, we received what I think is the best wedding mail we’ve received from Washington, D.C.:



  • While I was out shopping, I remembered a Christmas CD that my mother has and that I’ve considered buying… but haven’t: Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration

    I checked at Best Buy. Nothing.
    I checked Borders… Nothing again.
    So, when I got home I looked it up. Barnes & Noble had it at one location within 60 miles: The B&N that is a couple of doors down from the Best Buy that I went to.

    ::: braincramp :::

    I just got an email saying that that don’t, in fact, have it there.


    I’m still toying with the idea of heading down there to look, just in case it wasn’t where they thought it would/should be.

  • T Campbell and John Waltrip have done an amazing – and funny – mashup of Disney-Marvel characters:

    (click image for full-sized version)

  • Ranking DC Comics’ 2009 DVDs, from Great to Ghastly
  • This football game – Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers – has turned into a FAR more interesting game than I expected.

And now, we’re off!


“So be quiet tonight, be sure to step lightly on this mountain of new-fallen snow…”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, football, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, The Covet List, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Sunday – 13 December 2009
Yesterday was a long and busy day…

After breakfast and a fairly lazy morning, SaraRules and I headed out to do a little Christmas shopping. Next, we stopped in to see Kate, Perry and the kids. From there…

…we went to see The Princess and the Frog (1, 2). The movie marked a return to 2-D animation by Disney Animation Studios. The movie follows Disney’s newest princess, Tiana, in her quest to achieve a dream that was inspired by her father. Tiana also holds a couple of  distinctions in Disney lore:

  1. She is Disney’s first African-American princess
  2. She is not a “help me, save me” princess, but more of a driven/determined young woman – much in the vein of Pocahantas or Mulan.

Let me start by saying it was a great movie. I enjoyed pretty much everything about it, from the animation to the voice casting (including Oprah?!) to the songs. The movie was set in New Orleans, in the… 20s and 30s. The animators did a good job of capturing the look and feel of the Crescent City in those days. Additionally, the animation used in a couple of Tiana’s dream sequences was also fantastic.

The movie’s dark side – provided by villain Dr. Facilier, a street con/voodoo magician – includes some scenes in which he… works his magic (sorry, couldn’t be helped)… that could be frightening to younger viewers. Dr. Facilier’s methods and motivations are reminiscent of Aladdin‘s Jafar.

The music was a fine combination of jazz, zydeco, and gospel. The different styles were used, quite effectively, to enhance the given atmosphere and attitude of specific scenes.

All-in-all, this was a fine movie and a worthy successor in Disney’s line of “Princess” movies. SaraRules made the comment: “I feel that I could let our children watch this without feeling like I just fed them a bunch of shite.” I concur.

After the movie, we headed home for a bit and then, it was time to head over to OnlyAly and ‘s for their annual “Nightmare Before Christmas” horror movie marathon.

We watched Pitch Black, The Descent and Dawn of the Dead (2004). As always, it was a fun way to spend an evening. Thanks, again, to the hosts for their hospitality.

This morning involved a good bit of sleeping in. And now… there’s football. Unfortunately, the Lions-Ravens game isn’t being aired in this market, so I’m relegated to tracking the game on NFL.com’s Game Center.

Stray Toasters


Stuff and things and whatnot

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, football, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, news and info, office antics, science and technology, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 10 December 2009
Hello, NBN 9/80 Thursday.  I’m looking forward to the weekend. Why? Because it’s the weekend. Duh. And it’s another extended, four-day weekend… although, I’m trying to decide if I want to flip Monday for next Friday and just extend my Christmas vacation. *shrug* We’ll see.

Last night, SaraRules had her Book Club Holiday Dinner Party; she was this year’s hostess. I’m assuming that things went well – while the ladies enjoyed dinner and chat, I holed up in the office and played City of Heroes… for the first time in nearly two months. I joined a team and ran a few missions. It was fun. I need to do that more often.

Stray Toasters

  • Last night, SaraRules told me of a new blog that she’s been following: Style Rookie. In the words of the blog’s author:

    Tiny 13 year old dork that sits inside all day wearing awkward jackets and pretty hats. Scatters black petals on Rei Kawakubo’s doorsteps and serenades her in rap. I have no where near 4 million readers. Rather cynical and cute as a drained rat. In a sewer. Farting. And spitting out guts.

    It really is quite cute.

