Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

Lazy SLC Saturday

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Saturday – 23 February 2008
Last night’s Clitorati gathering was fun. It was a very nice way to wind up the week. And, even though I was told “Don’t play with your food” while I was growing up… there are just some things that can’t be passed up:

The second pic nearly did not get taken:

While setting up the shot, I asked to move a bit. He did. Just as I prepared to take the picture, the cup – with coffee still in it – tipped over. I put down the camera and reached for the cup.

And the camera fell off the table.

Fortunately, I was able to catch it between my legs.

As the camera was falling, looked over and saw me catch the camera. After we all shared a “Did that really just happen?!” moment, she reached over to get it…

…just as the camera took a picture.

There was a pregnant pause and then we all broke out in laughing fits.

Today has been a mix of what I planned to do, a few things I didn’t plan on… and completely skipping a couple of things that I planned on. All-in-all, not too bad.

The morning started, as usual, with the Legion and The Batman. Both, however, were repeats… but that didn’t stop me from enjoying both. As I was rounding the clubhouse turn and watching Stargate SG-1, called and asked if I had eaten lunch yet. I hadn’t. So, we went to Macaroni Grill. I had the Chicken Marsala; the pasta was a little dry, but otherwise everything was fine.

After that, I ran a few errands and then went to visit Kate, Perry and the kids. Next up: A stop in the Red Balloon to see if they had anything that I just couldn’t live without for my Rokenbok set. I considered a couple of things, but ultimately walked out empty-handed. There is a set that I am looking for, but they didn’t have it in stock.

I headed up to say “Hi” to SaraRules’ parents. I finally remembered to take over a couple of movies that they hadn’t seen. When I got there, they kindly invited me to stay for dinner; I did. Over dinner, they asked how the trip was; I gave them my side of the story (which was a positive accounting of events). I showed them pictures from the trip, as well.

Back home to chill out and spend some time in Paragon City.

Now, off to breakfast!


“The night is black, without a moon…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, news and info, politics and law, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 22 February 2008
I wound up staying in SLC all day Thursday. I was going to head down to AF after working on a system here, but was… convinced to stay north of the county line. The day was… something. In fact, at one point it came precipitously close to breaking the No Bad News Thursday rule. I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t bad news, just a very poor presentation of information.

After work, I ran a couple of errands and then headed to Jitterbug to meet and for dinner. And coffee. And catching up on the latest things going on. After that, I headed home for a few.

Next up: A jaunt to ‘s to help her with a computer problem. Nothing earth-shattering (or even earth-shaking, like yesterday’s earthquake – which I, again, slept through). While there, I saw and played with the kids. They have new collars – Sissy has a green one. That’s right: My cat wants to be a Green Lantern when she grows up. (I’m so proud of her…)

Home again. I fired up City of Death Heroes and joined a team with a couple of guys whom I’ve grouped with before. They’re both “a little” gung-ho. Unfortunately, they were both Scrappers and not Tankers. Suffice if to say that there was plenty of death to be had for everyone. *sigh* I left that team and was invited to join another. The second team had their act together.

Stray Toasters


“I turn my back to the wind, to catch my breath before I start off again…”

books, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday: Coda
I came home and cooked dinner. Not fish fillets and fries. Not ramen. Not soup. Not spaghetti. I actually fired up the stove and the oven. Tonight’s fare:

  • Baked chicken
  • Rice, cooked in cream of mushroom soup
  • Corn
  • And a glass of milk. (Milk, it does a body good. Pass it on!)

Not only that, but I watched last week’s CSI: (kind of hard to watch live at 35,000 feet) and tonight’s Law & Order (well, I’m watching it now). AND I read this week’s four-color haul. And I may still make a trip to Paragon City. All-in-all, not a bad evening.

Stray Toasters

Time to go fight some evil.


Recap. Rinse. Repeat.

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Tuesday – 19 February 2008
Home again.

