Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

Take Two…

arts and leisure, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 08 July 2008
Last night, after having a bite to eat and watching a little TV, I decided to head to Borders to do some drawing. I took a few ‘Clix figures with me – it’s been a while since I’ve drawn anything, so I thought it best to work on simple figure studies. Did I say “a while?” I meant to say that I’ve pretty much forgotten how to do everything beyond the point of “hold the pencil.” *sigh* As the song says: It’s a long, dark road out of Hell. But, I’ll eventually get back to where I was.

Back home in time for The Middleman. Apparently, we’re on the West Coast feed of ABC Family – the show comes on at 11:00 here. Not a major hassle, but I wouldn’t mind catching it at 9 or 10. I read something… last week, I think… that says that Kevin Sorbo (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Andromeda) will be guest starring on an episode. He will be playing a Middleman who’s been in suspended animation. That should prove amusing.

I flipped channels for a bit after The Middleman. I started with Deep Space Nine, but wound up spending a bit of time watching The Late Late Show… before winding up back on DS9. I was mostly killing time until Burn Notice came on. Which I did. And then only made it through twenty (20) minutes of the show before realizing that I needed to call it a night.

Stray Toasters


Mid-afternoon Toasters

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, geekery, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, style 1 Comment »

I am apparently in need of a gaming session. I just went to look up part the lyrics to Manic Monday… but typed “Manic Monkday” instead. *blink blink*

Project: Rooftop has released their list of finalists from the “Superman: Man of Style” contest. I’m partial to entries #2 and #12.

Check out the DeviantArt gallery of Cat Stagg.
(, you’ll want to check out the middle of the right column on Page 5)

Doll on a Music Box/Truly Scrumptious

When did the term “jet lag” come into use?

Subnetting/Supernetting == *bleargh*

“Monday, Monday…”

comics and animation, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 07 July 2008
I hope that the holiday weekend was safe for everyone. As yet, I’ve heard no reports of anyone having to be
rushed to their local medical facility to have fireworks-related injuries treated. I take that as a good thing.

Aside from being slow on the uptake in figuring out that SaraRules had gotten into town early and Friday morning Leash doom, it was a rather good – and relaxing – weekend.

After SaraRules left for Aspen, I headed down to Kate and Perry’s to do a little tech support and to hang with the family. It also turns out that their youngest added +1 to his Crawl skill while they were on vacation. It also seems like he added +1 to his Stand (with support) skill, too.

When I got back home, I planted myself on the couch and watched a couple of episodes of Law & Order: SVU. I flipped over to watch a little bit of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi before deciding to play City of Heroes. I was invited to join a team fairly quickly; we ran a few missions against The Council and Tsoo… and a bank mission. Despite a few inglorious deaths, I was able to put on a couple of levels.

All-in-all, it was a good end to a good weekend.

Stray Toasters

  • I am having Butterscotch Krimpets and coffee for breakfast. Not quite the so-called “Breakfast of Champions,” but good, nonetheless.
  • July 7, 1936: Get a Grip – Phillips Screws Up the Toolbox
  • Hulk vs. Wolverine

  • The manual I’m reading just made an analogy between IP addresses and USPS addresses, that impressed me:

    “In the same way that a house address has two parts – a street address and a ZIP code (the city and state are not really used anymore – an IP address also has two parts…”

    The impressive part is that not many people outside the USPS really know (or at least think about the fact) that the City and State parts of an address are somewhat superfluous. As a rather high percentage of the mailstream is routed by automated systems, they can usually determine exactly where a mailpiece goes from just the ZIP Code and the street address.

  • I’m going to a DCI show in Ogden on Thursday. I haven’t been to a drum corps show in… at least… 10 or 11 years. That should be fun.
  • By way of the “You Can’t Do That on Television” file: Porn appears on rugby programme
    (The expression of the guy in the accompanying picture makes the whole thing for me)
  • I am amused that this xkcd comic has had the following effect on the Wikipedia entry for “wood”

And… back to it.


