Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“…because it’s loud with the Shop-Vac on.”

comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, football, geekery, human of the day, IKEA, monkeys!, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 06 March 2009
It’s another NBN Thursday and there’s new snow on the ground. In the past 24 hours we’ve gone from nearly 70°F to nearly half that temperature.

Last night was a relatively quiet night. I got to play with my new Dremel, which I believe is my new second-favorite tool… after a Sawz-All. Law & Order did an interesting episode about teenagers who had escaped and/or been exiled from a polygamist community. I was surprised that they went there and was also a little shocked with how the episode ended. (I was, however, amused that they actually used the term “magic underwear.”)

Chew On This: Food for Thought
I have often mentioned that I enjoy watching The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. For me, it’s a light way to cap the day… much in the way that watching Late Night with David Letterman (back when he was on NBC) used to be when I was in high school. Last night’s episode was a very good – and atypically serious – show; the guest was Archbishop Desmond Tutu. At the top of the show, Craig gave an abbreviated history of South Africa, which was probably one of the best (and most humorous) histories I have ever heard. After a commercial break, he introduced Archbishop Tutu; they talked for the better part of forty minutes. Among other things that he recounted, the Archbishop talked about “good and evil” and how he has been able to keep his faith – and his faith in humanity. Here’s an excerpt:

All-in-all, it was an excellent interview. Other clips are available here.

Four-Color Coverage
Yesterday was a light day at Dr. Volt’s – I only picked up five books:

  • Black Lightning: Year One #5 – The next-to-last issue of this series shows Jefferson Pierce continuing his fight to bring something to the Southside community of Metropolis, not-so-affectionately referred to as “Suicide Slum,” that it had been missing: Hope.  I’ve been surprised by this title – I picked it up on a lark, but have been pleasantly surprised with the story that has unfolded.
  • Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #1 – Reed Richards has a problem: He’s been bothered by the fact that despite all of his calculations, he was wrong in how he set about solving the problems that led to his role in Marvel’s Civil War.  But, he has an idea.  And when Reed Richards has an idea, there is little that can stop him from following up on it. Not repairing damage from the “Secret Invasion.” Not his wife… well, maybe she can. Not even an attack from Norman Osborn and his H.A.M.M.E.R. agents.
  • Dark Reign: New Avengers – The Reunion #1 – Bobbi Morse, ex-Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and (ex-)wife of the Avenger known as Ronin, is trying to re-establish her place in the post-Secret Invasion world. As she sets out to find them, she also finds that she has a partner – and unwanted one, at that: Ronin.
  • Superman: World of Krypton #1 – Superman journeys to New Krypton to live among the Kryptonians from the newly-liberated (and restored to normal size) Kandor. He’s still not sure how he’ll fit in, but attempts to make a go of it. But, how will his aunt, Alura, and one of his worst enemies, General Zod, feel about him being there?
  • X-Men: First Class – Finals #2 – The X-Men go up against a mutant who’s out for a little revenge against a certain “one-eyed” X-Man who dropped him down a mine shaft.  To say that he’s “a little mad” would be something of an understatement. And, someone shows up to lend the X-Men a much needed helping hand… but who is it? And where’d they come from?

As it was a light day, I also picked up Fables (Vol. 8) – Wolves and JLA: Earth 2 to supplement my haul.

Stray Toasters


It’s downhill from here…

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, music, news and info, quote of the day, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 04 March 2009
Midweek. And only two more days to Watchmen.  And the new Star Trek trailer. Selah.
And, as if that’s not enough, it’s Comics and Sushi Wednesday.

Last night, I headed to Chris’ for Round Two of our JLA/Injustice League fight. The match started off slowly, but we eventually moved our pieces into position for smacking each other’s teams around… and then both of us had to deal with hot and cold streaks with our dice. In the end, my dice decided to effectively go on holiday and Chris wound up with a win. We both enjoyed the fight with the two teams and may revisit this in the not-too-distant future. I think that our next match will be the (Teen) Titans vs. the X-Men.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
Today’s gem comes from an NPR story about a man fighting court fees for badminton in San Francisco.

Today’s “Last Word in Business” comes from Ed Leong. The former San Francisco Housing Inspector is an avid player of badminton.  He’s been whacking shuttlecocks…. there’s a phrase that I didn’t know you could get away with saying on the radio….

