Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“City lights stretch out before us…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday: Coda
Annnd, we’re here. Long Beach. SoCal. According to Weather.com, it’s 49°F here. Forty-nine. At almost 10:00 PM. SLC won’t see the other side of forty for the next couple of months, probably.

The trip was fun. Long, but fun. We stopped in St. George (so I could pick up my camera – kudos to online shopping/in-store pick-up). While we were off the interstate, we decided to pick up lunch at the nearby Burger King. This was… entertaining.

We pulled up to the drive-in and SaraRules started to place our order. I think that it took four tries to get the first part of the order in and have the person on the mike actually get it right. Then, SaraRules put in the second part of the order. That was, comparatively, a piece of cake – she only had to repeat herself once.

And, just as we were about to add an extra order of onion rings to the mix, we were cut off, given a total and told to drive around.

*blink blink*

We drove up to the window… and added in our onion ring request. Because, as SaraRules put it: “We already had food and knew that they would not spit in our onion rings.”

So, the whole exchange – which should have taken about… four minutes – took nearly ten. Wow. Talk about “fast” food.

We drove through Vegas and the NV/CA state line and on to Baker, CA. If you’ve never been to/through Baker, you’re not really missing much: A few gas stations, some restaurants (mostly attached to the gas stations) and a buttload of mobile homes. Oh, and the world’s tallest thermometer. On the plus side, they did have a Dairy Queen, so I was able to sate my chocolate-dipped cone craving.

On the road again and on to Long Beach! Tally-ho!

As we dropped through Cajon Pass and into San Bernardino, the traffic picked up… the way that traffic does when you’re entering a major metropolitan area. It reminded me of the traffic on 495 in/around DC.

We made it to Meliko‘s. When we got there, Jeff and Adrienne – friends of theirs, were there. We said our “hellos” and then decided to head off to get something to eat. We went to a place called Marri’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant. I had the chicken alfredo. Good stuff. By the time we got back, Meliko’s roommate, Cat, was home. SaraRules and I hung out while the four of them (Meliko, Cat, Adrienne and Jeff) practiced a song.

Stray Toasters

  • Right after this afternoon’s post, pointed me in the direction of 25 Amazing Photos Taken at the Exact Perfect Time
  • : I got ya covered. There’s actually a TJ’s just around the corner. Literally.
  • How bad-ass is Wonder Woman? Not only did she whoop Batman’s ass, but she’s a therapist: Ask Golden Age Wonder Woman
  • The newest “Sneak Preview” from the upcoming HeroClix release Crisis: The Flash. The Barry Allen “I’m going to run myself to death” Flash.

And, since I’m on vacation… I’m done.


“In brighest day, in blackest night…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology, The Covet List, toys, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Wednesday – 09 January 2008
This morning started early. 6:15 early. All things considered, that’s good for many reasons, not the least of which was that I was able to chat with Mom for a few minutes before I headed off to work. And when I stepped outside… I saw that it had snowed. And it continued to snow, intermittently, throughout the day.

The work day has been relatively quiet, allowing me to dive back into Win Server 2003 reading – which at this point includes a lot of going back and taking some notes on things I read before our Winter vacation. But, it’s proceeding apace.

Today was also Sushi Wednesday (Oh Sushi, the restaurant formerly known as Go Sushi) and Four-Color Crack Day. Due to the holidays – and some delays from Diamond – shipments for the past two weeks have been a little “off.” So much so that last week, Dr. Volt’s had two shipments: One on Wednesday (the previous week’s shipment) and one on Friday (last week’s intended shipment). Since I worked out of AF – and headed south – on Friday, I missed out on getting the second day’s haul until today. And even with the today’s new arrivals, the haul was fairly light. So, I made up for it by picking up this and this, after all…

  1. It’s a John Stewart figure. (If I need to ‘splain beyond this, just stop reading now.)
  2. They’re more X-Men Minimates for my “Sentinel Attacks!” scenario. ‘Nuff said.

I neglected to cover yesterday’s workout in yesterday’s post. Let me start off by saying that it hurt. A lot. Something about “not going to the gym for three weeks” comes to mind. The overall workout was light and more of a “getting back into the swing of things” routine:

  • Pull-ups: 3 sets/10 reps (on the last set, the last half were done with my feet braced against the back of the Roman Chair)
  • Leg raises: 3 sets/20 reps
  • Dips: 3 sets/15 reps
  • Bench press: 3 sets/10 reps, 135 lbs. (Like I said: “Getting back into it”)
  • Nautilus Cable Fly: 3 sets/10 reps, (2 sets at 95 lbs, 1 set at 80 lbs)
  • Seated dumbbell curls: 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs.

