everyday glory, geekery, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »Wolverine + frog = ???
(Thanks to Derek for the story link)
And what would you call it?
Wolverine + frog = ???
(Thanks to Derek for the story link)
And what would you call it?
Monday – 09 June 2008
Here comes the work week.
I can’t complain about the weather, though.
It’s supposed to get up to the upper 70s. I can deal with that… especially since SaraRules just told me that it’s cold enough in Aspen that she had to wear a sweater this morning. In June. That just ain’t right.
I played a little CoH last night. I may switch over to CoV in the next day or two and show Mr. Dhoruba some love. Speaking of whom, I need to get a screenshot of his updated look… as well as a shot of my new Hero-side character, Kurigari.
This morning, I apparently woke up long enough to turn off the alarm… and roll back over. I don’t really , remember it, though. I was up about twenty minutes later, though. It didn’t take too long to kick the morning into gear. And the frozen mocha didn’t hurt, either.
Stray Toasters
I know that this leaves a lot of empty space on that shelf, but I really like the way it accents the figure. The only better thing that I could imagine would be to have an LED in/on the figure, similar to the McFarlane HALO3 Cortana figure. I also wish that I had about a half-inch more height to work with – Galactus would look nice behind Jean.
Sunday – 08 June 2008
Last week, I mentioned going for a morning walk with
Great plan.
In theory.
I was up later than I had planned to be and slept in again this morning. I woke up to find that
O, na.
In a couple of hours, I’ll be helping
Stray Toasters
Time to get ready to face the day.
And, yes, “toasterifficness” is a word.
His Chocolate Holiness has decreed it, so shall it be.
“I think we could have done better,” shrugged computer science major Kevin Bombino. He says Rowling lacks the gravitas a Harvard commencement speaker should have.”You know, we’re Harvard. We’re like the most prominent national institution. And I think we should be entitled to … we should be able to get anyone. And in my opinion, we’re settling here. “
“It’s definitely the ‘A’ list, and I wouldn’t ever associate J.K. Rowling with the people on that list,” says senior Andy Vaz. “From the moment we walk through the gates of Harvard Yard, they constantly emphasize that we are the leaders of tomorrow. They should have picked a leader to speak at commencement. Not a children’s writer. What does that say to the class of 2008? Are we the joke class?”
As SaraRules put it: “I’m sorry that probably the most published living author isn’t good enough for a CS major.” I think that the best summary to the article was this:
“They’ll grow up,” says 1983 graduate David Epstein. “They’ll have a broader worldview and they’ll understand that there are many, many ways to contribute. You know what they say — the freshman bring so much, and the seniors take away so little.”
Friday – 06 June 2008
This morning started off with the alarm going off… and me waking up with a headache. I didn’t consider that the most auspicious start to a Friday morning, so I stayed in bed for a bit. I should have gotten up then, because I wound up in an odd, rather disturbing corner of The Dreaming.
The second go-round of waking up went considerably better. I hit B&B for a large cup of frozen, triple-shotted goodness and Einstein Bros. for a bagel sandwich. Add to that having some decent commuting tunes and Bob’s your uncle, as the saying goes.
The Best: Sugar Sugar
The Archies vs. Mary Lou Lord (with Semisonic)
This song was originally done by The Archies in 1969.
It was covered by Mary Lou Lord in 1995 for Saturday Morning Cartoons’ Greatest Hits.
It’s a bubblegum pop song at heart – and one that I’ve liked since I was a kid – but the edge that Ms. Lord gives it, pushes it ahead of the original in my book.
Winner: Mary Lou Lord
Stray Toasters
Thursday – 05 June 2008
I must really like Sting’s Shadows in the Rain at a very deep level.
Why do I think this?
Because I keep enacting the “Woke up in my clothes again this morning” line.
I have a rather comfortable couch. Last night, I watched the end of DS9. I felt fine, fairly alert. Seven Days came on, but it was an episode that I’m not overly fond of, so I switched over to Law & Order: SVU. I don’t even think I made it to “Law.” I may not have even made it past the “L.” Next thing I knew, it was 6:30. I didn’t think that I was that tired. Guess I was wrong. *shrug*
Got up. Did the rituals. Ran into two of my neighbors on the way to the car. Hit the B&B for an iced mocha. And started the day.
And so it goes.
And so far, it goes well. Besides that… it’s Sushi and Comics NBN Thursday. Win-win.
