“And we’re marching to Bastille Day, La guillotine will claim her bloody prize…”
engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »Tuesday – 14 July 2009
If you couldn’t guess by today’s title, it’s Bastille Day.
Yesterday, SaraRules went to have her bridal portraits taken. From the stories she related when she got home, it was an experience. A fun one, but an experience, nevertheless. While she was off playing supermodel, I hung out with her grandparents, who are in town for a few days. Sitting with them and trading stories was a nice way to spend the evening.
Stray Toasters
- I got two walls of the kitchen added to my new model last night. I also rediscovered why you should always “Measure twice, cut once” when constructing (or even destroying) something: I have a wall section that looks like it’s going to be about ” shorter than I had planned. It’s a small enough difference that I could let it go, but I will most likely recut one wall.
- From the “Is There Life On Mars” file: Men emerge from Mars experiment
- Infernocrusher fiction: dinos, guns and motocross
- If you need a good reason not to have a bouquet toss at your wedding, take a look at this.
- Paul just came over and showed me: My Favorite Movie
- Ravens’ Derrick Mason tells JockLife.com he’s retiring
- Phones confiscated at preview screenings: Whose hypothetical risk is greater?
- The Evolution of Multiplayer Games and Online Play
- Want to know how to handle all of these? – Speechwriting tricks you can use in everyday life