Like I said: It hurt. A lot. Yesterday. Today. And maybe even tomorrow.

Tonight, I think that I shall spend some quality time in Paragon City… or the Rogue Isles. I’m not quite sure “which” locale sounds more appealing.

Stray Toasters

  • Rather than going to bed at a nominally reasonable hour last night, I took time to set up my LEGO train alongside the Rokenbok Factory. I’ll have to take some pics of the “new” setup at some point.
  • Speaking of LEGO: SaraRules and I are looking at the feasibility of visiting LEGOland: California in a couple of weeks, while in Lost Angles.
  • Yes, I know “Los Angeles” is misspelled above.
  • My Favorite James Bond portrayers, in descending order:
  1. Sean Connery
  2. Daniel Craig
  3. Pierce Brosnan
  4. George Lazenby / Roger Moore (tie)
  5. Timothy Dalton
  • I went the high-tech route an text messaged (rather than call) my father to tell him it was snowing. Again. He asked that I keep the snow out here and not send it eastward. Again.
  • Falafel.  Black Ops.   Back, Crack and Sac Wax.
  • From Wired: Best Vintage Tech Commercials
  • For an as-yet unexplained reason, I had the chorus from Wake Me Up Before You Go Go stuck in my head this morning.
  • I’ve been spending time on the Rokenbok site. Sweet, sweet ‘bok goodness…
  • I got a call from this evening; she needed help troubleshooting a computer problem. A little mental “elbow grease” and a short time later, we sussed it out.
  • From Reuters: Election 2008 – The Latest on the Leading Candidates
  • By way of Craigslist: Halloween Observations
  • PokerStars makes a Mac client.
  • Yet another item to add to the Covet List.
  • It’s a REALLY quiet night in Paragon City.
  • Chocolate Jesus Crunchies.


“A working class hero is something to be…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, food for thought, football, IKEA, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 02 January 2008
The year is another day older.
A new work week – and work year – began this morning.


Yesterday, SaraRules and I headed over to her parents’ to watch the Rose Bowl (Illinois and USC) and just… chill. It was nice. The game, not so nice. The Fighting Illini got their midwestern hindparts handed to them, eight ways from Sunday. TLC would have called it “Unpretty.” (It’d make you feel unpretty, too…) After we turned from the game – somewhere in the third quarter – we watched Resident Evil: Extinction. I had seen it before, but it was a fun way to spend the evening.

We left, and came back to the apartment and decided that we weren’t tired enough to call it night, so we watched Superman: the Movie. At SaraRules’ request, not mine, believe it or not. *jawdrop* Wow. And, again, for two-and-a-half hours, I was a seven-year-old kid.

This morning, I don’t know if the alarm went off. If it did, I turned it off in my sleep. I woke up a little bit later, performed the hygiene rituals and hit the bricks. A week-and-a-half vacation is hard to recover from. But I – and everyone in the office – managed to pull it off. At lunch, SaraRules came to the office (she wanted to say “Hi” to ) and we met shockpuppet, and Joe for lunch. Sushi. Go-Sushi. Post-lunch, I picked up last week’s four-color shwag and then headed back to work.

After work, I came home and hung out with SaraRules before she headed back to Cedar City. After she left, it was time to have a bite to eat and then head to Paragon City with the Hand of Nefer-Tem. I was invited to join a team. We fought the Council of Thorns. And the difficulty level was cranked waaay up – we had our virtual hindparts handed to us, eight ways from Sunday. (It made us feel unpretty, too.) But, the experience was good, so I can’t complain too much.

I just got a call from SaraRules: She made it back to southern Utah without any problems.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
A commercial for Staples just came on and made me think of something: You see all of the ads for “Back to School” buys and whatnot in August. Every August.

And, because every year people apparently forget that they need to by school supplies – until they see those ads – there’s a bit of a rush at the stores to get supplies for little Johnny and Susie.

My question: Why not buy some/all of the supplies sooner? I mean, it makes sense… but it’s not something that you really think about – or want to think about – until you need it.

Kind of like buying a plunger.

