Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“For this I got out of bed this morning…?”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, IKEA, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, style No Comments »

Thursday – 08 October 2009
Having a week off was good, but it’s back to the grind for another NBN Thursday.

Yesterday, I went to sushi with shockpuppet, , and .  Before heading over to Dr. Volt’s, I stopped at Evergreen Framing Co. & Gallery – I’ve been past it many times without going in. It’s a nice little shop, with art from local artists. If you’re in the 33rd South and 20th East area, check it out. Next stop: Dr. Volt’s and then… back home.

Later in the evening, SaraRules and I made a pilgrimage to The Garden of Sweden. We picked up a GORM storage unit for the pantry and a few knick-knacks.

Today has been mostly getting back into the swing of things. And, a tasty lunch at Taste of Punjab.

Stray Toasters


“This is my family. I found it, all on my own.”

arts and leisure, books, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, monkeys!, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 01 October 2009
This NBN Thursday kicked off around 0745… and at only 32°F. Of course, following a day where it snowed (TWICE!), I’m glad that this morning was just clear and cold. Additionally, none of the snow in the valley lasted; on the mountaintops, however… *shrug*

This morning saw the first of today’s airport runs that SaraRules and I will be making:

  1. Adam (Sib-3), Chelsea and Caden (Nephew-1) arrived at 0900. Their baggage… we weren’t too sure about. From the time they deplaned to the time they made it down to baggage claim, nothing with their flight number came up. This didn’t make them – nor the other people on their flight – very happy. Adam went to see what had happened while Chelsea went to get the rental car. According to him, the baggage claim clerk said that the people on their flight “didn’t make it to baggage claim fast enough,” so they took their baggage off the carousel and put it in the claims office. “Not fast enough?!” They walked from the gate to baggage claim! Any faster and they would have had to ‘port there. Idiotstick. Meanwhile, Chelsea was still waiting in line at the car rental counter – they only had one person working the desk. All told, it took almost an hour to get everything straight, which put us there when…
  2. My stepsister, Barbara, arrived. In fact, I had to leave the others to finalize the rental arrangements to meet her. She had already gotten her luggage by the time I got back to baggage claim. We met the others at the rental counters. She got her car and we were off.

We had a “slight miscue” getting out of the airport, but that was clarified a couple of phone calls later. I dropped SaraRules off at home – she was meeting her sister and mother for a spa day and afternoon tea – before leading Adam and company to their hotel; I didn’t have to lead Barbara, as she had a GPS in her car… and she took off without us. Everyone checked in and then we went out for lunch.

Now, I’m back at home to take care of some cleaning while there’s some down time.

Stray Toasters

  • T-minus two days…
  • Caden is adorable. That’s really all there is to it. Or, as SaraRules put it: “Adam’s very lucky to have Chelsea help him make a cute kid.”
  • Despite sending emails with weather updates to the family, I’ve already/still gotten two calls asking me how cold it is and if it really snowed yesterday.
  • Movie Posters for Minimalists
  • Being a bad guy can be good for career
  • I still haven’t watched Superman/Batman: Public Enemies yet!
  • I’m a bit late getting up to speed on this one, but it’s Banned Books Week.
  • Monster Cereal: Fan Art Month
  • Are you an Xbox Live subscriber? If so, what’s your gamertag?
  • Are you a member of Good Reads?  What’s your username?
  • From the “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot…?!” file: Bank of America demands thumbprint from man with no arms


“Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?”

comics and animation, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, music, news and info, style, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Wednesday – 30 September 2009
The last day of September is rainy.
It’s noticeably cooler than the past week or so has been – today’s projected high is 56F.
And… AND… there’s a possibility of snow in the forecast.

But, on the bright side: It’s Comics (and Sushi) Wednesday.

Last night, I headed over to Chris’ to play HeroClix. Instead, we wound up chatting the evening away. (Which was just as good a way to spend the evening, in my opinion.) He also showed me Batman: Arkham Asylum and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, both of which looked good… but I’d be more inclined to pick up Alliance than Asylum at this point.

Stray Toasters


“Technical Thursday” Update

games, geekery, news and info, office antics, science and technology, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 29 September 2009
Thank God it’s “Thursday.”
I wonder if I should impose standard NBN rules…?  I shall have to ponder this.