Chew on This: Food for Thought
Now that the Democratic Nomination Debacle seems to be over, I’m… somewhat intrigued… by some of the news media’s choices in whom to interview about the groundbreaking importance of Senator Obama’s campaign and nomination.
CNN interviewed Jesse Jackson a couple of days ago. I was torn about this. On one hand, it made logical sense, as Rev. Jackson has run for office in the past. On the other hand, it seemed as though part of the reason they chose him was because of his role as a so-called “Black leader.” That gives me some pause. I’m not sure that I would really bestow that title upon him today. Yes, he’s done good things in the cause of the advancement of Black – and others’ – civil rights… but, to me, he seems to have moved from that to be more of a demagogue (def. 1) than an actual leader. Or, dare I say it: A rabble-rouser.
Sometimes, he seems to just… magically appear… at whatever scene is getting the most coverage. He’ll say a few words that play to the crowd and/or are useful as sound bites, but I don’t often find myself agreeing with him.
I would also put Rev. Al Sharpton in this “Who can we interview to get ‘the Black perspective'” category. However – and this is a pretty big “however” – I have to admit that I’ve seen Rev. Sharpton jumping on the latest bandwagon far less often in the past few years. I don’t know if I would say that he has “calmed down in his own age,” but it seems as though he’s more judicious about which windmills he chooses to joust.
I would go on to say that I’m not sure that there is “a” Black leader… or even two or three of them. (Of course, I currently live in Utah, so they could be out there, but I just don’t hear about them from behind the Zion Curtain…) The leaders of the 60s through… 80s, I’d say, have a certain perspective that I’m not sure is completely relevant today. I don’t mean this to diminish any of their accomplishments; I wouldn’t have many – possibly ANY – of the opportunities that I have enjoyed had it not been for their struggles and the paths they trod. But, when listening to them, it sometimes seems as if some of their old biases and prejudices still tinge their opinions.
To be honest, I’m not sure that I really want a “Black leader.” The “Black Experience,” as it is called, draws from a common history, but has so many facets that I believe that no single leader would be able to bridge them all.
Besides I’d rather have a leader who can speak to all people and draw them closer, as a whole, while acknowledging and respecting their differences.
Stray Toasters
Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?
Wednesday: Coda
This evening, I saw Iron Man again; I went with Max and Perry. It was just as much fun this time as it was opening day. Perry and Max both enjoyed it, as well. And this time I was able to catch a glimpse of Captain America’s shield in Tony’s workshop.
After the movie, I headed back to Kate and Perry’s and hung out for a while. This translates mostly into getting some surrogate uncle time with the kids. And, as a new twist, the two youngest asked me to read them a bedtime story: Go, Dog. Go! That was both unexpected and fun. After the youngest kids went to bed, Perry, Max and I watched Justice League Unlimited; tonight’s episode was “Question Authority,” in which The Question discovers the truth behind the founding members’ secret concerning an alternate/future President Luthor and The Justice Lords. This episode also contained one of my favorite lines from the series: The Question confronts the contemporary Lex Luthor about his plans to run for President of the United States. Luthor laughs and responds:
“President?! Foolish, faceless man… my campaign is a farce! A small part of a much grander scheme. President. Do you know how much power I’d have to give up to be President?! That’s right, conspiracy buff… I spent seventy-five million dollars on a fake presidential campaign… all just to tick Superman off.”
(You can also listen to it – as Luthor smacks The Question around his office – here.)
Perry just looked at me askance as I quoted most of that line while Luthor was saying it. Kate just laughed and shook her head.
Stray Toasters
I think that there is a glass of milk calling my name. I don’t know if it’s chocolate or not. Yet.
In a “comics world meets real world” crossover sort of way, Dwim sent me a link to an article from The Deseret News about Britain’s Prime Minister helping to stave off Marvel’s “Secret Invasion”:
(11:17:41) Dwim: http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,5143,700231575,00.html
(12:58:50) Me: If only we, as Americans, had an alien-fighting political figure.
(12:58:54) Me: Oh, wait…
(13:35:46) Me: No, he’s not really fighting aliens.
(13:35:54) Me: He wants to make them feel more welcome.
(13:35:56) Me: Hm.
(13:36:09) Me: GW… Skrull sympathizer?
(13:36:12) Me: Interesting spin.
(13:36:15) Me: OR
(13:36:21) Me: Is GW a Skrull himself?!