“Ooh, there’s gonna be fireworks (fireworks!)… on the Fourth of July (red, white and blue!)”

everyday glory, games, geekery, music, news and info, office antics, politics and law, quote of the day, travel No Comments »

Friday – 04 July 2008
Happy Independence Day

Yesterday, I got off work a little after noon. I headed to Oh Sushi! to see if the lunchtime group was still there. They were. And, they were getting ready to leave. I picked up an order of Ebi and a California Roll to go.

I stopped at SaraRules’ parents’ house to see if Meliko was there; she had gotten into town Wednesday evening. She was. We hung out and talked books, movies and comics until her folks got in. I hung out with the family for a bit and then headed home.

I dropped off a few things, picked up my Pivot Driver and headed to ‘s to help with the assembly of Vikki’s bed. That went fairly quickly. I also helped troubleshoot a problem that was having with her email. And, as an added bonus: I played with the kids for a bit; I didn’t get any new pictures, though.

Next stop, Borders for a rare Thursday night Clitorati. , , OnlyAly and showed up to hang out. The people-watching was pretty choice, too. When we’d had our fill of the people there, we headed to Applebee’s to get something to eat. Land met up with us a little later.

I got a couple of text messages from SaraRules as we were finishing up dinner. She mentioned that she was having a quiet relaxing evening. I figured that she was due, given all of the running around that she’s been doing for her internship. About thirty minutes after the last message, she called. I figured that it was just our usual pre-bed, “How was your day?” call. Nope. She was calling to find out when I would be home.

*blink blink*

I basically said that I should be home soon… to which she replied that she would just go to bed then and see me later.

*blink blink*

And that’s when I finally managed to find two brain cells to rub together to come up with “a clue” – She had come to town a day early. My “goodbyes” and “good nights” to the dinner crew were quick. And I may have set a new personal land speed record in getting home.

Best pre-Fourth of July surprise ever.

All was fine until this morning at 8:00, when the Leash started going off about a problem in the office. I gave it a couple of minutes, to see if it would correct itself. It didn’t. I logged into the system to see what I could suss out at a glance. Problems. Yay. I called to see if he knew what was up. He didn’t, at the time, but he surmised the problem – and the solution – rather quickly. And neither of us had to actually go into the office to take care of it. Selah.

SaraRules and I ran out this morning to run a few errands and to pick up some breakfast. She is working on an article for the AMFS and I’m going to squeeze in a little time playing Ultimate Alliance, until she finishes. Then, I believe that we’re spending the afternoon and evening hanging out with her folks. Not a bad way to spend the holiday.

Stray Toasters

Quotes of the Day
All of these were gleaned from last night’s dinner conversation:

  • : The rubbing makes it sensitive, the sweat makes it sting.
  • : What’s an “Olympic Queen?”
    Me: East German
  • “So, do we need to get you some landing lights?”
  • “Does he fly First Class?”
  • “Crisco… the natural lube.”

Have a safe and fun holiday and/or holiday weekend.


“We shall save this victory, without surrender or defeat.”

comics and animation, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, office antics, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 03 July 2008
Last day of the work week… sort of. I am keeping the Leash for an extra week, so a coworker can go camping with his family. The up side to this: I’m of pager duty for the next… 8 weeks, I think. That’s not a bad deal.

Last night, I watched Star Wars: A New Hope on Spike. Sure, it was the 90s remixed edition (you know… the one where Han doesn’t shoot first), but I was able to overlook that. For the most part.

I seem to recall Luke Skywalker being known as “the last survivor of the Death Star battle.” ( I just checked with , he remembers that, too.) I also remember this being somewhat retconned:

  • Han Solo (and, ostensibly, Chewbacca) was there – he afforded Luke the opportunity to make the shot.
  • Wedge Antilles survived – his X-Wing was damaged in the final run on the trench and Luke told him to wave off.

So, we have three (or four) survivors there. I realized something last night and I am not sure if it’s endemic to the updated version only or not: There is a Y-Wing bomber that also flies away from the exploding Death Star:

Let’s examine that picture…

  • Millenium Falcon? Check.
  • Red Two (Wedge’s X-Wing)? Check.
  • Red Five (Luke’s X-Wing)? Check.
  • Y-Wing bombe…. wait…. Y-Wing?! What’s that doing here?!