I tried getting in touch with Tammy, but didn’t catch her… so Monday was “spend the last few hours of vacation hanging out with the family before getting on a plane” day. We did head out for a bit, so that I could take SaraRules over to Pimlico Race Course, home of the Preakness Stakes… which is only a couple of miles from the house. After getting back from that, we hung out with Bot, Bit and . Pictures were taken. (Granted, these were lumped in with other pictures taken over the course of the weekend – including two with my uncle and one with Bret – but there are pictures nonetheless.) Also, here are pictures of the quilt that SaraRules made for Grace. When the time came to leave, we said our goodbyes, threw our things in the car and headed to BWI. We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare. We checked in and made it through security quickly and painlessly. Then… we waited.

We boarded our plane and we were on our way west again. The flight was rather uneventful; to pass the time, SaraRules and I watched Transformers. She hadn’t seen it before, but enjoyed it. An hour and some change later, we were in Las Vegas. Our bags were on the carousel almost by the time we got there. To the car. Out the garage and we were on our way…

…to In-n-Out Burger. After that and a stop for gasoline, we were on the road back to Cedar City. By the time we got in, we were exhausted. So, we crashed.

This morning, we got up, ready and on our respective ways: SaraRules to class; me to work.

The work day wasn’t very eventful, which is not a bad thing. Eric and I had a special guest star for today’s workout: Wes, who in the AF office today. Today’s routine included:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets/20 reps
  • Pull-ups: 3 sets/10 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 205 lbs.
  • Cable Row: 3 sets/10 reps, 120 lbs.
  • Shoulder Press (seated, dumbbells): 3 sets/10 reps, 45 lbs.
  • Cable Fly: 3 sets/10 reps, 95 lbs.
  • Core Exercises
    • One-leg, with twist: 2 sets
    • Standard (plank): 3 sets – 45 seconds, 30 seconds, 30 seconds

Today’s weight: 172.4 lbs.
It was a good mix. And tiring. It was Wes’ first time really working out in about six months. (Having brain surgery will do that to you, apparently.) He did fine. While he had to back off of some of the weight that Eric and I did, he was still right there with us otherwise.

Post-work, it was Scion game night. We didn’t do very much, as a couple of players weren’t there, but we were able to move the story along a little. And it was fun to hang out with the gaming crew.

Monkey of the Day
On the way home from gaming, I stopped at the grocery store. While I was in the checkout line, a young-ish guy (mid 20s, I would guess) came in, carrying a gallon of milk. He asked to speak to one of the managers. When she came to the front of the store, he told her that he’d purchased the milk at another location, but it was apparently past its “best if used by” date and wanted his money back. The manager offered to exchange the bad milk for a new one. The guy wasn’t having any part of that – he wanted his money. The manager said that she couldn’t just refund his money – as the milk wasn’t purchased at this store – but re-offered to replace the bad milk. His response: “Yes you can! This is all just one big chain. You can give me my money! It’s all the same store!” The manager countered that it was not, in fact, “…all the same store.”

This went around and around a couple of times. The guy finally started cursing at the manager. She walked away, saying, “I’m not going to go on with this if you’re going to speak to me this way.” She never raised her voice. She didn’t get confrontational. The guy just wouldn’t quit. He asked… no… “demanded”… that she get him the general manager’s name and contact information. She politely refused, as the guy was still slinging expletives at her.

He was still arguing (is it right to say “arguing” if he was the only one talking?) after I checked out and left.

Stray Toasters

I suppose that I should move from “the theory of sleep” to “the practical application of sleep.”


“We all feel that relation, when the water take us home…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, travel No Comments »

Saturday – 16 February 2008
Yesterday was spent downtown at Harborplace and the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

The day started with lunch at Phillip’s Restaurant.  Crab cakes.  Not just one style, but two!  Broiled (favorite) and fried.  Well worth the trip.

Next, we headed to the Aquarium.  The gentleman at the ticket counter suggested that we delay going in until 5:00, when the admission rate dropped to $16 USD.  So, we spent a half-hour at the Barnes & Noble in the Power Plant.  It was the first time that I’d been in that B&N; I like the layout a lot – two floors, two cafes, plenty of space for customers to sit and even spots where small groups could congregate.  In other words, it would make a great place for Clitorati… if there was a B&N like this in Salt Lake City.

Back to the aquarium.

Three buildings, multiple floors of fish, mammals, amphibians, birds… and even a sloth.  Pictures here.

Back home to hang out with the family.

