Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“Play the game… Oh, everybody play the game…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, movies and TV No Comments »

Saturday – 07 June 2008
Today is my mother’s birthday.

It is also Prince’s birthday.

I called Mom to wish her a happy birthday.
I did not call Prince.

Despite waking up late, it was a good day. There was another ‘Clix tournament at Far West today; I picked up Chris on the way to the store. I decided to try a different team, as I don’t want to become a one-trick pony with the Legion. I went with the Doom Patrol:

I know… I know… Red Arrow is not – nor has he been – a member of DP, but he filled a slot that I needed for long-range attacks.

As Fate would have it… I drew Chris as my first round opponent. Before the match even started, I was ready to chalk it up as an automatic loss. And, boy, was I right. He obliterated me. I think that I damaged one of his characters. Maybe.

Second round, I played a guy named Frank. He had a three-person team of X-related people:

I won this game… on points. Frank played a defensive game and I was able to effectively set up a pincer offense. I lost The Chief in the gambit, but I was able to take out Emma and Jean (and was working on Archangel) before time was called.

Third round: Sean. He played with a mixed force:

This was a good game. I kept trying to hit Physician, but his damned Super Senses let him keep dodging the attacks. Rita didn’t get close enough to do any damage. The Chief and Mento…? Well, let’s just say that they aren’t exactly damage cannons. In the end, I lost the team to attrition.

So, I was 1 – 2 for the day. On the up side, I won the “Fellowship” (think “Sportsmanship/Good Conduct/etc”) award, for which I got a Stardust figure. Stardust… Herald of Galactus. Nice! And… Chris was the big winner of the day. His prize: A spot in the HeroClix 2008 World Champioship at GenCon… with a first round bye. VERY nice!

There’s another tournament in a couple of weeks. 1,000 points… per player. Unrestricted, which means that if it’s EVER been a figure, it’s usuable. Ostensibly, this means that I could field both Galactus AND Phoenix. Of course, that would be ALL that I could field. And they would be targets. Big targets. Colossal targets, in fact.

After the tourney was over, Sean and Frank wanted to play some more, so Chris and I took them on. 400 points per player. We fielded a mixed team, as did Frank and Sean. We wound up taking out Frank’s part of their team and shortly thereafter – with most of their heavy-hitters gone – Sean conceded the game.

I stopped at Jitterbug to have a bite to eat. Uriah was there and we, along with the other folks in the shop, sat around and gabbed for a while.

From there, it was off to say “Hi” to SaraRules’ family. They were watching Amazon Women on the Moon when I got there. I had not seen it before, so they played a couple of scenes – featuring David Allen Grier as Don “No Soul” Simmons. I cracked up. Check ’em out:


Next up: Breakfast.

Stray Toasters


Mid-afternoon ‘Toasterifficness

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, monkeys!, music, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

And, yes, “toasterifficness” is a word.
His Chocolate Holiness has decreed it, so shall it be.

  • I had an interesting thought while taking a walk at lunch: I passed some flowers outside one of the buildings in our office park; some of the flowers had begun to wilt. My first thought was “Why is beauty so transitory?” I mused on it for a few moments and then had to amend the thought to: “Why is our perception of beauty – or what is considered ‘beautiful’ – so transitory?”
  • Somebody’s Somebody
  • Lish wanted me to make a note of Bacon Salt. I seem to remember that someone else (possibly or ) had pointed this out to me a few months ago.
  • Lish also thinks that I should audition for Top Chef… based solely on the strength of my S’mores Brownie Pie. I’m not so confident that they alone are enough to get me on – let alone through – a season of Top Chef.
  • I’m anxious to get my guitar back from the shop. I wasn’t really aware how much I missed having it around… until it wasn’t. Go figure.
  • Rowling’s Harvard Speech Doesn’t Entrance All
    Wow. I was pretty amazed at some of the graduates’ reactions in this article. Want to talk about “entitlement,” check these out these quotes:

    “I think we could have done better,” shrugged computer science major Kevin Bombino. He says Rowling lacks the gravitas a Harvard commencement speaker should have.”You know, we’re Harvard. We’re like the most prominent national institution. And I think we should be entitled to … we should be able to get anyone. And in my opinion, we’re settling here. “


    “It’s definitely the ‘A’ list, and I wouldn’t ever associate J.K. Rowling with the people on that list,” says senior Andy Vaz. “From the moment we walk through the gates of Harvard Yard, they constantly emphasize that we are the leaders of tomorrow. They should have picked a leader to speak at commencement. Not a children’s writer. What does that say to the class of 2008? Are we the joke class?”