And so, my question is: Who was the mystery pilot?

I also spent some time in Paragon City. I got Kurigari to Security Level 20 a couple of nights ago, but didn’t feel like running his costume mission then. So, I did it last night. I had another character in Icon offer to help me out. Far be it from me to turn down a helping hand. A few minutes later, I was back in the tailor shop, getting hooked up with new threads. (And I STILL need to get a picture of this character…)

Four-Color Coverage
I picked up three (that’s right, “three”) books yesterday. It made for quick, but entertaining, reading:

  • Astonishing X-Men #25 – Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi’s debut issue hits the stands. And, it’s good. The take seems to be a bit of The X-Men meets The X-Files – there is a definite sci-fi edge to the story, so far. The X-Men seem to be settling in to their new locale fairly well. They’re even on good terms with the local government. YeahbuhWHAT?! There’s even a visit from a certain wind-riding Queen of Wakanda. I must give Mr. Ellis a bit of credit for the way he handled the interaction between Ororo and Emma when Ororo asked about joining the team. If I have a problem with the book, it would be with Bianchi’s artwork… but, not for the reasons you might suspect. The art looks amazing, to be honest, but in a few cases it looks like he’s trying “too hard.” Yes, we know that the X-Men’s world is fantastic (wait, no, that’s the Four)… um… Uncanny? Extreme? New? Ultimate? Well, whatever the word is that you want to use, Bianchi seems to want to make it abundantly clear through the art. Their “car” looks like something that NASA could use for a shuttlecraft. The new X-Jet doesn’t look bad, though. Maybe his style just has to grow on me. Regardless, it was a good read and I look forward to seeing in what direction(s) Mr. Ellis takes the book.
  • Legion of Super-Heroes #43 – The Legion is still facing lots of political red tape from the UP… even as they send a team to go save the newly-minted, UP-sponsored team of heroes that just had their collective recta handed to them. No rest for the weary, it seems. And who’s the kid talking with Brainiac 5 and what is his angle?
  • Trinity #4 – This is DC’s latest weekly title, featuring “The Big Three,” Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman. The book is divided into two parts – the first, featuring the aforementioned trinity; the second focusing on subplots, occasionally featuring the heroes’ antagonists. Kurt Busiek presents a good take on the characters, but unless something picks up or changes in the next few issues, I may be dropping this one.

Stray Toasters

  • Thank God, the angels and the Heavenly host for short work weeks.
  • 33-ish
  • How can you not love a webcomic that does things like this:
  • Frozen mocha goodness!
  • Google must divulge YouTube log
  • Despite (or because of) that, I give you:

  • Iron Sky. Check out the trailer.
  • Inka dinka doo.

“The force goes into the flow…”

comics and animation, everyday glory, LEGO and Rokenbok, news and info, office antics, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Mark, Wes and I headed to the gym at lunchtime. We repeated the routine that Wes and I did last week, for the most part:

  • Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 205 lbs.
  • Flys (machine): 3 sets/10 reps, 100 lbs, with 10 sec. hold on the 10th rep
  • Curls (standing, hammer): 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs.
  • Lateral Raises (with forward extension): 3 sets/10 reps, 10 lbs.
  • Tricep Extensions (standing, dumbbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 45 lbs.

Today’s post-workout weight: 175.3 lbs.

Overall, it felt good. We’re going to try to squeeze in another workout on Thursday, if possible. And, hopefully, we didn’t make Mark want to murder us… assuming that he’s able to lift his arms high enough to do so.

Stray Toasters

Back to it…

“All we want to do is eat your brains…”

comics and animation, everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, zombies No Comments »

Until last night, I had forgotten that this is a short work week.  I apparently forgot it again this morning… until I started thinking about how I wanted to spread out my work hours – I was planning on working a bunch of 9- and 10-hour days and taking off early on Friday again, when it dawned on me that Friday is a freebie.  Had gone with my original plan of pulling 10-9-10, I would only have two hours of work on Thursday.  I may still do that.