Today, my uncle is coming down for the afternoon from New York.

I should probably finish – read “start” – getting ready.

And with that…


“Grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye, JAFO. We’re going down.”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, zombies No Comments »

Monday – 11 February 2008
This morning started early. 5:10 AM early. And, after a night of not sleeping well, that’s pretty damned early, indeed. But, it was worth it: SaraRules and I had breakfast at Paradise Bakery & Cafe before she headed back to Cedar City. We’ve been trying to go there for a few weeks, but never managed to get there during breakfast hours. It was pretty good and not too terribly priced; more than fast food, but a bit more substantial, too. We also discovered something else: That has to be the safest place in Cottonwood Heights at 6:00 AM — there were six or seven sheriff’s deputies there. And, it’s not the first time that I’ve noticed that.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
I’m willing to bet that this has been tossed around the Internet and other media before, but it just dawned on me: Lost is basically Gilligan’s Island with more people.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
I received a random text message from Adam yesterday:

I’ll call you when I get back, I just set sail with the Captain.

I haven’t heard from him since. I just hope that it wasn’t one of those proverbial “three-hour tours.”

“Day by day, the seasons pass…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 05 February 2008
So far, it’s been a rather decent day. Nothing really out of the ordinary to report… other than Deacon Derek brought me a tub of spun sugar confectionery goodness as recompense for letting him jump-seat to Cedar City with me this past weekend.

Today’s workout was… abbreviated, but still decent:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets/20 reps
  • Pull-ups: 3 sets/10 reps (3rd set done with 80 lbs. assistance)
  • Bench press: 3 sets/10 reps, 205 lbs.
  • Lateral Raises (standing, dumbbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 10 lbs.
  • Curls (standing, barbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 60 lbs.

Today’s weight: 169.6 lbs.
Stray Toasters

  • I stumbled upon a new-to-me site today: Top Secret Recipes.
  • The name – and buy-out – game!
    • MicroHoo!
    • Yahoogle or Goohoo!

    Round and round and round it goes! Where it stops… nobody knows!

  • Sam Adams: Patriot. Brewer. Homeboy.
    Jackie Chan: Martial artist. Actor. Tea maker…? When did this happen?!
  • …and, speaking of beer, as seen in Cedar City, UT this past weekend:

    That’s right… they are passing on that whole 1¢ savings on to YOU!
    (Don’t spend it all in one place!)

  • History of conjoined twins
  • I have replenished my stores of Twix and Butterfinger in the AF office!
  • Is the GameBoy the toughest product ever made?
  • What is – or was – your favorite console gaming unit?
    I love my 360, but the Sega Genesis still has a warm place in my heart…
  • “Honey, have you seen my super-suit itch-free pajamas?!”

And tonight: Scion.


Super Bowl Sunday 2008

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, football, geekery, movies and TV No Comments »

Sunday – 03 February 2008
Last night, SaraRules, Tink, Vince, Steve and I went to see Steph dance in Sleeping Beauty. It was staged by the Cedar City Junior Ballet; Steph danced the lead role as Princess Aurora. It was held in the Heritage Theater, which was a rather nice venue. The production was very good… and it included some adorable kids (as in under 10 years old) in a few roles. Steph gave an amazing performance, as did the rest of the corps. Even the kids, I’m happy to report.

Last night’s sleep was horrible. Between 2 AM and 8:30 AM, I think that I was up at least five (5) times. At 8:30, I’d had enough and went into the living room to watch TV and nerd. Unfortunately, at that time of the morning, there isn’t much to see on TV and there wasn’t really anything on the Internet that held my interest for very long. So, around 9:30, I went back to bed. I was able to eke out another couple hours’ broken sleep, but it was sleep. The weird dreams I had, though… those I could have done without.

This afternoon, I played a little CoH with Corvus Nox. Members of my SG were on, playing their mid-level characters and invited me to join the team. Vazhilok. In the sewers. It was a good run and, by the time we had finished, I got Nox up to Security Level 18.

SaraRules and I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things for tonight’s Super Bowl gathering. Aside from assorted snack stuff, I decided to pick up shrimp and some (relatively) cheap beer in which to cook the shrimp. It was, according to group consensus, tasty. SaraRules made a rather delicious queso dip and jalapeno poppers.