    As SaraRules put it: “I’m sorry that probably the most published living author isn’t good enough for a CS major.” I think that the best summary to the article was this:

    “They’ll grow up,” says 1983 graduate David Epstein. “They’ll have a broader worldview and they’ll understand that there are many, many ways to contribute. You know what they say — the freshman bring so much, and the seniors take away so little.”

  • Today’s iTunes random play has been full of Prince songs.

“Lift ev’ry voice and sing, till Earth and Heaven ring…”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Thursday – 05 June 2008
I must really like Sting’s Shadows in the Rain at a very deep level.

Why do I think this?
Because I keep enacting the “Woke up in my clothes again this morning” line.

I have a rather comfortable couch. Last night, I watched the end of DS9. I felt fine, fairly alert. Seven Days came on, but it was an episode that I’m not overly fond of, so I switched over to Law & Order: SVU. I don’t even think I made it to “Law.” I may not have even made it past the “L.” Next thing I knew, it was 6:30. I didn’t think that I was that tired. Guess I was wrong. *shrug*

Got up. Did the rituals. Ran into two of my neighbors on the way to the car. Hit the B&B for an iced mocha. And started the day.

And so it goes.

And so far, it goes well. Besides that… it’s Sushi and Comics NBN Thursday. Win-win.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
Now that the Democratic Nomination Debacle seems to be over, I’m… somewhat intrigued… by some of the news media’s choices in whom to interview about the groundbreaking importance of Senator Obama’s campaign and nomination.

CNN interviewed Jesse Jackson a couple of days ago. I was torn about this. On one hand, it made logical sense, as Rev. Jackson has run for office in the past. On the other hand, it seemed as though part of the reason they chose him was because of his role as a so-called “Black leader.” That gives me some pause. I’m not sure that I would really bestow that title upon him today. Yes, he’s done good things in the cause of the advancement of Black – and others’ – civil rights… but, to me, he seems to have moved from that to be more of a demagogue (def. 1) than an actual leader. Or, dare I say it: A rabble-rouser.

Sometimes, he seems to just… magically appear… at whatever scene is getting the most coverage. He’ll say a few words that play to the crowd and/or are useful as sound bites, but I don’t often find myself agreeing with him.

I would also put Rev. Al Sharpton in this “Who can we interview to get ‘the Black perspective'” category. However – and this is a pretty big “however” – I have to admit that I’ve seen Rev. Sharpton jumping on the latest bandwagon far less often in the past few years. I don’t know if I would say that he has “calmed down in his own age,” but it seems as though he’s more judicious about which windmills he chooses to joust.

I would go on to say that I’m not sure that there is “a” Black leader… or even two or three of them. (Of course, I currently live in Utah, so they could be out there, but I just don’t hear about them from behind the Zion Curtain…) The leaders of the 60s through… 80s, I’d say, have a certain perspective that I’m not sure is completely relevant today. I don’t mean this to diminish any of their accomplishments; I wouldn’t have many – possibly ANY – of the opportunities that I have enjoyed had it not been for their struggles and the paths they trod. But, when listening to them, it sometimes seems as if some of their old biases and prejudices still tinge their opinions.

To be honest, I’m not sure that I really want a “Black leader.” The “Black Experience,” as it is called, draws from a common history, but has so many facets that I believe that no single leader would be able to bridge them all.

Besides I’d rather have a leader who can speak to all people and draw them closer, as a whole, while acknowledging and respecting their differences.

Stray Toasters

Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?