Happy Birthday to loonybin88:

Happy birthday to someone I hope doesn't hog all the swine flu vaccine

Last night, I did a little more work on my Cyclops ‘Clix. I broke out the modeling putty and went to work. It’s not my best work, but as SaraRules pointed out: I haven’t really tried sculpting anything before, so I can’t expect it to be “perfect” the first time out of the gate. True enough. As it is, I managed to Dremel/file/sculpt the “X” off of his costume and (most of) the cuffs from his boots and gloves.

(Pre-Dremel/file and sculpting image)

I’ve put a rough coat of paint on, to see how it will look. So far, not “hellish.” Again, not perfect, but it’s going to be alright. I’m still on the fence about whether or not I’m going to try and sculpt his belt an straps or just paint them on. We shall see. And, should I choose to do a “better-looking” figure in the future, well… in the words of Kool Moe Dee:

And if it’s weak when I’m done
Renovate and build another one
I go to work

‘Nuff said.

We just got back from lunch for loonybin88’s birthday. Famous Dave’s. Almost as food coma-inducing as Rodizio. Mmm…

Stray Toasters


“Monday, Monday…”

dining and cuisine, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, football, geekery, movies and TV, news and info No Comments »

Monday – 28 September 2009
Today has been good, both at work and otherwise. I consider that an auspicious beginning to the week… especially considering how frenetic the week will become as Saturday approaches.

Speaking of Saturday, I met SaraRules at lunch and we went to get our marriage license. The whole thing took less than ten minutes, top to bottom. On the way back to the office, I stopped in at the in-laws-to-be for a few minutes, picked up a tasty burrito from Barbacoa and… AND… got a Slurpee!

Stray Toasters

Back to the grind.


“Look! Up in the sky..!”

everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Friday – 25 September 2009
Another weekend draws to a close. It’s my “on” Friday.

The background image on my secondary monitor (the 42″ one at work) is this one:

Earth Horizon

I occasionally watch videos – usually concert video or Fantasia on it, as it’s off my normal workspace. A couple of days ago, someone made a comment about the image and I quipped back that I was just waiting for Christopher Reeve to fly by and smile at the camera. (It hasn’t happened yet.) And that got me thinking…

I haven’t watched Superman: The Animated Series in a long time. That’s doubly sad, considering that I own the DVDs. So, this morning, I went about righting that wrong: I have a small window set in the starfield of Desktop 2… playing Superman: TAS.  Current episode: “The Last Son of Krypton.”

Last night, I joined SaraRules and Melissa for a workout:

  • Calf Raises: 2 sets/10 reps, 120 lbs
  • Leg Curls: 2 sets/10 reps, 80 lbs
  • Leg Extensions: 2 sets/10 reps, 80 lbs
  • Squats: 3 sets/10 sfdreps, 50 lbs (two 25 lbs weights, per hand)
  • Flys: 3 sets/10 reps, 110 lbs
  • Reverse Flys: 3 sets/10 reps, 70 lbs
  • Reverse Punches: 2 sets/15 reps, 15 lbs
  • Sit-ups: 3 sets/20 reps
  • Tricep Extensions: 3 sets/15 reps, 70 lbs

Post-workout weight: 185.0 lbs

Stray Toasters


“…the youngest one in curls!”

everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »


Just… plain… “Wow.”

This article, Love to Love You Bradys: The Bizarre Story of The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, was in the RSS feed from Boing Boing. I vaguely remembered the show from the late 70s… and this article piqued my curiosity. So, I clicked the link. It was innocuous enough. I passed the link along to some friends in chat:

[15:48] : This somewhat scares me… primarily because I vaguely remember the show: [the link]

As far as I was concerned, that was the end of the game. But, I was mistaken. (Second time this year…) took the ball and ran with it:

[16:05]  : http://www.bradyhour.com/media.html
[16:09]  : jesus
[16:09]  : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_XKUENgKPk

I clicked on the links. The first one wasn’t so bad; as the saying goes: “The first one is always free…” Then I clicked on the second one. That’s when the downward spiral began. After that, suggested that we (loonybin88 had been sucked into the morass, by this time) take a look at this link. Not even the combined might of the Six Million Dollar Man and one of Charlie’s Angels would be enough to save this one. I only made it about halfway through.

In a manner worthy of The Ring, I passed the link trail to shockpuppet:

[16:13] :  I’m sorry… but others must suffer too.  [links]
[16:14]  shockpuppet: Whoa.
[16:14]  : Yeah
[16:18]  shockpuppet: Really?
[16:18]  shockpuppet You get paid for this.
[16:22]  : Among other things, yes.