You can find the story – and the audio (RealPlayer, I think) – here.


Tuesday… almost over…

everyday glory, games, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, quote of the day, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Tuesday – 03 March 2009
What a day. And it’s not over yet.

This morning started with a massive headache. Literally. To the point that I crawled back into bed to try and sleep off. Nearly three hours later – and with significantly reduced pounding in my head – I decided to give it a go and head to the office. Once in the office, I was informed of a number of changes that are coming down the pike… in fairly short and fast order. Yay.

A little after noon, Wes and I headed to the gym. Because I had a meeting starting at 2:00, we opted for a short workout:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets/20 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 205 lbs
  • Reverse Fly: 3 sets/10 reps, 80 lbs
  • Lower Back Extensions: 3 sets/15 reps, 140 lbs
  • Dips: 3 sets/10 reps
  • Curls (barbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 60 lbs

Post workout weight: 186.1 lbs.

Back in the office for what turned into the first of two meetings. It was fairly short, but it propogated a second – and slightly longer – meeting. There wasn’t any moaning, wailing or gnashing of teeth, so it wasn’t bad.

Tonight, Chris and I are getting together for a rematch of the JLA vs. Injustice League battle. I have a couple of ideas for my JLA team… one of which just makes me laugh. I may also build a fake team, just to see his reaction, and then switch to my actual team for the game.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
Sean, one of my minions employees, was talking about the lack of diversity in Utah. He had a situation where his son, who is five, made a comment that kind of caught him off-guard. (He told me what it was and it wasn’t “bad,” just an amusing observation from a kid… using kid logic.) Sean, having grown up in Chicago, felt that he had failed as a father, with respect to teaching his kids about diversity and other races. As a member of the LDS Church, he also realizes how sheltered many people can be and made the following comment:

I want my son to know that there are more races than “Member” and “Non-member.”

Julie, who was also listening to Sean’s tale, and I both cracked up.


Exit: Weekend… Enter: New Month, New Work week.

arts and leisure, books, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, games, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 02 March 2009
And March, at least for Utah, comes in more or less like a lamb. That’s apparently not the case back home, where the east coast has been hit with a winter storm.

This weekend’s highlights included:

  • Heading to Red Butte Garden to take a look at the Fragrence Garden and The Orangerie as a possible ceremony and reception event. I like it… more than I had expected, actually. It’s on my (very) short list of sites.
  • Chris, who had an unexpected opening in his schedule, came over Saturday night and played HeroClix – the Justice League (Chris) vs. the Injustice League. We played on the masterboard  and used the multi-building cluster. Chris cleaned my clock, but it was fun.
  • I dragged SaraRules to a few places in a fruitless search for vellum rub-on letters – I need them for my Shado ‘Clix figure.  If I had been thinking about it, I would have taken pictures of her last night. But I wasn’t. So, I didn’t.
  • I also started on a new figure mod: James “Bucky” Barnes/Winter Soldier as Captain America.
  • Last night, we had dinner with SaraRules’ family and watched The Golden Compass. I’ve owned the movie for a few months, but this was the first time we’ve watched it. I liked it. I found a number of parallels to many archtypical hero myths, as well as a couple of direct comparisions to the Star Wars mythos.

All-in-all, it was a good weekend… and I’m already looking forward to next weekend. Fortunately, it’s a short work week.

Stray Toasters

  • My affinity (obsession/man-crush/whatever) for Avery Brooks began long before his tenure as Captain Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It started in the mid-80s when he played Hawk on Spenser: for Hire. SaraRules knows of this and, while channel surfing yesterday, stopped on a network called TV One, which was airing a marathon of A Man Called Hawk, a short-lived spin-off of the Spenser series. Yes, it was “a bit” dated, but it still made me smile.
  • Born to Kvetch: Yiddish as She Is Spoke
  • Who needs a utility belt when you have a Bat-hoodie?  (By way of )
  • One More Story, also by way of Nyx
  • From USAToday: Fine arts in survival mode as funds dry up
  • From the “Math is hard… Let’s go shopping!” file:

  • Cake Wrecks, as always, is good for a laugh.
  • I could think up people for whom I could use a few dozen stickers from this site
  • Unusual custom guitars


On a sunny Saturday morning…

books, comics and animation, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, games, news and info, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Saturday – 28 February 2009
The end of the month comes with a lazy, sunny morning.