For SaraRules

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, news and info, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

By way of wikiHow: How to Celebrate the International Year of the Potato

“While my guitar gently weeps…”

cyberpunk/steampunk, dining and cuisine, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, workout No Comments »

Tuesday – 03 June 2008
Last night, I got home to find that my Giants set of ‘Clix had arrived. As I had some errands to run, I took the package, unopened, with me. I’ll come back to that one in a minute.

One of the evening’s errands was to take my guitar to Acoustic Music. The bridge had… separated… from the body, rendering the instrument pretty much useless. They will reattach the bridge and restring the guitar; I should have it back inside of a week. I had asked Tom (SaraRules’ friend) and Bruce (from Jitterbug) where the best place to take it would be – both of them said Acoustic Music. First choice. No hesitation. (Well, there was a little hesitation from Tom, as he tried to recall the name of the place, but it was still his first choice.)

One of the other “errands” was to see if Chris was home and show him the Giants set. He was. I did. He laughed when I told him that I came by just to show him the figures, but he liked them. (The sculpts and paint jobs are really good, the pictures on the site don’t do ’em justice.) He didn’t recognize all of the characters, but he did know a few of them.

On to the store to pick up a few groceries and then home. I cooked dinner: Grilled chicken over angel hair pasta with a garden salad and a glass of Gewurtztraminer to wash it down. Aside from neglecting to turn on the range hood fan while cooking – and thus having a little too much smoke in the apartment and THUS setting off the smoke detector – it was good.

I even got to watch ST:DS9 and Seven Days. before calling it a night.

Back in the saddle again:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets/20 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 185 lbs
  • Pulldowns (close grip): 3 sets/12 reps, 120 lbs
  • Shoulder Press (dumbbell): 3 sets/15 reps – 30 lbs (1 set), 35 lbs (2 sets)
  • Bent-over Row: 3 sets/10 reps, 35 lbs
  • Wrist Curls: 2 sets (each)/15 reps – 55 lbs (reverse), 45 lbs (forward)

Pre-workout weight: 172.4 lbs.

I don’t know what I did to lose two pounds over the last week, but I’m not going to argue.

Stray Toasters



“Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear….?”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law No Comments »

Saturday: Coda
I had lunch with at Jitterbug. Then I headed down to hang out with Kate, Perry and the kids for a bit. I left with a few new (to me) ‘Clix – ones of which Perry had spares and I had none.

Around 7:00, I headed to Chris and Mary’s go talk about the new Dark Heresy game that Chris wants to run. We got the bare-bones basics of what our characters would know and then rolled up characters. Tomorrow evening, I’m heading back there to play ‘Clix with Chris and Mark. Hopefully, I will get some ideas about who I want to use in next Saturday’s tournament, too.

Breakfast with the usual suspects. There was some decent people-watching tonight. The conversations were good, too.

Tomorrow, assuming that I’m awake early enough, I intend to join for one of his Sunday morning meditational/inspirational treks. I also plan on getting in some drawing time – I’ve realized that it has been FAR too long since I’ve really done any drawing of note. It’s time to rectify that.

Stray Toasters

  • I saw and Uriah while at Jitterbug today. That was a nice surprise.
  • According to SaraRules: Aspen is ‘spensive.
  • Steve Harvey, from The Original Kings of Comedy DVD:

    The part that always cracks me up about this starts about 2:45 into it… and the song that starts around 5:30 in.

  • “Pubic Toupee” and “Black Hole of Misery”
  • When I saw this article, it made me a bit sad. I realize that running for political office puts a candidate’s life under scrutiny, but come on… to drive a person out of their home church? That’s a bit too far.
  • The upcoming “Secret Invasion” set of HeroClix will include a new Cloak and Dagger figure:
  • According to this item, the new set will also see the debut of Power Pack in the game. Yes, Power Pack still holds a happy, warm spot in my comics-loving heart.
  • Purple monkey dishwasher.

It’s early and I have to get up later.