Um… yeah. I’d be happy not to have this part of my childhood back, thank you very much.

“Everyone’s a superhero, everyone’s a Captain Kirk…”

comics and animation, Council for Better Driving, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Wednesday – 23 September 2009
Midweek and all’s well.

Today is… well… I’m not sure that it’s going to be Comics and Sushi Wednesday, as we have a coworker whose last day is tomorrow; I was invited to his going-away lunch, which will conflict with going to sushi. Of course, since SaraRules has a work-related function right after business hours, I am on my own for dinner. Maybe I’ll just go get sushi and comics a little later than usual.

For the first time in weeks, I felt like working on a couple of custom HeroClix figures. I’m still a little torn about what to do for Cyclops. I want to do a figure of him in his black Astonishing X-Men outfit – the original one, not what it’s morphed into in the past year or so. I’m not sure which figure I want to use for it – I ordered a couple of the ones from the Danger Room set, but they will require some surgery and modeling putty to make them look “just right.” Of course, I may just borrow the arms and torso from a spare Booster Gold, since his cuffs are right… then I’d have to find legs and add a little putty in the torso, again. We’ll see how this goes.

Stray Toasters

  • Thanks to everyone who responded to this post. If you haven’t responded – or if you have something else to add – please feel free to add comments.
  • Working cigarette lighter cufflinks
  • I’ve been a Superman fan for… well, let’s just say “a long time.” The 1978 Superman, starring the late Christopher Reeve, is still my #1 movie – a combination of it being a good movie and the memories attached to seeing it. I even enjoyed Superman Returns, warts and all. That being said, I was quite scared – and more than “a little” leery – when I heard that Tim Burton, hot off the successes of his Batman movies, was possibly being tapped to direct a reboot of the Superman franchise, based on a Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats) treatment, called Superman Lives (1, 2).

    *blink blink*

    Tim Burton. Superman. No, they do not go together like chocolate and peanut butter. His choice for Clark Kent was even more left-of-center: Nicolas Cage. Yes, THAT Nicolas Cage:

    Nicolas Cage, a comic book fan, signed on as Superman with a $20 million pay or play contract, feeling he could “re-conceive the character.” Peters felt Cage could “convince audiences he [Superman] came from outer space.” Burton stated it would be “the first time you would believe that nobody could recognize Clark Kent as Superman, he [Cage] could physically change his persona.”

    Yeah. Granted, after seeing a (relatively) slightly more serious Cage in The Rock, I was willing to give him a shot.. but I was still leery. Don’t get me wrong, I do like Mr. Cage’s work in some things (Ghost Rider!!!), but yeah.

    All of that to say this: Yesterday, a picture surfaced of Mr. Cage’s costume test. Not the Clark Kent costume, but the Superman costume. Click here to see it, if you dare.

  • FDA OKs First Human Trial of Neural Stem Cell Therapy
  • James May’s LEGO house is demolished
  • Photos of Edward Gorey’s house
  • Improv Everywhere strikes again: Subway Yearbook Photos
  • Utah Tackles Texting and Driving Problem Head-On
  • The next X-film: X4 or New Mutants
    (Personally, I’d go New Mutants.)
  • Church converted into magnificent bookstore
  • Two things that you probably never thought of putting together: Left4Dead Teletubbies mod
  • Andrei Condrescu: Growing Up the iPod Way


“…this must be Belgium.”

comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, everyday glory, geekery, office antics, science and technology, style 1 Comment »

Tuesday – 22 September 2009
It’s the first day of Autumn… and it surely felt like it this morning. It was 46°F when I got into the car. Where’d the warm weather go?!

The in-the-office morning kicked off in a good way, though: loonybin88 brought in bagels. Both a pleasant and unexpected way to start a Tuesday morning. And to kepp the flow going, this morning’s musical oleo included:

  • 112 – Dance With Me
  • Snoop Dogg – Undercova Funk
  • Gwen Stefani – Hollaback Girl
  • The B-52s – Love Shack
  • Billy Preston – Nothing From Nothing

Yep, good way to get the body moving first thing in the morning.  *nod*

And it’s a workout day, to boot.