People started showing up around 4:00. It was a lot of fun. Equal measures of trash-talking and educating people about the game were parts of the conversation. The game was a LOT better than I expected it to be, as well, which made for a rather… boisterous… evening.

Congratulations to the New York Giants for their win.

Likewise, congratulations to the New England Patriots for their (otherwise) perfect season.

This year’s Super Bowl commercials were decent – the hands-down favorite of the night: Doritos Mouse Trap.

Tonight, we’re watching a movie; I’m not sure “what” yet.

Tomorrow, it’s the long commute. Hopefully, UDoT will have allocated sufficient resources to deal with today’s snow.


“Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting…” (apparently, so is Friday night)

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, football, games No Comments »

Saturday – 02 February 2008
Derek (visiting a friend here in Cedar) and I left work yesterday and headed south. On the way, I shared with him the thoughts about one of our coworkers reminding us of Homsar. He found it as amusing – and just about as fitting – as we did. The trip was fairly uneventful, even when we drove through a few areas where snow was falling. Oddly, Beaver was not one of those areas.

Upon arriving in Cedar City, I dropped Derek off and headed to SaraRules’ place. I was a little more tired than I thought, so I took a short nap. When I woke up, Tink told me that I had missed SaraRules mixing it up with Roomie #5’s boyfriend. *jawdrop* Apparently, the spat didn’t last long and Miss SaraRules handled business… but, I still wish that I had been awake for it. Steph came home from her performance – she is dancing the lead in a production of Sleeping Beauty. So the fight recap was told again….

…as it was when Kim got home
…as it was when Vince got here
…and as it was when a few friends of Steph and Tink’s got here.

It was just one of those stories that gets better with each retelling.

Vince and I played a bit of Magic: the Addiction Gathering last night.  He tuned a couple of decks; I played with three of my old decks.  My first deck (black-and-red) played slowly, Vince won that game.  I used my blue deck next.  Much better results.  After that game, I went to my black-and-green deck.  I lost that game, but it was a closer game.  Back to the blue deck.  I won the next couple of games.

Today has been a fairly typical Saturday: Toons, breakfast and coffee. Today’s Legion was (yet) another rerun; but, The Batman was new. After we got our weekly dose of toonage, we observed the necessary hygiene rituals. Next up, SaraRules took on some homework while I took on bad guys in Paragon City. I am still about 80,000 points from Security Level 40.  But, I’m getting closer.  I also retuned my black-and-red deck, to (hopefully) get it to play a little faster… y’know… just in case a game of Magic breaks out later tonight.

Tonight, we’re having dinner with Tink and Vince at Cafe Orleans and then seeing Sleeping Beauty.

After that?
Who knows.

Tomorrow: Super Bowl.
What are your predictions?
I’m not sure who I really want to win: I would be interested in seeing the Patriots having a complete perfect season, but it would be nice to see Eli Manning and company pull off an upset.  I guess we’ll see tomorrow.


“Relate to me as me, not what you see on TV…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Friday – 01 February 2008
Welcome to Black History Month.

(from http://pioneer.utah.gov)

Last night, I had dinner with Land at Biaggi’s. I haven’t eaten there in… over a year. I had the Chicken Marsala entree; it was quite good and very filling. I think that I saw the waiter who waited on us the first time that and I ate there… I think. But, I’m not sure. Fortunately, we had a different waiter and he was good – he was a little slow in bringing our drinks at first, but once he got going, he was rather attentive. After dinner, I ran a few errands then headed home.

I slept in a little this morning. Not much. Just enough. And it was good. A quick stop at the SLC office and then I was on my way to AF.

Things were fairly quiet in AF. Selah.
The lunchtime workout was a repeat of Tuesday’s workout.
I weighed in today at 172.0 pounds. (Wow.)

City of Heroes: The Hand of Nefer-Tem
I put in a couple of hours in Paragon City. Not quite enough to hit Security Level 40, but it got me a good portion of the way there. I should – hopefully – be able to get there by the end of the weekend.

Next weekend is another Double XP Weekend event. Double XP == good.