Stray Toasters

  • I have a taste for… some… kind of dessert, but I’m not sure exactly what.
  • Thermochromic Toilet Seat
  • The Electric Company. Mm-hmm, that’s right… Easy Reader.
  • Proving that he really is 2 Legit 2 QuitMC Hammer’s Next Act: Tech Entrepreneur
  • I’ve been rather vocal – at least to comic-reading friends – about how completely asinine I think the resolution to Marvel’s “One More Day” and “Brand New Day” storyline in the Spider-Man books is/was. (Short version: Joe Quesada and company have retconned Peter Parker and Mary-Jane’s wedding right out of existence. By making a deal with the devil – okay, technically it’s Mephisto, but come on… he’s as close as you’ll get to Old Scratch in the Marvel Universe.) I found a few blogs on Comics2Film that sum things up nicely:
    1. One More Day: One Less Reader
    2. One More Day: The Right Way to do a Retcon
    3. One More Day: The Art of the Swerve
  • The Men’s Warehouse is having their Winter Sale. Hmm…
  • IKEA is also having their Winter Sale. Hmm…
  • Goats.
  • Bruce Springsteen was right: “57 channels and nothing’s on…”
  • Keys to the Kingdom


Slow-paced Saturday

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, LEGO and Rokenbok No Comments »

Saturday -29 December 2007
The day started with breakfast with SaraRules, her parents and one of her brothers at The Artist’s Palate Cafe. The food was good and the prices weren’t bad, either. It’s a small place on 2300 East, just south (and I mean “just south”) of the I-80 on-ramp… and it has local art (for sale) on the walls, too.

Next stop: Dr. Volt’s, to see if Dave had heard whether or not the shipment would arrive today. It didn’t; it won’t be in until Wednesday. From there, we swung over to the Parents-of-SaraRules’ place to hang out for a bit. Then home. SaraRules took a nap; I played City of Heroes. I was invited to join a team of mid-to-upper 30s… taking on low-level 40s villains: The Council, mostly. Over the course of three missions, I managed to hit Security Level 37. Between missions, I put the cards from the newer ‘Clix sets into binder sheets so that they aren’t scattered all over Hell and half of Georgia.

We’re off to run some errands and then meeting vikingsonya and for dinner at Outback.

Then, I think SaraRules and I will spend some time mucking around with Rokenbok and LEGO before heading off to breakfast.



“Hot, like wasabi, when I bust rhymes…”

books, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 28 December 2007
Yet another lazy day about town. I have to say that the downtime has been nice.

I woke up and puttered around the apartment for a bit this morning and early afternoon, while SaraRules went to lunch with an old friend. I was nominally productive though: I hung the LEGO key rack she got me for Christmas.

After she got back, we headed out for a bit to get lunch (for me) at Go Sushi. I had their Teriyaki Rice Bowl Combination (with chicken). It was just the right mix of food:

  • Miso soup
  • Teriyaki chicken and vegetables over rice
  • Gyoza (potstickers) and
  • California roll (half order)

I had a couple of pieces of Ika nigiri and some green tea to wash it all down.

Next, over to Dr. Volt’s… only to find that the shipment that should have been in yesterday was delayed again and now most likely will not be in until next Wednesday. And that’s on top of the already scheduled-to-be late shipment that’s due next Friday. To console myself, I got a couple of boxes of ‘Clix and the hardcover edition of The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes, to replace the (signed) softcover edition I can’t find. *shakes fist* Although, I was able to find it with the last printing’s cover, so it matches the softcover copies of Dream Country and The Wake that I have. A few pieces of note from the plastic crack haul include:

Then, we popped over to see SaraRules’ parents for a bit. We’re having brunch with them tomorning. Now, all we need to do is figure out “where.”

Back home for a bit… and some time in Paragon City.

Stray Toaster
Just one thing, for the moment: Solid!
(Click on the picture… you have to see the larger version. Comedy.)

And now… off to Clitorati!


“Are we the last ones left alive? Are we the only human beings to survive?”

books, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, movies and TV, travel, zombies No Comments »

Thursday: Coda
SaraRules and I headed up to Ogden this afternoon. We were going to The Bookshelf… or, if was right, to where it used to be. The store was still there. But, they are in the middle of a “quitting the business” sale. This is a shame, as it is the overall best used book store that I have found, so far, in Utah. (There’s a much smaller, but decent, store in Cedar City called Braun Books.) We went… we looked around… we bought a few things. I may head back up there in a few weeks to see what’s left and if they’ve upped the discount on merchandise; they are currently selling things for 20-25% off and up to 50% on videos (VHS). All-in-all, it was worth the trip up there… and it was nice to get out of SLC for a bit, too.

We came back to town and after an unsuccessful trip to Dr. Volt’s – the new stuff isn’t coming in until tomorrow – we had dinner at Spaghetti Mama’s. Quite good and very filling. And, we got to see Kate, though only for a couple of minutes.

Next, we met , , , Jana and Chris for I Am Legend. It was good. I knew that it had been adapted from a book of the same name, but I had forgotten that it had also been adapted twice before as a movie: The Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man. Will Smith did a very good job. And they did a very believable job of rendering “The City that Never Sleeps” into a quiet, desolate and very lonely place. I definitely recommend the movie.

