“Carve away the stone…”
arts and leisure, books, comics and animation, everyday glory, games, geekery, monkeys!, news and info, office antics, politics and law, science and technology, style No Comments »Thursday – 09 July 2009
It’s supposed to be an NBN Thursday and my technical Friday… but this morning, it was pushing the envelope. That’s not entirely true: GoogleTalk was a righteous pain in the keister this morning. For some reason, it decided to tell iChat and Adium to “Sod off!” It’s working now. So, all things considered, it’s still a good day.
Last night, while SaraRules went off to a Zumba class, I fired up City of Heroes and patrolled Paragon City with a pick-up team. The mission level was “a little high” on the first mission we ran, but the others went well. By the time it was all said and done, I had tacked a couple more levels onto Khnurn.
This morning, someone came over and commented about how large my monitor (the 42″ TV) is. I retorted that it is, in fact, large. He asked if it was for a project; I told him that it “kind of” was. He asked if it was for work or personal. At this point, I had a very quick internal monologue… that somehow managed to stay internal:
“Is this for a personal project?”
Come on. Rub two – JUST TWO – brain cells together and get a synapse or two to fire. If this was for a personal project, don’t you think that someone (ANYONE!) – from my manager all the way up to one of the execs – would have said something and/or repossessed it long before now? Idiotstick.
It didn’t help that this was one of my “not-as-favored-as-others” coworkers. *sigh* Monkeys.
Then I had a presentation to give in today’s staff meeting. That went well. At least, I think it went well. And really, that’s all I am concerned with right now.
Stray Toasters
- US federal security lapses found
- Hardware makers support Google OS
- Rupert Murdoch reporters in the UK illegally hacked thousands of peoples’ data
- Man, our President is cool
- Marvel’s Marko Djurdjevic Injects Soul into Comic Art
- Creative Commons licensed secret society for promoting girls’ literacy
- Hot and Bothering: Media Treatment of Sarah Palin
“Debate” © Zina Saunders
(For more art by Zina Saunders, click the image.) - Sci-fi couture on the runway
- 3 Smart Things about Beer Marketing
- From the “Wait… WHAT did you just say?!” file: US worker dies in chocolate vat
I should eat something now, for I hunger.