Stray Toasters

  • I need to replenish the Twix and Butterfinger stores in my AF desk drawer o’ goodies.
  • Eric and I just figured out who one of our coworkers reminds us of: Homsar.
  • The Internet may (or may not) be a series of tubes, but this is.
  • With John Edwards out of the race, commentators on this morning’s Diane Rehm Show speculated as to whether we could possibly see an Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama ticket in the Fall…
  • Microsoft wants to buy the flagging Yahoo! Interesting.
  • Microsoft is also doing a webcomic: Heroes Happen Here
  • Frozen Grand Central – the latest prank from Improv Everywhere.
  • sent me a link to this. O.o

Time to make like the cast of The Wiz (Broadway) and Ease on Down the Road.


Relaxing Saturday.

books, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, toys No Comments »

Saturday – 26 January 2008
Last night, SaraRules and I went to my company’s “Winter Party.” It was held at Snowbird’s Cliff Lodge. We mostly hung out with with and shockpuppet and a few other coworkers. And, I was finally able to introduce SaraRules to my coworker who plays cello and performs with the Orchestra at Temple Square; they talked about string-y things and whatnot. Our keynote speaker for last night’s party was Richard Marcinko, former commander of Navy SEAL Team Six; he was an interesting person, but he wasn’t exactly a great public speaker. And, at the end of the affair, we got new company jackets and a copy of Mr. Marcinko’s book, Rogue Warrior.

After driving out of the canyon, we met up with the usual suspects – plus Land – at Cheers: North.

This morning started slowly and quietly – i.e.: “Sleeping in!” I don’t know what happened – or who put in the order for it – but it was a very nice, bright and temperate day: Temps were in the 40s! As there were no new ‘toons to watch, SaraRules and I decided to head out for breakfast. We went to the local Paradise Bakery and Cafè, but they stop selling breakfast at 11AM. Curses! So, we opted to go elsewhere… but not before SaraRules made a stop at Simply Mac to pick up a pink Speck case for her MacBook.

We wound up having breakfast in Holladay at a place called Sharon’s. SaraRules’ parents joined us. We sat, ate and chatted for a while. Post-breakfast, we headed up to the parents’ place for a bit to meet Loomis, their recently-adopted cat. Their newly-adopted, large cat. He’s on the order of 21 pounds. Cute cat, though. And rather friendly… as long as you don’t mess with his paws – I saw some of his handiwork in proving to others his dislike for having his paws messed with.

From there, we headed down to visit Kate, Perry and the kids. When we left there, we stopped in the Sandy Red Balloon. I was in a mood to possibly pick up something to add to the Rokenbok collection… but nothing they had caught my eye. So I didn’t.

Pictures of the day… so far.

Now, it’s time to figure out what to do for dinner.

This evening… we may just have to play some miniature golf. Just because we can.


“All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, monkeys!, music, news and info, science and technology, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 23 January 2008
Mid-week and all’s well… if grey, gloomy and generally “blah” can be considered “well.”

I got a decent start on the morning… even after someone dialed my number at 5:45 AM. No idea who it was, because no number came up on the Caller ID. Monkeys. I was up and nominally mobile a little after 7:00 this morning and out the door, caffeinated (and bagel-laden) and in the office by 8:30. As an added bonus, the first song on Nomad’s shuffle play was Big Daddy Kane’s A Job Ain’t Nuthin’ But Work. Nice way to kick off the short commute.

Mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money got get made
To get paid in this trade
And I believe that I can acheive
To make ends meet like a hair weave

Survivin’ in this economy people in the world wanna be
Stayin’ in the upper class so you’re the path
The rich gets the most and the poor gets so little
And only Monie Love can make it in the middle

The work day wasn’t too chaotic. Fortunately. I was asked to check out a problem with a server… which not only was not having a problem (today), but was also in the middle of running some tests for one of our engineers. So, that got downgraded from “Put this at the top of today’s to-do list” to “Keep an eye on this.” I’m okay with that. I’ve also managed to work in some hardware testing… which means that I have been able to clear stacks of dysfunctional machinery out of my work area. I actually found some work space under all of the dreck!

Sushi Wednesday.
New Comics Day.
‘Nuff said.