“You say it’s your birthday… It’s my birthday, too, yeah!”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info No Comments »

Wednesday – 26 December 2007
Happy Boxing Day.

Last night, SaraRules and I went to see Aliens versus Predator – Requiem. I had not seen the first movie, so I was a little concerned about coming into this one at a bit of a loss. I had also heard that AvP was… a… less-than-stellar bit of cinema. Despite these items, I had a great time watching this movie. It was definitely a “check your brain at the door” kind of movie, but Ms. SaraRules said that it was “leaps and bounds better than the first one. By far.” The movie, while definitely sci-fi fare, had a bit of a horror movie bent. And it was fun. Additionally, it continued a nominal tradition that I had with and Don: Seeing a movie on Thanksgiving and/or Christmas Day(s).

This morning started lazily. Which, to be quite honest, is a great way to start the day after Christmas.

After observing the hygiene rituals and getting dressed, SaraRules and I headed down to The Bayou to have lunch with , onlyaly and others in celebration of ‘s birthday. I had a rather tasty jamabalya (the only thing I would have added was shrimp). I also had the Rogue Imperial Stout. (Don, if you’re reading this, you need to see if you can find a bottle somewhere in the Triad.) Holy Crap! It was good; filling, but good. I wish I hadn’t loaded up on soup, salad and jambalaya before drinking this. As it was, I was so full that I had to split the stout with . Then he, SaraRules and I shot a few games of pool.

Next was some shopping and an errand or two… and then back home.

City of Heroes: The Hand of Nefer-Tem
I tooled around Paragon City for a couple of hours as part of a pick-up team. We were in our mid-to-upper 30s. We fought The Council, a few members of the Carnival of Shadows and The Freakshow. The XP was good… even though I managed to die a couple of times.

Stray Toasters


“I’m walking into spiderwebs, leave a message and I’ll call you back…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, human of the day, news and info, quote of the day, science and technology No Comments »

Thursday – 20 December 2007
Last night, SaraRules and I traipsed about town polishing off some more of my (last-minute) Christmas shopping. We were mostly-successful. There are a couple of places I need to check for four things, but I think I’ll be fine. After shopping, we headed to Olive Garden for dinner, which was good. They have removed one of my favorite dishes (Chicken Vino Bianco), so I had to try something a little different. I went with the Tuscan Garlic Chicken… which, aside from the pasta, was very similar to the Chicken Vino Bianco. Win-win. Back home for a few more episodes of Coupling (British version). One word: “Inferno.”

This morning started off overcast, but the sun has put in an appearance… along with some traces of blue sky. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. Add to that the fact that I have been able to work out of the SLC office and today is shaping up to be a good NBN Thursday. *nod*

Human of the Day
Co-Humans: and for pointing out the OS X update that fixed the problem of the locking-up keyboard for the BlacBook.

Stray Toasters

  • I picked up the Christmas cards today. They turned out well. Local cards are going to be distributed by hand; cards bound for the coast should go out tonight or tomorning and (God willing and the creek don’t rise) should get to their destinations by Monday.
  • In a related note: I have to hand it to FedEx/Kinkos for doing a nice job with the cards. I’m still not overly enthused by the fact that their site requires the use of Internet Exploder, though.
  • I managed to leave home without my phone this morning.
    I went home at lunch to drop some things off and – in theory – to get my phone.
    I managed to leave home without my phone this afternoon, too.
    (Oddly, I’m not really missing it…)
  • New Justice League: The New Frontier trailer
  • I ran into ‘s mother while running errands at lunch. That was a pleasant surprise.
  • Stan Lee interview
  • During yesterday’s lunchtime run to Dr. Volt’s, I fed my plastic crack addiction. I picked up a couple of boxes of the Origin boosters. In one of the boxes I got Supergirl (veteran), bringing my plastic Legion one figure closer to completion…
  • …and, speaking of ‘Clix, check out the new “Buy It by the Brick” promotional figure.
  • The Giggle Loop
  • The Salt Lake Valley is about to get hit with a pretty big storm. Here are a few office window pics, including a west-facing one to show the grey doom – full of Mother Nature’s frozen mocking laughter – heading our way. (The red glow in the pictures is not nuclear doom. Nor is it a nucular toonami. It is the reflection of the flash on the glass.)
  • Science Tattoos (a Flickr set)

Quote of the Day
This morning, I got a message from Coworker Brett (on the right in this picture), who is in the Washington, D.C. area:

Brett: I thought about you the other day… as I was walking around a mall in Prince George. I thought, “This must be what Rob feels like in Utah Valley Mall.”
Me: And that’s why I don’t go to malls in Utah Valley.