  • By way of – the English version of Hispabrick Magazine
  • Diamond announces Free Comic Book Day titles
  • It’s common knowledge that I am FAR from a Cleveland Browns fan.
    By the same token, I’m not a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, either.
    I am torn as to whom I should back in tonight’s game:
  1. After the Ravens’ loss on Monday, they have the same record as the Steelers; a Steelers’ loss would put us a half-game up on them.
  2. The Browns are… well… the Browns.

Yeah, not an easy call to make.

And now it’s time for yet another meeting.  WOOHOO!!!!


“Moments caught in flight…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Wednesday – 09 December 2009
It’s a cold (but sunny!) Comics and Sushi Wednesday in the valley. It was 9°F – that’s right… NINE degrees – when I got in the car this morning. It’s not a good sign when it is seventy degrees warmer inside your car than outside. That just ain’t right. No way. No how.

We got our wedding photos last night! Twila did an amazing job; she took over 700 pictures… and SaraRules and I think that all of them turned out really well. I posted some of the pictures on Facebook. I was thinking of making a gallery in iWeb, but it’s easier to just post a link to the album, at least for now.

A week or two ago, Paul loaned me Charlie Wilson’s War; SaraRules and I watched it last night. Neither of us really knew what to expect, but we were very entertained. The movie followed Texas Congressman Charlie Wilson and his role in the 1980s war in Afghanistan.  After the movie ended and the credits started, I saw a very familiar name – Aaron Sorkin – and the reason why the movie felt so… familiar… clicked into place: Mr. Sorkin was the creative force behind the first six seasons of The West Wing, one of my favorite shows of the past decade.

Stray Toasters


“Everybody was kung-fu fighting…”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, football, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, news and info, quote of the day, science and technology, toys No Comments »

Monday – 07 December 2009
Another week begins… and this one has snow. Or at least it will in a few hours. That’s fine. I’m indoors and plan on staying that way until evening rush hour.

Today is also the anniversary of the WWII attack on Pearl Harbor.

Yesterday was a rather lazy day. It primarily involved sleeping in, watching football and being lazy. And that was just fine in my book.

Instant Replay: Football
Yesterday was a good day for fans of gridiron action:

Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Carolina Panthers
6 –16
We didn’t get to see this game, but a game with a “W” for the Panther is almost always good in my book.


Oakland Raiders at Pittsburgh Steelers
27 – 24
Yet another game that we didn’t get to see, but the Raiders beat the Steelers.

Let’s go over that point again: Oakland beat Pitt. In Pitt.

Raiders QB Bruce Gradkowski threw three fourth quarter touchdowns for a come-from-behind win.

Congrats, SaraRules.


Detroit Lions at Cincinnati Bengals
13 – 23
The Lions jumped out to an early lead in this one… but the Bengals came away with the win.
Congrats, and .


New England Patriots at Miami Dolphins
21 – 22
This was another game that wasn’t broadcast locally. I did catch some of the highlights, but all I needed to know is that the Fins got the win… even if only barely.


San Diego Chargers at Cleveland Browns
13 – 23
The Bolts broke down the Dog Pound… but Cleveland apparently proved that their bite was almost as bad as their bite, outscoring San Diego 16 – 3 in the Fourth Quarter.
Sorry, .


Minnesota Vikings at Arizona Cardinals
17 – 30
What. Happened. Here?

Where was the Brett Favre that we’ve seen in the past twelve weeks of the season? Where was the Adrian Peterson run game? And what happened to the Vikings’ defense?!

I don’t have answers to those, but apparently Kurt Warner, Larry Fitzgerald and the Cards did.

Sorry, .

Boilermaker Watch

  • Drew Brees and the Saints tried just about everything possible to give up the game to the Washington Redskins yesterday. But, thanks to an 18-yard FG in overtime – by K Garrett Hartley, the Saints remain undefeated.
  • Denver QB Kyle Orton led the Broncos to a 44- 13 win over the Chiefs.

Stray Toasters

Quote Pun of the Day
messaged me this morning with the following:

: ‘morning
Me: Howdy.  How goes?
: and…the puns start early…I just thought of the perfect present for : …catholic eclesiasitcal converse all stars…
Me: *snicker*
: nun chucks
Me: ::: rimshot :::


“Get up, get, get, get down… 911 is a joke in yo’ town.”

comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Sunday – 06 December 2009
Yesterday was a good – although cold – day. It also started to snow yesterday morning. There was snow in the forecast… but not until today. So, when I headed out, looked to the west and couldn’t see the Oquirrh Mountains, I knew that it was imminent. Ten minutes later, I was driving into it. Yay. It snowed intermittently throughout the afternoon. Nothing really accumulated, aside from on the grass/fields in some areas.