Last night’s Clitorati was good. We had a small turnout, but it was still fun.  Added bonus: Marci (one of my coworkers) showed up and hung out with us. I also picked up a copy of John Hodgman’s The Areas of My Expertise (1, 2, 3) … along with my fifty-somethingth copy of Watchmen.

At some point today, we’re heading up to Red Butte Gardens so that we can render a decision about its viability as a ceremony/reception venue.

Stray Toasters

On to the rest of the day… and breakfast!


“This little bird’s fallen out of that nest, now…”

comics and animation, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 26 February 2009
It looks like it’s going to try to be another good-looking day outside. That’s not a bad thing.

Last night, SaraRules and I started watching La Vie En Rose, a biopic about Edith Piaf. The pacing was… odd – there were parts where it jumped backward and forward in time and were quite disjointed and disconcerting. We’re going to attempt to tackle the second half of the movie tonight. Wish us luck.

I did a little more work on my Hawkeye-to-Shado conversion, including heading down to Hastur Hobbies for paint. I didn’t realize that I had neglected to pick up a couple of colors that I wanted – not needed – until I got home. BAH! I was also rather surprised to see how much they were charging for some paint and supplies.

Four-Color Coverage
This week’s haul was a mixed bag, but there were a few standout issues:

  • Captain America #47 – Bucky, out of his Captain America guise and back in the role of the Winter Soldier, confronts a part of his past… with Namor at his side.
  • Fantastic Four #564 – The FF (and family) go on holiday in Scotland. What could possibly go wrong…?
  • Green Lantern #38 – Hal Jordan straddles the line between being a Green Lantern and a Red Lantern. Which path will he follow? Readers also discover an interesting… limitation (?)… of the Blue Lanterns’ power rings.
  • Justice Society of America #24 – Billy Batson, former custodian of the power of Shazam, leads the JSA to the Rock of Eternity for a confab with Black Adam and Isis. Too bad that they aren’t really in the mood for company.
  • The New Avengers #50 – The New Avengers figure out who’s who behind the masks of Norman Osborn’s Avengers and they aren’t too happy about it. They learn a few things about some of the other people that Norman has “brought into the fold,” too.
  • Superman #865 – A man torn between two worlds, Superman makes a choice. Also, why – and HOW – is Mon-El out of the Phantom Zone… in the 21st Century?

Stray Toasters


“Everyone else was looking, but I saw you first…”

comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, everyday glory, family and friends, games, monkeys!, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 25 February 2009
After a quick dinner with SaraRules, I picked up and we headed out to and ‘s to celebrate Nox’ birthday.  SaraRules had a previous engagement and wasn’t able to go. I had a nice time and it was good to see a few folks I haven’t seen in a while.

When I got back home, SaraRules and I watched (most of) last night’s NCIS; we missed the last 7 -10 minutes, because of the preemption for President Obama’s speech.  Fortunately, I was able to find a synopsis on the Bat-web.

Stray Toasters


“…see more of the people and the places that surround me now…”

books, comics and animation, everyday glory, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 24 February 2009
Happy Birthday to .  Congratulations on successfully avoiding the clutches of the Dark Lady for another year.

And, Happy Birthday to Coworker Tom:

Last night, SaraRules and I watched Spenser: The Judas Goat. It was good… for a 90’s TV movie. And it was a fun return to a series that I enjoy(ed). There was a “new” Susan in this movie, played by Wendy Crewson. Even though she had limited screen time, I liked her portrayal better than that of Barbara Williams.

Stray Toasters

  • We have waffles – being freshly made – in the office today.
  • I was “somewhat” mistaken yesterday when I said that the Chocolate Coworker Count went up by 100%. It actually went up by 200%, but the second guy will be based out of our Virginia office after he’s done with training.
  • , those links I mentioned last night are:
  1. This one and
  2. This other one


Monday…!? Already!? Man, where does the weekend go?

engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, news and info, office antics, science and technology 1 Comment »

Monday – 23 February 2009
The month is whizzing right by…

Yesterday afternoon, we went to SaraRules’ parents’ for dinner and a couple of episodes of The Muppet Show. One of the episodes had a segment that featured Jim Croce’s Time in a Bottle… a segment I vaguely remembered from many moons past. Trippy.