Stray Toasters

  • Michael Turner, artist and President of Aspen Comics, passed away Friday night.  He was 37.
  • Wizard has a 6-page preview of Astonishing X-Men #25, Warren Ellis’ first issue on the title.  Page Four alone is reason enough to buy the book.
  • Walk Score
  • In the same vein as someecards comes WrongCards.  They even have an “In event of zombies” section.
  • There are rumblings of Frank Miller working on some sort of sequel to 300.  I feel about this the way that I feel about The Dark Knight Strikes Again, his follow-up to The Dark Knight Returns:  You captured lighting in a bottle the first time around.  Don’t force it.  And, more importantly, why screw up a good thing?!
  • Wizard, in their “Corps Curriculum” column, posted this picture… with the caption: “Yoda couldn’t have done it better.”  The funny thing is, you could actually overwrite Luke and Yoda’s X-Wing raising dialogue from SW:TESB on this page… and have it fit perfectly.

All that and a new episode of The Middleman tonight.


“He’s going the distance, he’s going for speed…”

everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info No Comments »

Monday – 30 June 2008
6:30 came far too soon.
So I ignored it, in favor of 7:00.
That worked out much better, as far as I was concerned. 45 minutes later, I was on the way to work.

An hour later, I was at work, with a frozen mocha and a bagel sandwich.


Stray Toasters

  • You know, a morning that kicks off, musically, with Stevie Wonder and The Jackson 5 can’t be all bad.
    • The Jackson 5 – ABC
    • Stevie Wonder – I Wish
  • This is cheesy, but you have to watch it until the third group comes on:

  • For the kid and/or gamer looking to turn his or her room into a life-sized video game: Mario Vinyl Wall Decals
  • If you haven’t yet, see this movie:
  • Safeguarding the World’s Chocolate Supply
    (Yet, they say that bananas will possibly die out in the next 15 – 20 years…)

Attack the day…


“That’s the way that Lady Luck dances, roll the bones…”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, games, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Sunday – 29 June 2008
It’s seems as though June just got here… and now it’s almost gone.

Playing ‘Clix with Chris last night was good. We played two games, a one-on-one game and one with Matt and me taking him on. Chris won both. (Yay for sporadically crappy dice rolls!) I also understand now why he hates the “Indoor: Prison” map from the Sinister set… although, I think that it would be an interesting map to play with non-powered figures (S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, various law enforcement figures, A.I.M., Checkmate and/or thugs).

After gaming, I headed down to Sandy for breakfast. Not only was a small group, but we wound up leaving relatively early as everyone seemed to wind down from their week/day pretty quickly.

This morning, I managed to sleep in – I made it to the double-digits. Barely, but I did. I also woke up with a less-than-delightful headache. I assumed that it was lack-of-caffeine induced, but coffee has not as yet done anything, so I set two Aleve tablets on the job. Hopefully, they will do some good.

I’m trying to gear up to head downtown to visit the Utah Arts Festival. However, the whole “lazy” thing has had me firmly in its grip.

Stray Toasters

I should kick it into gear…


Friday Free-for-All

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, music, news and info No Comments »

Being done with the work week is a nice thing.
Lunch at Jitterbug == good

Stray Toasters


Late-afternoon digressions

books, everyday glory, geekery, monkeys!, music, news and info, office antics, politics and law, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Today’s sushi was good. Tony even threw in a couple of extra nigiri for us to try; I had albacore. Not bad.

Before lunch, I finally picked up my guitar from Acoustic Music. I’m a bit anxious to play. And, speaking of play, I’ve realized something: I want to play some of my older XBox games. Just because. Like X-Men: Legends and X-Men: The Next Dimension… and even X2: Wolverine’s Revenge and Spider-Man.