Stray Toasters

And, now, it’s meeting time…


Whirlwind Weekend, in recap

arts and leisure, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, news and info, science and technology, workout No Comments »

Sunday – 20 September 2009
The weekend is moving right along.
(Footloose and fancy-free…)
It has been busy and somewhat productive.

Friday afternoon, I went out and ran some errands and then hung out with for a while. We hadn’t just shot the bull in a long time, so that was fun. We also talked about getting together for next week’s Browns-Ravens matchup, which is always a good time. After that, I headed home for a bit before heading back out for Clitorati. Chris and Mary were at the cafe when we got there. And, Chris came bearing gifts! Again! (I tell you, it’s like Christmas in September!) This week’s goody: He brought the John Stewart ‘Clix he repainted for me:

This, of course, made for a rather happy me. More pictures of what he did can be seen here.

Yesterday (all my troubles seemed so far away…), SaraRules and I got up, hit Einstein Bros. and Beans & Brews, and then went to help move to her new digs. We loaded the moving truck and assorted vehicles and then we were off in the “Great Cross-Town Caper.” Okay, fine… it wasn’t really across town, but that sounds better that “Seven Mile Shuffle.” The whole operation took an hour and fifty minutes, top to bottom… and it covered me for this weekend’s workout.

After that, SaraRules and I went shopping and then met up with her parents to do a little wedding-related shopping, as well. Both trips, were productive.

Back home for a bit to eat, get clean and change, and we were on the road yet again. First stop: Reception dinner for a friend of the family who got married on Friday. After that, it was on to Abravanel Hall to see Cirque de la Symphonie. Simply put, it was an amazing show. Feats of jugging, contortion, aerial acts… all performed to classical music, all on-stage with the Utah Symphony. , who saw the show on Friday had said that it was “a very, very good time” and she was right.

Today, I’m heading over to Kate and Perry’s in a bit. I’m teaching their oldest how to play HeroClix, which he’s been wanting to learn for the better part of the summer. So, today’s the day. After that, SaraRules and I are heading to the State Fair for a while and then up to her parents’ for dinner and football.

Why are weekends so short?!


Stray Toasters

Up. Out.


Hello, weekend.

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Friday – 18 September 2009
I slept in this morning. It was lovely.
I’ve been pretty lazy since then. That’s been nice, too.

While I haven’t quite become “addicted” to the Science Channel, I have discovered an affinity for a couple of shows: How It’s Made and Colossal Construction. On today’s episode of Colossal Construction, they were building “The Arctic Ice Crusher.” As the synopsis states:

The Arctic Shuttle Tanker: a revolutionary oil tanker and icebreak in one. The workers at Samsung shipyard in South Korea have four months to build and launch this ship, but equipment problems and work-site difficulties afflict even this efficient crew.

It was built in a floating drydock in Korea with a team from four countries… not all of whom spoke a common language. The ship is steered using two Azipods, propeller systems that can rotate – and thus apply thrust – 360 degrees. It was an amazing feat of engineering and human dynamics.

I have no idea what I’m doing with the rest of my afternoon, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

Stray Toasters

  • I have been recently introduced to the amusement (and fright factor) of: People of Wal-Mart
  • …which makes this comic all the more amusing:


“Try, try, try to understand… he’s a magic man.”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, style, The Covet List, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 17 September 2009
Another NBN Thursday has begun. And, to make it even more sweet: It’s my “Friday.”

I posted some engagement photos on Facebook yesterday. While many are cute and some are even “fun,” my favorite one of the set was this one:

For those of you who haven’t seen them, you can click here.

And…. my NBN Thursday has been shot in the foot. It happened about 0945 this morning: We lost power in the A.F. office for about half an hour. In and of itself, that’s not bad. “Bad” was, when the power was restored, some systems decided that they didn’t want to come back online. Getting them kicked into gear took an additional forty minutes. *sigh* Hopefully, the rest of the day will conform… or be cast out.

Stray Toasters


“Paint house… Paint fence. Paint house… Paint fence…”

engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, music, news and info, office antics, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 15 September 2009
We’re halfway through the month already. Wow. Where does the time go…?

Last night, I headed over to help and her ‘rents do some painting at her new place. I took my portable SoundDock, so that we’d have something to listen to. What I didn’t take was the remote control. I was under the mistaken impression that I needed the remote to change the volume on it as, unlike my primary SoundDock, the volume controls are not on the face of the unit.

Operative word: “Mistaken.”