We headed back home and felt like watching a movie. Nothing too heavy, mind you. We opted for Snakes on a Plane. It was just as entertaining last night as it was in the theatre. (Well, minus the “throwing snakes” part, of course.) And, yes, we MST3K-ed the whole thing.

Stray Toasters

Nose. Grindstone.


“Welcome to Weekend Update. I’m Chevy Chase and you’re not.”

comics and animation, engagement/wedding/marriage, family and friends, games, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, zombies No Comments »

Sunday – 22 February 2009
Friday afternoon, SaraRules and I went to check out a couple of possible wedding venues: Heritage Gardens and the Post Chapel at Fort Douglas. Both had their pros and cons. We still have two more places to check out before rendering our final decision.

Saturday had a good mixture of productivity and leisure. After starting the morning with breakfast and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, I did some cleaning and organizing around the apartment – including getting my HeroClix figures back into their respective storage spaces – before spending the evening at OnlyAly and ‘s, playing poker. Before the cleaning spree, I also managed to get new pictures of my growing ‘Clix map, including Corner #5: Building cluster. (Hint: It’s the one with the skyscraper.)

Today has been fairly lazy, so far. I don’t know that we really have anything on tap to change that, either.

Stray Toasters

That’s good for now.


Neither “manic” nor “Monday”

books, Council for Better Driving, dining and cuisine, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 20 February 2009
Helloooooo, 9/80 Friday.

Last night, after CSI:… and watching Batman sing… SaraRules and I took a stroll over to Red Mango for yogurt; she had a pomegranate/green tea twist; I had green tea. While we ate, we finally watched an episode of Burn Notice that’s been on the DVR for a couple of weeks. Later, when SaraRules headed to bed, I started in on a new corner for my ‘Clix map: Building Cluster. (Pictures to come later)

This morning, I slept in a bit. I still haven’t figured out what I’m doing with the rest of my morning and early afternoon, but later this afternoon will be spent checking out a couple of possible wedding venues.

Stray Toasters

Time to do… something.


Oh yeah, the joke:

A snail goes to a local Nissan dealership and looks at the inventory. A salesman walks up to him and asks “May I help you?”

The snail looks at him and says, “I’m here to buy a car. I’d like to test drive…. that one,” as he points to a brand new Z.

The salesman looks a little surprised. “Oooh-kay.” He walks inside, comes back outside and returns to the snail. He hands him the keys. “Here you go.”

“Thanks!” The snail gets into the car and turns the key. The engine purrs. The snail presses the accelerator and the roars. He drops it into gear and races out of the parking lot.

Ten minutes later, the car whips back into the lot. The snail gets out with a huge grin. “That was great! I’ll take it! But there’s just one thing…”

The salesman shifts a little. “Yes, sir…?”

The snail turns to look at the car and turns back to the salesman: “I want you to take off the “Z”.”

“But, sir… that’s… that’s….”

“That’s my condition. I’ll pay for it right now and drive the car off the lot, but the “Z” has to go. I want you to put an “S” on it, instead.”

The salesman looks a little uneasy. “Let me… see what I can do.” He heads inside of the dealership. He returns a few minutes later. “Okay, it looks like we can take care of that for you. It will take about twenty minutes.”

The snail smiles widely and says,”That’s no problem.”

The two go inside as a mechanic exits the building and drives the car into the auto shop. They fill out the paperwork and shortly afterwards, the snail and his new car are tearing out of the parking lot.

Another salesman comes over to the first one and asks,”So… what was that all about? The deal with taking the car into the shop and whatnot?”

“Oh, he wanted the “Z” removed from the car… and an “S” put on in its place.”

“Huh?! That’s weird.”

“Yeah, but look at that little “S” car go!”

“A working class hero is something to be…”

books, comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, news and info, office antics, politics and law, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 19 February 2009
Another Thursday/Friday begins. I’ve already been informed that if I would like to day to remain an NBN Thursday, that I should avoid the boss two rungs up the ladder – his day was already shot… two hours ago. On the plus side, I figured out “Hurdle One” with a PHP/SQL program I’m working on, now I get to add features onto it.

