“And we’re up in an airplane, nearer my God to Thee…”
comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, football, games, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, quote of the day, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »Tuesday – 07 Oct 2008
Happy Birthday to
Last night, I hung out with SaraRules and her family and watched the rollercoaster (of love… say WHAT!?!) of a game that was Minnesota vs. New Orleans. Wow. There were a LOT of impressive plays in the game:
- Saints QB Drew Brees threw for 330 yards.
- Vikings QB Gus Frerotte threw for 222 yards and engineered a couple of impressive drives, despite taking a beating from the Saints’ defense.
- Saints’ RB Reggie Bush ran for a combined 176 yards, including two (2) punt returns for touchdowns.
- Vikes’ RB Chester Taylor (former Ravens RB) threw a touchdown pass
- And where did Vikings’ CB Antoine Winfield come from?! He was everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Special teams? POW! Defensive line? BAM! In the Saints’ backfield? Yep. He was there, too.
Of course, there were some miscues, too:
- Martin Gramatica’s off-the-mark field goals.
- The Saints’ problems with holding on to the ball.
- Drew Brees’ interceptions.
I just noticed that this week’s NFL passing leaders are Kyle Orton (CHI) with 334 yards and Drew Brees (NO) with 330 yards. Both of them were Boilermakers.
This morning, the alarm went off at 6:20. I did my level best to ignore it. That didn’t work, so I turned off the alarm and laid in bed, pondering the prospect of starting the day.
Somewhere between “pondering” and “starting the day,” I nodded off again.
This is why I have a secondary alarm. It went off. I got up. Yay.
Stray Toasters
- LEGO Eggo waffles.
- WizKids has posted the new Batgirl figure on the Arkham Asylum page, but there’s nothing about it in their news headlines.
- In a rather geeky moment, I realized that 2’x3′ Heroclix maps will fit under the glass top of my living room table.
- 10 IT Power-Saving Myths Debunked
- From the “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” file: Monkey waiters at restaurant
- Farewell, Opus; Hello, Pete, the Perfectly Practical Pig
Quote of the Day
Today’s nugget of joy comes from an IRC conversation:
(08:54:52) Ahpuc: When you are sitting on an airplane next to someone who is too chatty, what’s your favorite way to end the conversation?
(09:21:55) Xeen: falcon punch
(09:25:53) ***
(09:49:27) Ahpuc: A friend of mine was near a chatty 65-70 year odl woman, she was going around to everyone near here, asking what they did, etc…Like meet-me-get-to-know-me day on the damned airplane.
(09:49:55) Ahpuc: When she got to him and asked what he did he said he ran a porn site, and that they were looking for models for some of the sennior citizen porn.
(09:50:03) Ahpuc: She shut up for the whole flight at that point.
(09:52:50) Ahpuc: I was thinking of riffing off Fight Club: “Insurance Adjuster for the airlines. Do you know how many of these planes actually crash every year, due to poor maintenance? I mean, if it’s not near a big city, they just cover it up, it never sees the press…This airline in particular is notorious for painting over holes in the cabin. Hmm…Does it feel drafty in here to you?”
(09:54:52) ***
(09:55:45) ***Ahpuc kicks
(09:58:49) Ahpuc: Or reply only with Biblical quotations, carefully chosen for effect.
(09:59:48) Ahpuc: Matthew 10:34 – Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.