Post-lunch randomness

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, office antics, politics and law, science and technology No Comments »

In no particular order:

  • and I walked over to Dask’s for lunch. When we got to the little shopping center where it is, he noticed that a new restaurant, Cafe Zupas, had opened. We decided to give it a go. It specializes in salads, sandwiches and soups. I had the Honey Bacon Club and it was good.
  • is on a roll today. She sent me this:

  • , having watched the above video, went on to watch this one… and send a link to me:

  • I am looking for a new hard drive for Defiant. I guess that I should get an external HD, too, for use with Time Machine.
  • , Mike and I discussed adding a new class to FRPGs/MMos: Barbarian Lush.
  • Stormtroopers vs. London Cops

Back to it.

“What’s a ‘shrimp cot?’ Is that something they sleep on?”

books, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 29 May 2008
A couple of things that started the morning nicely:

  1. I Am LEGO
  2. Sent to me by CoworkerJG, who knows my proclivity for City of Heroes/Villains:

I think that these were good ways to kick of any NBN Thursday. And this morning’s coffee didn’t hurt, either. Nor did “The Boys in Brazil,” the behind-the-scenes movie from Disc Two of Rush in Rio, made during the Vapor Trails tour, playing on my port side monitor; it’s not only a cool look at what you might not otherwise see or know about putting together a concert and/or a tour, but it’s fun, too.

So, all together, I guess that it would be “No Bad News Sushi and Comic Book ‘Wednesday’,” too.

Stray Toasters

  • I am “this close” to ordering a set of HeroClix Giants. It has Colossal Boy and Validus ‘Clix. Must have.
  • Terminator Salvation: The Future begins principal photography
  • principal != principle
  • sent me a link to an article about Nepal abolishing it’s monarchy. In honor of that, I dedicate this Schoolhouse Rock! toon:

    No, it’s not entirely the same thing, but it’s as close as I could get.

  • also (indirectly) had to deal with a monkey today:

    : there was a goddamn monkey in my yard today
    : O.o
    : while the movers were packing things up
    : Did it get packed into the truck?
    : you assume there was a moving truck
    : Oh.
    : the 9 crates are still in my yard
    : Right.
    Wait…. WHAT?!
    : they have to take them to the airport one by one in a tiny little jeep
    : …
    : yea
    so this little fucker is running around trying to bite the movers
    he climbed inside the crates while they were packing boxes into them
    i was laughing my ass off
    but admittedly
    i was laughing from behind the window inside
    those things are freaking mean

  • NBC launches horror anthology series Fear Itself
  • Does anyone else remember Tales of the Gold Monkey?
  • Private Donor Saves Fermilab
  • Update: I bought the ‘Clix Giants.
  • Tyranist: James Bond Book Covers
  • Ken Jennings, the man who holds the record for the longest winning streak on Jeopardy!, has written a blog post about Mike Allred’s Madman!, whose protagonist is apparently Mormon. I recall reading many rains past that The New Mutants’ Cypher was supposed to be Mormon, but the only other character that I knew was definitely LDS was Dr. Deseret (1, 2) from Will Shetterly’s Captain Confederacy.



“Who needs sleep? Well, you’re never gonna get it…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, movies and TV 1 Comment »

Sunday – 25 May 2008
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was fun.  It wasn’t a “great” film, but it was a nice end piece for the Indiana Jones franchise… if, indeed it is the end of the franchise.

This morning was a sleeping-in morning.
In theory.

I woke up a hair after 6:00.

Fortunately, I was able to go back to sleep.

Until 8:00.

I snuck back into The Dreaming for another hour.  After that, I figured that trying to sleep any longer would just be an exercise in futility.  So, I headed into the living room and surfed the interwebs for a while before  logging into City of Heroes for a bit.  I have forgotten how squishy low-level characters were.  But, I’m enjoying the new guy.

SaraRules, after she woke up,  fixed breakfast – sauteed spaghetti – and we watched a couple of episodes of MythBusters.

Now, we’re going to gallivant about the countryside until it’s time to head to her parents’ for dinner.


“We do more before 9 AM than most people do all day…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, movies and TV No Comments »

Saturday – 24 May 2008
This morning started off with a couple of errands and then a trip to OnlyAly and ‘s. We were helping them move a load o’ stuff to OnlyAly’s mom’s. I think that this was THE fastest moving job in the history of moving – according to , it was three hours from truck rental to truck return. (Of course, having 15 bodies to help move stuff didn’t hurt, either.) Mr. and Mrs. were kind enough to treat us to lunch.