I hosted a ‘Clix tournament at Dr. Volt’s Comic Connection yesterday.  There was only one other person (besides Chris) who showed up to play. That was fine, because that meant a few things:

  1. There was some word of mouth – the other player drove up… from Nephi.
  2. Chris had someone to play against.
  3. I didn’t have to worry about “Who won what,” as I could hand out both the first place and the Fellowship prizes.

Wayne, the guy from Nephi, wound up winning the tourney. put in an appearance; he’d been curious about both the game and the comic shop, so he thought he’d check them out. (Hopefully he had a good time hanging out.)

After the game, SaraRules and I went out to dinner and ran some errands. After that, we came home and set up the Christmas tree, while Christmas songs played on the 360. After that – and a nap, on my part – we chilled out on the couch, with hot chocolate and biscotti… and MythBusters.

Stray Toasters

And with that, I think I’ll put on some coffee and watch a little gridiron action.


“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…”

comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 04 December 2009
Another work week draws to a close.

Last night, SaraRules and I went to The Festival of Trees. When we pulled up to the convention center, the parking lot was full. Full full. As in “people looking for non-existent empty parking spaces” full. We opted not to roam around the lot; instead we parked by Kate and Perry’s and just walked over. That worked much better. Once we got in, it was camera time. I took over 150 pictures of trees, wreaths, Nativity scenes and gingerbread houses. This Nativity picture has a story:

I wasn’t really paying a lot of attention as I turned the corner past this Nativity. So when I glimpsed this king, out of the corner of my eye…

…the first thought in my head was:

“Why is he videotaping Baby Jesus?!”

After a moment, there was a brief spark, as two brain cells rubbed together to form a clue:

“Wait. They didn’t have camcorders at Christ’s birth…”

Which led me to go back and look at it more carefully. Things fell into place much better at that point. Apparently, a lady noted that I was taking pictures of Nativity scenes and told Sara and me about a collection of Nativities – from around the world – that are on display at Temple Square. I think that we’re going to try and see them in the next week or so.

And, I thought that I might actually get out of there without my superpower kicking in. No such luck: I ran into a coworker – who was volunteering at the Festival – as we were getting ready to see the quilts and gingerbread houses.

If you’re in the greater Salt Lake City metropolitan area, I recommend visiting the Festival of Trees – not only is it a nice family outing, but proceeds go to benefit Primary Children’s Medical Center.  It runs from 10 AM to 10 PM, through tomorrow (Saturday, 05 Dec 09). More details can be found here.

After we got home, SaraRules put on some hot chocolate and we settled in to watch Fringe. It was a nice way to wrap up the evening.

Stray Toasters


“Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste…”

arts and leisure, books, comics and animation, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, style, workout No Comments »

Wednesday – 02 December 2009
One down, one in the chamber and two to go. Yesterday was a decent enough day, workwise. There wasn’t really any monkeydom to deal with – that always makes the day good.

Today is Sushi and No Comics Wednesday – shipments were delayed due to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Maybe I’ll buy a box or two of ‘Clix to compensate for the delay.

After work (and dinner), Chris came over and we played HeroClix. Since we’re running a tournament this weekend, we decided to try a few of the new pieces in a 300-point game. After setting up the “Fountain of Asgard” map, we noted that it is not for tournament play; we went with the “Arkham Asylum” map. Chris’ team consisted of:

  • Captain America
  • Daredevil and
  • Moondragon

I asked SaraRules to pick ten figures at random, so that I could simulate pulling a couple of sealed boosters. Of the pieces she chose, I went with:

  • Moonstone
  • Penance
  • Star-Lord and
  • Valkyrie (#012, not #055)

We maneuvered our pieces into position and started throwing punches.  There were a lot of “swings and misses” before Chris changed his dice (oddly enough, his new dice “worked”); I think that my dice got scared and decided to get on the job when they saw that. I took out Daredevil with Valkyrie… and Moondragon scored a critical hit on Penance, not only doing four points of damage to him, but also slamming him backwards – into a wall – to finish him off. After that, we traded bad dice rolls until I was finally able to pick off Cap and Moondragon. So, for the first time in months… I beat Chris.

It was good to see the new figures in action. I’ve become a big fan of the Star-Lord ‘Clix and Chris pointed out something about both the new Captain America and Daredevil figures that would make them truly painful to face in unrestricted play.