(13:52:12) Dwim: He’s not so much a Skrull as, say, a psychopathic megalomaniac who seeks to consolidate the power of all three brances of government into a single throne while removing the liberties currently enjoyed by his subjects with the excuse of keeping them safe from Muslim boogeymen, and while making his co-conspirators wealthy through a program of endless war.
(13:52:58) Dwim: Also, he enjoys golf, the occasional drink, and banging Laura on the weekends.
(13:54:09) Me: Right, but consider this: If he keeps the weathly/elite happy, they will be much more complacent and docile when their Skrull overlords sweep down upon the planet.
(13:54:24) Me: And the golf, alcohol and Laura items are just fringe benefits.
(13:54:29) Dwim: Have you considered the connection with the Skrull and Bones Society?1
(13:54:35) Me: >.<
(13:54:42) Me: That was bad.
(13:54:46) Dwim: Thank you.
1 -Â For those who didn’t catch the pun (or just didn’t get it):Â Skull and Bones Society
Wednesday – 04 June 2008
A grey and wet day in the valley. It was in the mid 70s (at least) yesterday; today, we’ll be lucky to break 60°F. Welcome to Utah.
Human of the Day
Speaking of “Welcome to Utah,”
Windows Server 2003. Blah.
Stray Toasters
…and, from a second angle (and in color):
Office Worker Meltdown Second Angle – Watch more free videos
Tuesday: Coda
When I got home, I turned on the TV and started surfing. I landed on CNN. As the Montana and South Dakota primaries were tonight, I watched the coverage. I missed Hillary Clinton’s… “No I’m not done, yet” speech. There’s a part of me that’s glad I did. I did watch Barack Obama’s speech. Once again, it was a classic. He didn’t bash Senator Clinton and there was only one jab (that I picked up on) at Senator McCain. Other than that, he seemed sincere and humble and appreciative.
After I watched a little more primary coverage, I flipped over to L&O: SVU. It was a rebroadcast of the season finale, which I didn’t see in first-run. It was a good episode, but it left a few questions about next season.
While waiting for dinner to cook (i.e.: “putting it the nukerator”), I installed a light in one of the display cases. It looks nice. I may move some things around to catch the light better. I may not. We’ll see.
Stray Toasters
That’s right: Diddy Kong. He renamed himself… after a cartoon/video game monkey.
Time to figure out what I want for a pre-bed snack.
Who knew that Barack Obama was a Rush fan!?
(snapshotted from CNN’s Election Center 2008 page)
Tuesday – 03 June 2008
Last night, I got home to find that my Giants set of ‘Clix had arrived. As I had some errands to run, I took the package, unopened, with me. I’ll come back to that one in a minute.
One of the evening’s errands was to take my guitar to Acoustic Music. The bridge had… separated… from the body, rendering the instrument pretty much useless. They will reattach the bridge and restring the guitar; I should have it back inside of a week. I had asked Tom (SaraRules’ friend) and Bruce (from Jitterbug) where the best place to take it would be – both of them said Acoustic Music. First choice. No hesitation. (Well, there was a little hesitation from Tom, as he tried to recall the name of the place, but it was still his first choice.)
One of the other “errands” was to see if Chris was home and show him the Giants set. He was. I did. He laughed when I told him that I came by just to show him the figures, but he liked them. (The sculpts and paint jobs are really good, the pictures on the site don’t do ’em justice.) He didn’t recognize all of the characters, but he did know a few of them.
On to the store to pick up a few groceries and then home. I cooked dinner: Grilled chicken over angel hair pasta with a garden salad and a glass of Gewurtztraminer to wash it down. Aside from neglecting to turn on the range hood fan while cooking – and thus having a little too much smoke in the apartment and THUS setting off the smoke detector – it was good.
I even got to watch ST:DS9 and Seven Days. before calling it a night.
Back in the saddle again:
Pre-workout weight: 172.4 lbs.
I don’t know what I did to lose two pounds over the last week, but I’m not going to argue.
Stray Toasters
…not that I really needed any other reasons, mind you, but this one is a peach:
Particluar item: “Tip of the Day”
(It’s at the bottom of the post.)
His rationale:
With the “glass is half empty or half full” analogy, optimism is better than pessimism. So the way you phrase it, makes people feel like they are choosing one nationality over the other, and they don’t know what to say
And for this, I will name Derek “Human of the Day”