Home for showers and other generally appreciated hygiene rituals.

Off to have coffee with Perry and then Gardner Village.

Next up: Dinner at Tsunami and a viewing of the new Indiana Jones flick with Chris and Mary.


“In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, office antics, quote of the day, science and technology No Comments »

Thursday – 22 May 2008
It’s a wet and rainy morning in the Land Behind the Zion Curtain.
After Tuesday’s 90° high and yesterday’s (possible) 60° high… today’s projected high is 50°.
Fifty. Five-zero.

Last night, SaraRules and I watched Poolhall Junkies. Christopher Walken. Rod Steiger. Chazz Palminteri. Lex Luthor Michael Rosenbaum. And where in the world has Carmen Sandiego Ernie Reyes, Jr. been?! Somehow, I had managed never to see this movie. That’s a shame – it’s a good movie. And, although they never overtly say it, it was filmed (and set) in Salt Lake City – you can even see the SLC LDS Temple in an exterior shot. (That, I did know before seeing the movie, though.) Being a film about a young hotshot pool player, it reminded me of The Color of Money. I even considered watching both of them for a better juxtaposition. And, if I do that, I am Ivory Soap sure that I will add The Hustler to the mix, just for good measure.

Not only is it NBN Thursday, it’s also “Sushi Wednesday.
And “Comic Book Day-After-Wednesday.”

Stray Toasters

  • I’m not a fan of “reality TV,” generally speaking. I think I’ve made that fairly apparent over the years. However there are two things that have come to my attention this season that are somewhat noteworthy:
    • American Idol. I didn’t watch the show, but I caught a couple of episodes at Kate and Perry’s over the past couple of months. I mentioned David Cook back in March as having caught my attention. And, as of last night, he was chosen as American Idol’s champion for the 2007-2008 season.
    • Deion and Pilar: Prime Time Love. Kris (Sib-2) brought this show to SaraRules and my attention when we were in Florida. This show is… to call it “a trainwreck” doesn’t do it justice. You just can’t help but stare at, mouth agape. And laugh. Doubled-over on the floor, holding your sides laughing. And the opening theme? Comedy. Pure comedy. , I take back (just about) everything I ever said about your fascination with The Anna Nicole Smith Show after watching Deion & Pilar.
  • Claire Beale interviews Apple’s Jonathan Ive
  • I am looking for suggestions of new musical artists/bands.
  • Pirate’s Booty: An ex-Jack Sparrow spills on life at the Magic Kingdom
  • Getting ‘Nine back into shape is becoming… tedious. Certain things don’t seem to want to install properly. It’s getting a little annoying, in fact. And, it really is making me give more consideration to picking up a Mac Mini or an iMac this year, maybe as a second birthday present or Christmas present to myself.
  • Sushi Jihad!
  • The Secret History of Star Wars
  • SaraRules left me a message: My friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man letter carrier brought me a package chock full of plastic crack. Selah.

Quote of the Day
Somehow, Christopher Walken always manages to get both some of the most random – and some of the most cool – lines in any movie he’s in:

Mike: You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? You see the one about lions? You got this lion. He’s the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here. He’s laying under a tree, in the middle of Africa. He’s so big, it’s so hot. He doesn’t want to move. Now the little lions come, they start messing with him. Biting his tail, biting his ears. He doesn’t do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him. Coming over, making trouble. Still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this. They start to move in. The jackals; hyenas. They’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes, and eat the food that’s in his domain. They do this, then they get closer and closer, bolder and bolder. Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody. Runs like the wind, eats everything in his path. Cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is.



“Heaven and hell are right here, behind every wall, every window, the world behind the world. And we’re smack in the middle.”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, quote of the day No Comments »

Monday – 19 May 2008
A new (work) week begins. At least this one is sunny. And it’s supposed to be warm/hot today, too. But, it’s a dry heat.  Should I be… concerned… that Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train just felt like the “right” song to listen to? I mean, that shouldn’t be taken as an omen for the day, should it?