Last night was a lazy night in: NCIS (from Tuesday night) and reading of yesterday’s comics haul. Of the books that I read, the standouts were:

  • Action Comics #874
  • Batman #686: “What Ever Happened to the Caped Crusader?”
  • Black Lightning: Year One #4
  • Green Lantern Corps #33
  • Supergirl #38
  • Tiny Titans #13

Additionally, my copy of Teenagers from the Future: Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes came in yesterday.  I’m looking forward to reading it.

Other than that, it’s another fun-filled, action-packed day in paradise…

Stray Toasters


U can’t touch this… but you can tune in.

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, news and info, science and technology, style, The Covet List, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 18 February 2009
I got home from work last night to find SaraRules making cheesesteak sandwiches! They were quite good and an excellent way to kick off the evening. I had emailed Chris and Keith, to see if they wanted to come over and play ‘Clix – Keith had a prior game scheduled and Chris wasn’t feeling well… but invited me over to play, if I wanted.


So, I headed over. I took the corner pieces, but not the master board. I printed out a few street tiles and just laid them out to “complete” the map. This time, Chris played the JLA:

  • Batman
  • Black Canary
  • Flash
  • Green Arrow
  • Green Lantern
  • Red Arrow
  • Superman and
  • Wonder Woman

I fielded the Avengers:

  • Black Panther
  • Captain America
  • Dr. Strange
  • Iron Fist
  • Iron Man
  • Luke Cage
  • Moon Knight
  • Quicksilver
  • Spider-Man and
  • Thunderstrike

I also learned a valuable lesson: If you’re planning a force with two tanks on your team, make sure that both of them are actually in your box before you leave home – I had planned on using Ms. Marvel (human), but the only figure I had was the Skrull version, which didn’t meet my theme requirement. *sigh* Oh, well. We didn’t dance around too long and then the throwdown began. We both had hot and cold-running dice, but mine ran ice cold for a long stretch. I think that one of the most improbable – but highly-amusing – melees occured when Chris scored a critical hit on Hercules… with the Flash. Not only did it hurt Herc, but it also moved him out of base-to-base contact with Red Arrow, who I was about to beat mercilessly. When all of the dust cleared (and time ran out), Chris had won the fight. Pictures of the fight can be found here.

Stray Toasters



“…and the sky is a hazy shade of winter.”

everyday glory, games, geekery, IKEA, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 17 February 2009

After work yesterday, I came home to find a new addition to the decor: SaraRules had gone to the Garden of Sweden and picked up two BESTA wall shelves for our DVDs. She set them under the bar between the dining room and kitchen; they look quite good there. I also discovered that she’d hung a new set of sheer curtains in the bedroom, too.  Also, a nice touch.

There were flurries when I left home this morning, but it’s clear now… “for now,” rather. We’ll see what the rest of the day brings.

Stray Toasters

And, tonight… Avengers vs. JLA: Round 2.


“Look! Up in the sky…!”

arts and leisure, books, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology, sports, style, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 16 February 2009
Another work week begins… but at least it’s a short week.

The Splendid Heritage exhibit was amazing.  It displayed pieces of Native American art while detailing the pieces’ artistic and cultural significance. On display were such things as clothing, weaponry, a winter count, and even childrens’ toys. There were also a number of “touch stations,” where visitors could actually handle samples of items. The exhibit runs from 09 February 2009 through 03 January 2010; I think that it would make an excellent family – or even date – outing.

Last night, Chris and I got together to play a (or “yet another”) game of HeroClix. We’d settled on the Avengers vs. JLA for our teams. I played the JLA:

  • Batman
  • Black Lightning
  • Flash
  • Green Arrow
  • Green Lantern
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Superman
  • Wonder Woman and
  • Zatanna

Chris fielded the Avengers:

  • Box
  • Captain America
  • Dr. Strange
  • Hercules
  • Iron Man
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Spider-Man (Iron Spider/Civil War costume)
  • Wolverine

We played on the masterboard I took to the tournament a couple of weeks ago, with one modification: I finished the new corner – gas station/garage, single room apartment and armory. I didn’t put roofs on the new buildings, so that we could have some indoor space in which to play and we took the shelter off of the gas pumps, so that we could play in the space under it. We played a two-hour game and at the end of it, I won on points, 412 – 213. Pictures of the game and actual board can be seen here.

Stray Toasters

And that’s a wrap… for now.
