“I hit cruise control and rubbed my eyes…”
dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, The Covet List, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »Wednesday – 14 May 2008
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Check.
Houston Hobby Airport. Check.
McCarran International Airport. Check.
In-N-Out Burger. Check.
Six-hour drive to Salt Lake City. Check.
In other words: We are back behind the Zion Curtain.
The vacation was great. We both had a good time. And, let’s face it: Getting a chance to get out of Utah – and head to the Right Coast – is always a bonus. The chance to hang with the family-unit added a few extra points to the score, too.
We had lunch with Kris at Cracker Barrel before heading to the airport; somehow, SaraRules had never eaten at Cracker Barrel before. Back to her place to pack up and get under way for the Great Western Migration.
The flights weren’t bad. On the FLL-HOU leg, we watched Road to Perdition. Wow. How is it that I have owned – OWNED – this movie for months but not watched it?! Unglaublich! I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, but I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Since my old laptop was… old… I never watched movies on it. (No DVD player in that one.) So, watching movies on Defiant is a relatively “new” thing. Something brand-spanking new was the idea of watching the movie with the subtitles. This made understanding some of the more quiet parts of the movie much easier. While watching Road to Perdition, I think that the young lady sitting next to me was watching/reading the movie with us… but trying not to look like she was. Added bonus: We shared the flight with a polygamist family. (“It’s not a compound. It’s our home.”)
The HOU-LAS leg of the trip wasn’t hellish, even despite the baby that started screaming about halfway through the flight. Screaming. Banshee wailing. The flight was full and as people were boarding, there was an older Vietnamese (I’m Ivory Soap sure) couple that wound up having to sit apart from each other. The gentleman turned to ask if I would mind changing seats with him. I declined as:
- I had boarded early enough to choose the seat I wanted.
- I was sitting next to SaraRules
- While she is willing fly, SaraRules isn’t overly fond of it.
So, I wasn’t about to abandon her. Tough noogies, Mister.
The drive from Vegas to Salt Lake wasn’t bad. We drove past a moderate-sized brush fire just north of St. George. There were a few minutes before we got to Cedar City when I thought that we might have to stop for the night, but after getting out to top off the tank and get something to drink, I was fine for the rest of the drive. And, other than those things, the drive was rather uneventful.
Stray Toasters
- I neglected to mention that we watched Memento a few days ago, a movie which I have only had a couple of weeks, but also had not seen. I also greatly enjoyed that film.
- Hilary Clinton pretty much swept the West-by-God Virginia primary. Who would have expected that?!
- Rotary iPhone Dial
- Darlin’, it’s better down where it’s wetter: Under the sea!
passed this along to me the other day; it made me chuckle: - Why I Started Punching Jerks Again
- Who needs (or “needed”) eHarmony when you could just use the 1939 marital rating scale for wives?
- Mormon Church Goes After WikiLeaks
- And another covet-inducing ‘Clix:
- Prince Ali!
Mighty is he!
Ali Ababwa
Strong as ten regular men, definitely!
He faced the galloping hordes
A hundred bad guys with swords
Who sent those goons to their lords?
Why, Prince Ali!