*looks around for Cthulhu cultists*

Last night, SaraRules and I watched Constantine. All-in-all, it wasn’t a horrible adaptation of Hellblazer… although, it would have been nice if they had stayed a little closer to Alan Moore’s vision/version of John Constantine and Hellblazer, but isn’t that the way things seem to go with adaptations of his work? I had forgotten that Shia LeBeouf was in the movie. He’s everywhere these days.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
When Code Monkey and I went for our morning constitutional, he related a comment that had been attributed to a former coworker of ours:

Code Monkey: Doug’s definition of “perfect democracy” – Two wolves and a sheep deciding on what’s for dinner.



“The villain is the hero in his own story.”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, music, science and technology No Comments »

Sunday – 18 May 2008
Today has been quite nice. It started off with sleeping in. That’s always a good way to kick off a weekend morning. We had a couple of options of how to start the morning: A trip to the Garden of Sweden or brunch at The Cheesecake Factory.

We opted for The Cheesecake Factory. This time, we actually got in and got seated. The decor, as SaraRules commented, was an odd combination of art deco, Tuscan and Egyptian. It… “works,” but it was a little odd to see all together. I had the French Toast with a side of ham; I thought that it was pretty good. And our waitress, Brandy, was rather attentive and had a pleasant demeanor. All-in-all, I’d give it a thumbs-up.

Next on the docket: Utah Opera’s production of Don Giovanni (1, 2). The production was very good. The principals all did an excellent job, especially Christopher Schaldenbrand, as Don Giovanni – he made the rakish Don both likable and detestable. As added bonuses, we ran into ‘s aunt, a coworker and an ex-coworker of mine.

Next, we stopped in to say “Hi” to SaraRules’ family-unit. Then, home. SaraRules fixed a very tasty lemon chicken, with rice pilaf and broccoli.

Don’t know what’s up for the rest of the evening, but I’m pretty sure that we’ll come up with something.

Stray Toasters

  • I stumbled across this on Engadget, it made me laugh:

  • How to Pack Everything You Own in One Bag
  • I just made a really bad She Talks to Angels joke to SaraRules. She didn’t shake her head at me or pat me patronizingly.
  • The new teaser poster for the upcoming Punisher: War Zone movie:
  • Pulp Non-Fiction: I don’t care for pulp in my fruit juice.
  • If I wanted to do my third Samuel L. Jackson-based Hallowe’en costume in four years (Mace Windu and Neville Flynn, from Snakes on a Plane), I could go as either Nick Fury, from Marvel’s Ultimate line and the recent Iron Man movie or The Octopus, from the upcoming The Spirit movie.
  • Donald Soffritti has an amusing look at superheroes in their old age in his blog.

And, that’s a wrap.


“Everyone’s a superhero, everyone’s a Captain Kirk…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, movies and TV 1 Comment »

Saturday – 17 May 2008
One of the great things about the weekend is the ability to sleep in.

Too bad nobody told my body about that.

I’ve been awake since 6:45 this morning.  In an effort not to awaken SaraRules, I headed into the living room and read some of the books that Dave set aside for me during Free Comic Book Day.  When I tired of that, I fired up the XBox 360 and played a bit of Marvel Ultimate Alliance.  I figured that if I couldn’t watch superheroes (since my favorite ‘toons are off the air), I would play superhero.  I haven’t played this game in a LONG time – and the last time I played was on the old XBox… so I was starting over.  From Square One.  But it was fun.

After SaraRules woke up, she made – MADE – a coffee cake.  We also channel-surfed a bit, until settling on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

Today, we’re going to run some errands and just… hang out.

Tonight, breakfast.

In between… well, we’ll just see what comes up.


“In the skillet, there’s somethin’ cooking…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 15 May 2008
SaraRules and I had breakfast with her family at Ruth’s Diner this morning.

Sweet Mother Mary…

If you’re in the SLC metro area, go there. Their Sunday brunch is also very good… but be warned: Either get there early or be prepared for a lengthy wait to be seated.

Today has been good, so far. Warm, sunny, a few clouds in a blue sky. Not shabby at all. Work hasn’t been bad either.

Stray Toasters