Wes and I hit the gym yesterday at lunch.  We were joined by Eric, who was up in the north office for a while:

  • Sit-ups (incline): 3 sets/20 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 205 lbs
  • Tricep “Kickbacks”: 3 sets/10 reps, 10 lbs
  • Row: 3 sets/10 reps, 130 lbs
  • Push-ups: 3 sets/15 reps
  • Core (plank): 2 sets, 30 seconds

Post-workout weight: 188.1 lbs

It’s amazing – but not entirely unexpected – how painful working out can be… after a nearly three-week absence from the gym.

Stray Toasters

  • SaraRules bought a couple of boxes of Honeycomb for me a couple of months ago… right around the time I started eating Honey Nut Cheerios fairly regularly. I had something of an epiphany last night: I could take one of the boxes to work – where I keep a spoon and bowl, anyway – pick up some organic milk (which stays good for up to a month), and just have breakfast at work. I put that plan into motion this morning. So far, so good.
  • Utah Symphony-Utah Opera is having a Holiday Sale.  Check it out!
  • By way of Rachel: LEGO Movie Posters
  • Reboot This! 10 Sci-Fi Shows Ready for Upgrade
  • A short while ago, I was talking with Minion #2 about the mistranslation of the “number of The Beast.” We have long been taught that the number is “666.” That’s not correct; the number is supposed to be “616.” (Sources: 1, 2, 3)

    Amusing side note: The Area Code for Grand Rapids Michigan is 616.

    Another amusing side note: Marvel Comics’ main universe is “Universe 616.”

  • Madagascar unveils ‘cartoon constitution’
  • sent along a picture of these shoes: Armani velvet pinstripes. I don’t think that I could swing ’em, but I’m sure that someone out there could hook them up nicely.
  • From NPR: The Best Five Books to Share with Your Friends


“As the north wind cries… “

cyberpunk/steampunk, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, football, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 30 November 2009
“Thirty days has September, April, June and November…”

…and November’s thirty days are hours away from being up. The long weekend has been a good one… and is also hours away from being over. I didn’t really “need” to take today off, but the idea of back-to-back four-day work weeks was appealing, especially as I needed to burn some PTO. Win-Win.

Yesterday, we made it up to Park City for brunch at Cisero’s. As usual, the food was very good… as was the company. After we got back to the valley, SaraRules and I went to visit Kate, Perry and the kids – they were celebrating their second-youngest’s birthday. After that, we headed back over to SaraRules’ parents’ for dinner and football.

Instant Replay: Football

Pittsburgh Steelers at Baltimore Ravens
17 – 20
The Ravens hosted the Steelers in their first match-up of the season. I wasn’t sure what to expect, as both QB Ben Roethlisberger and SS Troy Polamalu were out for Pitt. On one hand, I was hopeful that the Ravens could capitalize on their absence, but on the other hand, I would have liked to have seen the Steelers play at full-strength.

The Steelers started third-string QB Dennis Dixon… who, prior to this game, had only thrown one pass in an NFL game. Everyone expected him to be cowed at starting in a big rivalry game. He wasn’t. He went out there and showed an amazing amount of poise and ability. The threw a TD and ran for one himself. (Did I mention that this was his second NFL game… ever?!) I’m far from a Steelers fan, but I really enjoyed watching Dixon play. The Steelers would be insane to let this kid get away.

On the other side of the ball, the Steelers were as tenacious as ever. The defense played smart and solid football, not giving the Ravens a lot of opportunities to make big plays. In fact, the game went into overtime when Ravens’ K Billy Cundiff missed a 56 yard field goal that would have put the game away. (The kick was on the mark, but fell about three yards short.)

The game turned when Ravens rookie LB Paul Kruger intercepted a pass and ran it back 26 yards, setting up the game-winning field goal.

All-in-all, it was an excellent game, despite some sloppy play on the Ravens’ part.

Coach Harbaugh, you just beat the Steelers at home! Does that make you happy?

Um, Coach… the saying is “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,” not “…look like a total spaz.” That’s okay, I think we all know what you meant.  (But you might want to work on that clapping thing, for future reference.)

Stray Toasters


“Spins a web, any size! Catches thieves just like flies!”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, The Covet List No Comments »

Sunday – 29 November 2009

Friday afternoon, SaraRules and I went shopping. As I mentioned, I had expected most of the early-birds to be back in their respective aeries. That wasn’t the case as of the early afternoon, when we headed over to JoAnn Fabrics. I was amazed at the number of people in line to get fabric cut! If I remember correctly, there were literally about EIGHTY (80) people ahead of us! Unglaublich! Fortunately, SaraRules had the presence of mind to take a number before she started looking for fabric; I’d hate to think how much longer we would have waited had she not done that. And, we also picked up a wreath while we were there. The rest of the day and evening were rather low-key. We went to coffee and – aside from Carilyn (former coworker of mine) – were the only ones there.