Genius that I am, I left the power cord (POWER CHORD!) for Defiant at work. *sigh* This meant that – rather than go buy a (“yet another”) new one – I had to go back to the office to retrieve it. This was good on a couple of counts… as I also forgot that I needed to pick up a few things at the store, too. So, I headed to the office to find…

…neither of my badges worked on the main doors of the building. *grblsnrkx* Fortunately, I had messaged Code Monkey BB to see if he was still at work before leaving home. He was. I called him and he brought my cord down to the lobby. We chatted a bit before I took off to run some more errands and he went back upstairs to sling some more code.

After errand-running, I decided to see if was in. She was. I told her that I had her Trader Joe’s shwag with me and would drop it off, if that was alright. Not only was it alright, she asked if I’d mind lending a hand to , who had been helping her resurrect her PC – at this point they were having a problem getting her mouse to respond and needed to rejoin the PC to the wireless network.

No problem!
Piece of cake!
We’d have it back online and humming in no time!

An hour and a half later, we finally had things up and running again. Just like Tom Tom the Piper’s Son… but without the pigs.

Stray Toasters

I’m sure that there was probably more that I was going to add to this… but all I want to do now is save the world (if I can find a team) and read the rest of this week’s four-color haul.


“Playing with the Queen of Hearts, knowing it ain’t very smart…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, music, quote of the day, travel, workout No Comments »

Tuesday – 22 January 2008
And… we’re back in the Land behind the Zion Curtain.

Actually, we got back last night. We arrived in Utah as snow began to fall a little south of Cedar City. *sigh* I left (relatively) sunny southern California for this?!

Yesterday, SaraRules and I hit the Trader Joe’s in La Cañada before hitting the road. I haven’t been to a Trader Joe’s in a few years – since the last Disneyland trip, in fact. I stocked up on a few bottles of Two Buck Chuck, among other tasty wines and some assorted snacks. Then, we were northbound and down. We stopped at an In and Out Burger in Vegas. ‘Twas tasty.

Today’s commute wasn’t as hellish as I had feared that it might be. The roads in southern Utah were fairly clear. I didn’t really have to deal with any road monkeys, which was also nice. Today’s workout was good:

  • Bench press: 3 sets/10 reps, 185 lbs.
  • Curls (standing, barbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 50 lbs.
  • Fly (Nautilus): 3 sets/10 reps, 95 lbs. (ten-second hold on the tenth rep)
  • Decline press (dumbbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 50 lbs
  • Tricep press: 3 sets/10 reps, 80 lbs.
  • Dips: 2 sets/15 reps

It was definitely tiring, but good. I think that I will start increasing my weights next week, by at least 5 lbs per exercise. And, speaking of increasing weight: When I stepped on the scale today, I tipped the scales at 169.6 lbs. I don’t think that I’ve weighed quite that much since my freshman year in college.

Stray Toasters

Quotes of the Day

Item 1 comes from a brief (though not brief enough) conversation with a coworker:

Office Simian: Is there a color printer around here?
Me: No, there’s one in Salt Lake
Office Simian: Well, that makes it kind of difficult, doesn’t it?
Me: Not really… if you’re going to be in Salt Lake

Item 2 is from a conversation with :

(4:36:13 PM) : please. kill me.
(4:36:33 PM) : Can I just… wound… you?
(4:36:40 PM) : but..
(4:36:41 PM) : shockpuppet would kill me if I kill you.
(4:36:51 PM) : if you strike me down now i will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
(4:37:45 PM) : I dunno… I can imagine a lot.
(4:39:47 PM) : MORE.
(4:41:53 PM) : But, shockpuppet…
(4:43:39 PM) : yeah. she would really fuck you up.
(4:43:57 PM) : and then she’s have SaraRules to deal with…
(4:44:01 PM) : she’d..
(4:44:12 PM) : in the end it would probably kick off a world war.

Tonight: Scion… and maybe saving the world, after I get home.


“Freeze this moment a little bit longer, make each impression a little bit stronger…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, human of the day, LEGO and Rokenbok, toys, travel 1 Comment »

Sunday – 20 January 2008
This morning, we got up and breakfast at Noah’s Bagels with Meliko, Cat and Adrienne. After that, we headed back to Meliko and Cat’s apartment to get our gear and get on our way. We made a… somewhat… quick stop at the comic shop around the corner from the apartment. I’m glad I did: I found a Time Trapper ‘Clix.