Stray Toasters

  • For Derek:
  • Pop culture + bukkake + macaques = ???
    (And I’m not really sure that we really want to know, either.)
  • What Would Barack Obama Do Listen To? Wired took a few guesses… check out how they did.
  • The Artist Formerly Known As The Fresh Prince (not to be confused with “just” Prince) backs Barack, too. BBC News has the skinny. Will Smith has been on The Late Show and The Colbert Report over the past couple of days, both interviews were entertaining.
  • Mayor Mick’s bike returned
    (Did this kind of thing ever happen to Rocky Anderson? Richard Daley? Ed Koch?)
  • Orwell’s 1984 as a pulp novel


“America… have you heard… about a brand-new dance, it’s called The Bird?”

everyday glory, family and friends, games, monkeys!, news and info, office antics, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Wednesday – 25 June 2008
During the work day, I (and usually a coworker or two) take walks around the complex/campus/whatever you’d care to call it. This week, I’ve had a couple of amusing/interesting experiences:

  1. There are trees along the south end of the path where we walk. Apparently, there are a couple of new nests in some of those trees. Wes and I were… not quite “dive bombed”… more “strafed”… as we walked along the path. The first time it happened, I felt a little like Tippi Hedren in The Birds. And the second and third times, too. I may suggest altering our walking path for the next couple of weeks.
  2. On Monday afternoon’s walk, I was almost done with my walk when I approached a couple of ladies walking in the same direction, but more slowly, than me. I was a few feet behind one of them when I said,”Excuse me, please, ladies.” One froze, the other… yelped (best word for it). Hell, I froze, too. They hadn’t heard me approaching; I had figured that since I was wearing hard-soled shoes and was on a cement walkway, they had heard my footsteps. No go, Flight. It took the yelping lady a few moments to regain her composure.

Yesterday also included a workout with Wes. It’s the first time I’ve been back to the Gold’s on Van Winkle in close to two years. Nice gym… although a couple of the patrons were ass-monkeys. “It takes all kinds,” I guess. The routine was a little short, but good:

  • Recumbent Bike: 0.5 miles, 100 rpm
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 185 lbs.
  • Flys (machine): 3 sets/10 reps, 100 lbs.
  • Curls (standing, hammer): 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs.
  • Lateral Raises (with forward extension): 3 sets/10 reps, 10 lbs.
  • Tricep Extensions (rope): 3 sets/10 reps, 60 lbs.

Last night was lazy. I came home, cooked dinner, sat on the couch and vegged. I also finished off the Superman card I’ve been working on:

I’m pretty happy with it. Once again, finding quotes was a right royal pain, but I wanted to find some from various sources (comics, TV series and movies). I think that the quote I’m most fond of is “Excuse me, sir. Would you care to step outside,” from Superman: The Movie.

Stray Toasters

Time to hit it.


“Would… you… like… to… play… a… game?”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, news and info No Comments »

Sunday: Coda
Today was a good day in the valley.

I met , , , Carl and Pat for lunch at Jitterbug. Food, good conversation and good company. The veritable Triple Crown for a coffee shop.

Next, I went to visit SaraRules’ folks.

Then, it was on to Chris’ to play Matt and ‘Mano for a rematch of the game where they royally spanked us. We weren’t sure what they were going to bring, but we came loaded for bear. When the dust settled, I had lost three pieces, but they were mostly there to keep my two other pieces from dying. And that’s exactly what they did. Chris and I had won.

Not a bad wrap-up to the day.

Stray Toasters

  • How do I know that my mother still worries about me? She called me this afternoon; she called because, knows that SaraRules is out of state for the summer and wanted to make sure that I wasn’t – and I quote – “…just sitting at home twiddling my thumbs.” I love my mother.
  • Edgy comic George Carlin dies in L.A., aged 71
  • I redid the character card I made for Galactus:
  • Matt and ‘Mano showed the following video to Chris and me today. Despite it’s title, it’s quite work-safe:

I should have been in bed long ago. Time to rectify that.


“Saturday morning fever… is on the rise… on NBC!”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, music, news and info No Comments »

Saturday – 21 June 2008
This morning’s title ran – actually, it was more of a “casual stroll” – through my head as I was typing the day/date for this post. I took it as an omen and just went with it. The line was from a commercial bump between Saturday morning cartoons… back when NBC actually showed cartoons, way back in the day.