I noticed, after I had gotten back home later in the evening, that the portable ‘Dock does have sound controls on it – they’re on the side of the unit. D’oh!

Last night, there was a double-header on Monday Night Football:

Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots
24 – 25

I missed a good portion of this game, as I was helping paint. But, I caught a little of the first quarter and the last five or ten minutes of the fourth quarter. And, I was surprised and impressed with the last couple of drives: The Patriots’ two-minute drill to get the go-ahead score and the Bills’ hook-and-ladder play to try and answer it.

San Diego Chargers at Oakland Raiders
24 – 20

This was a solid game, top to bottom. I was especially impressed with the way the Raiders played – on both sides of the ball. The defense looked reminiscent of the Raiders of the 70s and 80s; the offense was… well… GOOD! They moved the ball, they didn’t make a lot of stupid errors. They played solid football, but in the end, Sandy Eggo took the “Win.”

Stray Toasters


“Summer’s going fast, nights growing colder…”

dining and cuisine, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, news and info, office antics, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Monday – 14 September 2009
Nothing like having The Leash start going off at 0800… just as you’re getting ready to head to the office. It was alerting me to a problem with an off-site server. Yay. We contacted the appropriate people – who seemed to be having issues of their own – and they handled it. Eventually. Welcome to Monday.

Yesterday was a good day. It was also chock full o’ stuff. Mark and Alex – a member of the SUU Ballroom Dance Team who came up to assist in the dance lessons – came up about 2:30. First, they worked with SaraRules and Steve for the Father/Daughter dance, then it they spent time with SaraRules and me for our first dance. It was more fun and less fearsome than I had expected. (And, we fortunately we have three weeks to practice…)

After that, SaraRules, Alex, Mark and I headed over to the in-laws-to-be for dinner: Bratwurst and football. Excellent combination. More on football in a minute. After dinner, Steve transferred the video of our dance practice to DVD for us – we need to have some kind of reference for practice, after all.

Football Update
Yesterday was the Ravens’ season opener at home.

Kansas City Chiefs at Baltimore Ravens
24 – 38

They tried to give me heart failure in the second and third quarters… and I wasn’t even watching the game, per se. In this market, CBS broadcast the Minnesota-Cleveland game, so I had to “watch” the GameCenter on NFL.com.  Granted, it was nice to see the Vikings hand the Browns a beatdown, but I would have rather seen the Ravens play. Because, let’s face it: Who wouldn’t want to see Ray Lewis break a little something off like this in real time…

…or watch as QB Joe Flacco goes and dials in 303 yards passing and 4 yards rushing, as the Ravens put up a total of 501 yards of total offense!? Crazy. How does that make you feel, Ray?

Yeah, I thought so.

Elsewhere around the league:

Miami Dolphins at Atlanta Falcons
7 – 19
Oh, well.. at least there are 16 more games in the season.


Philadelphia Eagles at Carolina Panthers
38 – 10


Denver Broncos at Cincinnati Bengals
12 – 7
Sorry, and .


Minnesota Vikings at Cleveland Browns
34 – 20
Congrats, … and
Congrats Commiserations, .

Stray Toasters


“We do more before 9AM than most people do all day!”

arts and leisure, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Saturday – 12 September 2009
It’s almost 2:30 (at least it was when I started writing this…) and I’ve already gone out to have coffee with Perry, helped move (counts as today’s workout!) and run errands. And now, I’m stuck with something of a conundrum: What in the world am I going to do with the rest of my afternoon?!  SaraRules has to attend An Evening of Beethoven again – this time as an employee of US/UO – so I get to figure out what I’m doing tonight, too. There could be a lot of CoH and or WWG-building time involved…

Last night, we went to the aforementioned “An Evening of Beethoven”

The symphony performed:

  • Overture to The Creatures of Prometheus, op. 43
  • Concerto for Violin in D Major, op. 61 (featuring guest artist Jennifer Frautschi on violin)
  • Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, op. 67

And they were very well done. It was a lovely evening out.

After the symphony, we caught up with the Clitorati crew for dinner. As an added bonus, Chris and Mary showed up. And, as a… hm… “bonus bonus,” I guess… Chris brought the Bishop HeroClix figure that he customized for me.

He did a great job on it. More pictures of it can be seen here.

Stray Toasters

That’s good for now.  I’m off to go enjoy some lazy time.