On to LEGOland! Sweet Mary, mother of God… it was fun! The park was bigger than I expected. We got to pretty much all of the sections, but there are still some things that we’d like to go back and check out. We saw the exhibits. Rode a few rides. Walked. Toured. Shopped. Had a good time.

From there, we headed up to Montrose to meet up with the infamous Tom C., his girlfriend Jo and their roommate, Blair. (, both SaraRules and I hugged him for you. His reaction was worth it.) We went to dinner at Jerry’s Famous Deli in Studio City. Our waiter looked like an adult Peter Brady (NOT Christopher Knight… but, rather, what Peter Brady would have looked like had “he” grown up). And he wasn’t exactly the most attentive waiter. *sigh* Oh, well. Back to Tom’s to chill and hang out.

Here are today’s pictures… with a warning: After the pictures of SaraRules and Meliko and of Cat and me, there are over 350 pictures in LEGOland.

Human of the Day
Today’s HotD is SaraRules, for putting up with me being a horribly overgrown kid – with a camera – at LEGOland. (Or, as she put it: “It was fun watching you be so excited about being at LEGOland.”)

Time to relax and unwind.


“California dreaming, on such a winter’s day…”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, style, travel No Comments »

Saturday – 19 January 2008
This morning SaraRules and I got up, observed the hygiene rituals and then headed off to enjoy a few things in the greater L.A. Metro area. But first… on to the nearby Target for a couple of new SD cards for the camera. Next, we went to a bagel shop around the corner from Meliko’s place. I had ham, egg and swiss on a sesame bagel, which was rather good.

And then…Seal Beach. (pictures) We walked down the pier and then walked down on the sand… and a little way into the surf. The ambient temperature was in the mid-60s and the water 57°F, pretty chilly but still okay to stand in (briefly!). There were surfers on the north side of the pier and sunbathers on the south side. And, we even saw one wakeboarder trying to “surf” down a sand dune. He was unsuccessful in all four attempts that we watched. There was no wind, so I didn’t get to fly my kite.

Back to the apartment to meet/pick-up Meliko and then we headed to Messob, an Ethiopian restaurant. The ladies split a vegetarian platter; I had Sigo Wat – a braised beef dish. All of it was good and I understand why it is that SaraRules tries to make this one of her “must go to” places when she’s in L.A.

After lunch, we went to Beverly Hills (cue Axel F) to go to Sprinkles Cupcakes. I had heard them both rave about the cupcakes… and bemoan the fact that there was usually a wait to get in the door. When we got there, we had 20-ish minute wait to get in. That gave us the perfect opportunity to do some people-watching. We weren’t let down. We counted more than “a few” fashion faux-pas and straight-up “fashion don’ts.” Finally, we went inside, ordered our cupcakes and were on our way to…

Gallery 1988 for Under the Influence: A Tribute to Stan Lee. As cool as the pieces looked online, they were even more impressive in the gallery. If I had the money to do so ($$$), I would have added a couple of pieces to my burgeoning art collection. If you’re in the L.A. area – and are a fan of comic-related art – you should definitely see this exhibit (on display through 01 Feb 08). After looking at the exhibit, we went next door to Golden Apple Comics.


I found some old issues of Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, a handful of Legion of Super-Heroes and an Elseworld title that I haven’t seen in a while: Speeding Bullets. Not only that, I picked up a few pieces of plastic crack, including:

Yeah, I was pretty stoked. Back to the car – by way of a nearby Baskin-Robbins – and back to the apartment.

Next up, we’re going to see Cloverfield in a bit.

::: time lapse :::

So, SaraRules, Meliko and I just got back from Cloverfield. It was well-done. Very well done, in many ways… but be warned: It’s shot in Blair Witch cam. Even more so than the second and third Bourne movies. However, the technique was used very effectively in this movie. And the characters were rather believable. And the movie was written with the assumption that the members of the audience actually had functional brains. So… I give the movie a thumbs-up with an okay.

Tomorrow: LEGOland.