Yesterday, I rolled out of work at 2:00. I have to say: It was nice to be done for the week that early. I’m going to shoot for it again next week. I left the office and headed to Dr. Volt’s to pick up two weeks’ worth of four-color goodness. Next on the docket: Lunch. I headed to Jitterbug; and her brother joined me.

From there, I headed home for a few before heading back out for coffee and dinner.

This morning, I was up (slightly) before the alarm went off. I think I have a handle on my team for today’s games… but I still want to find a backup. Just in case. Either way, I need to find pieces that I will be happy with for all three rounds.

Stray Toasters

  • Today is also Free RPG Day.
  • The Violent Femmes (Blister in the Sun) have done a cover of Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy… and it’s pretty good. Check it out here.
  • Everyone has a little secret he keeps
    I light the fires while the city sleeps

Time to get a move on.


“One night in Bangkok and the world’s your oyster…”

arts and leisure, everyday glory, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, music, news and info, quote of the day, science and technology, toys, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Friday – 20 June 2008
The end of the work week is at hand. Thanks to putting in a few extra hours, I’m done and gone at 1:30 today. That’s worth skipping lunch for. I’m going to run a few errands and enjoy the early start to the weekend.

Last night, I watched Fear Itself, the new anthology horror/suspense summer series on NBC. Thirteen episodes, each done by different directors. Last night’s episode was “The Family Man.”

Family Man – A likeable family man switches bodies with a serial killer during a near-death experience. Now he must keep his loved ones from being added to the long list of the killer’s victims.

It wasn’t bad; it reminded me of a modern Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits. I’m going to have to investigate the previous three episodes.

I also listened to the new Duffy CD, Rockferry. You may remember that I posted the video to Mercy a few weeks back:

The whole CD is good. It has a definite British soul feel, with a number of songs making nods to the 60s style of Brit soul/pop. I give it an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

Stray Toasters

  • I chatted with a little while ago, he has left Nepal and is currently enjoying a layover in Bangkok. He should be home tomorrow evening. More on his travel adventures below.
  • After sending her a link to zombie drawings on DrawerGeeks, I just typed “Zombees!” to SaraRules… which made me think “zombie bees.”
  • By way of BBC News: One tonne ‘Baby’ marks its birth
  • Drawn! (Which I had once again forgotten about…)
  • From the “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” file: The Baby Borrowers
  • Sailors fighting in the dance hall
    Oh man! Look at those cavemen go
    It’s the freakiest show
    Take a look at the Lawman
    Beating up the wrong guy
    Oh man! Wonder if he’ll ever know
    He’s in the best selling show
    Is there life ice on Mars?
  • I found this by way of DeviantArt:

  • (click for more work by DarkAngelDTB)

  • Auto Test Tracks Revealed From Above
  • Puzzle Calendar Is Not LEGO Compatible
  • …however, this is pretty cool: LEGO Employees Have Minifigs As Business Card
  • I think I’ll treat myself to either The Incredible Hulk or Get Smart after tomorrow’s ‘Clix game.

Quote of the Day

From this morning’s conversation with
He was telling me about an email that he sent to Bot and a couple of his brothers:

I had to go through multiple roadblocks, burning tires, and brick throwers to get to the airport this morning. Today’s asshole Kathmandu protest is brought to you by students, who are demanding that fuel prices come down. Took us 90 minutes to get to the airport.

At one intersection, the driver just hit the gas and drive around the tire. A dude threw a brick at us (missed by a mile) and called me “a mother beetches son.” Best insult EVER.

Anyway, I’m here, I’m in the Thai Airways lounge, and all is well. See you soon…

Then he added:

I almost went with the sesame street theme and said “today’s asshole kathmandu protest is brought to you by the letters AMF” but i think only andrew would’ve understood it

…where “AMF” stands for “Adios, motherfucker.”

I think that he should have added it.

And that’s a wrap.