SaraRules, Logan and I went to see The Blind Side yesterday. It was good. Very good, in fact. And… I have something of a confession: I’ve never really been a huge Sandra Bullock fan. I don’t mean that I dislike her – I’ve enjoyed her in other films – it’s just that she’s never really done anything that’s made me go, “Wow!” Until this movie. I actually thought,”Whoa… she can pull of depth and range beyond ‘comic actress.'” I enjoyed her portrayal of Leanne Tuohy. And, while I’m not a modern country fan, I have to give Tim McGraw props for both cleaning up nicely and doing a fine job in front of the camera, too. It was definitely “an inspirational sports movie,” but it was quite good in the way it told its story… and the fact that Michael Oher is the Ravens’ Left Tackle didn’t hurt, either.

We came back from the movie and I finished a project that I started Friday afternoon: Cleaning the office. It had been “far too long” since I had any verification that there was actually a floor in there. I set about proving that there was… and I was right! It looks about 300% better in there now.

For my final amazing feat of the day, I decided to do HeroClix mod. Like many people I wasn’t thrilled with the sculpt of the Spider-Man figure that came out in WizKids’ Secret Invasion set: The figure’s proportions weren’t right and it just looked… well… cheap. I had been toying around with some ideas and put them to work:

  • Old and busted:

  • New hotness:

While this wasn’t as much of a mod as either Winter Soldier/Captain America or Sodam Yat, it was as much fun to do as either of the others, including doing a complete repainting of the wall (including a covered-over zombie poster on the back). For a better look at what I did to make a better-looking Wall-Crawler out of Spidey, you can take a look at the before and after shots. I’m rather happy with how he turned out.

Stray Toasters

  • posted a link to Super Emo Super Friends.
    (Consider the whole set as having been added to The Covet List.)
  • Okay. I lied. Only one ‘Toaster, so far.  Maybe I’ll post more later.

And now, brunch at Cisero’s with SaraRules and the family!


The Day After…

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, football, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 27 November 2009
I hope that everyone’s holiday was safe and pleasant. Ours was good and relatively quiet – we had dinner with the in-laws and watched a lot of football. As far as low-key holidays go, it was just about perfect.

After we got home, we decided to watch a movie. I had gotten TRON from Netflix, as I hadn’t seen it before.


I used to play the arcade game that was based on the movie, but that’s about as far as I had gotten. And, since TRON: Legacy is hitting theatres next year, I figured that it was about time I saw the original. It was definitely dated and a bit on the geeky side, but it wasn’t bad; at least, it wasn’t as bad as I feared that it might be. I found the ending a little anti-climactic, but it was an enjoyable movie.

Instant Replay: Football

Oakland Raiders at Dallas Cowboys
7 – 24
The Raiders headed into Texas looking to plunder and pillage the Cowboys in their new home……but the Cowboys weren’t having any of that. At all.

Sorry, SaraRules.

Stray Toasters

Time to find some trouble to get into… or at least find some cool things I can’t live without, now that the masses should have died down a little.


“Over the river and through the woods…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, toys, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 26 November 2009
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


To all of you – even those of you who don’t have a “Thanksgiving Day” – I hope that the day is safe, fun and full of the joy of friends and family. What am I thankful for? I’ve been blessed with more wonderful things than I could count, but among the things I am most thankful for are:

  • A wonderful wife who loves – and puts up with – me
  • A great family
  • My friends
  • My health
  • Having a job when so many others are struggling to either find work or to make ends meet
  • Having a safe place to live
  • Having the means to acquire the things I need, as well as some of the things I just “want”

I’m sure that I could make a list that goes on and on, but suffice it to say: I have many things for which I am thankful today.

Last night, SaraRules and I made a chocolate cream pie for this afternoon’s dessert; this morning, we’re getting ready to make a sweet potato pie. (CORRECTION: SaraRules already did most of the “heavy lifting,” but I got to help with the last few bits.)  In the not-too-distant future, we’ll head over to her parents’ for dinner and football and general “hanging out with the family.” Somewhere in there, we might even watch a movie or two.

Stray Toasters

…and to all a good night!
(Or… um… something along those lines.)