It was a good – and amusing – way to kick off the work day.


“No, his mind is not for rent…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, football, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 19 December 2007
Mid-week and all is well. The clouds over the valley are breaking up… a little. It’s Sushi Wednesday. And it’s new comic book day.

Last night, I had dinner with SaraRules and her family. Before I jetted off to and ‘s for game night, SaraRules handed me a gift. *blink blink* I looked at her and said,”But… it’s not Christmas, yet.” She smiled and told me that it wasn’t a Christmas gift… so open it! And I did. It was a copy of the DVD for Stardust, the first movie we saw together. It doubly surprised me, as I wasn’t aware that the DVD had been released.

On to game night! The game was a little slow – mostly because we, as a group, weren’t exactly sure how to proceed with a couple of things. But, half of us did manage to get our collective recta beat down and handed to us at one point. Not pretty. And, I was reminded that my character was not built to be a fighter. Not by any stretch of the imagination. My spec is more “the face,” the fast-talking social chameleon. So, getting into combat isn’t exactly in my best interests. But, we survived. And lived to adventure another day.

This morning, letting go of the bed was hard to do. So I put it off as long as possible. So far, it’s been a good day. Can’t complain about that.

Stray Toasters


“But she’s a Black Magic Woman and she’s trying to make a devil out of me.”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, IKEA, news and info, science and technology, style, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 14 December 2007
Yep. It’s a Friday. And I am having… difficulty… staying/getting/maintaining focus(ed) on work.

SaraRules got in last night. On her way to SLC, she met me at the AF office and hung out with Tyranist, Derek, Dwim, Eric and me for a few. Then we braved the elements – and the road monkeys – and headed home. As it was cold and we we didn’t feel like foraging, it was a pizza night. God bless online ordering. We watched TV, ate pizza and chilled.

This morning, I ignored the alarm and slept in a bit. Jason called to find out which office I would be working in today (SLC) and ask if I wanted a bagel for breakfast. I told him I’d meet him at the local Einstein Brothers. They make a mean ham-and-cheese bagel omelette. I also stopped next door at the Beans & Brews for a cup of espresso-laden frozen mocha goodness. Then, on to the cotton fields…

Chew on This: Food for Thought
I was chatting with earlier and he asked me a question for which I didn’t have an immediate answer. I told him that I’d have to chat with the S.O. and get back to him:

me: Hmm. I may. I’ll talk it over with the S.O.
everydave: nog
me: X.O. Not sure if she quite qualifies as C.O.
everydave: ? commanding officer?
me: Yeah.
XO == executive officer (First Officer)
And I can’t recall what the abbreviation for Second Officer is.
…but I’m looking it up.
everydave: gotcha
SO is then significant officer?
me: Yes.
everydave: you’ve got some weird military fetish going on…and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that, being a pacifist and all
me: Well, “Other,” but both apply/fit.

So, that raises the following questions:

  • In relating to one’s significant other in military terms, would they be C.O or X.O.?
  • And should a person take into account that “X” or “ex-” is not necessarily an attribute that should be applied to one’s current sig-other? And/or because of that, should the S.O. just be brevetted to “C.O.” in order to avoid any possible issues/complications.

Just wondering…
Stray Toasters


“Big wheel keep on turnin’, Proud Mary keep on burnin’… Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’ on the river…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Wednesday – 12 December 2007
Another cold day in the valley.

Last night’s Scion game was fun. And, just for the record: It’s much easier to play a game – or at least to know what your character is capable of doing – when you have your character sheet with you. Last night, I even had a backup: I had the .pdf version and the paper character sheet.

After the game, I went home and fought with technology: ‘Nine has an ATI 9600 All-in-Wonder video card in it. With such a card, I should be able to run a coax line from the cable jack into the card and… watch TV. The operative word in the previous sentence is: “should.” Instead, ‘Nine keeps giving me the finger driver errors. Between uninstalling drivers, downloading drivers, rebooting and testing, I think that I spent a couple of hours trying to find a workable configuration. The operative word in that sentence is: “trying.” But, I have nothing but time and opportunity… and the nigh-limitless knowledge of the Interweb… available to me. I shall prevail.

This morning, I partook of an ancient ritual known as “sleeping in.” It was good. After observing the hygiene rituals and deciding on today’s attire, I was on my way. The way that led to the door of the Giver of Frozen Mocha Goodness. And then, on to work! The day has been good: I put in a suggestion for some test hardware and am putting together a small, two-system network for a Windows Server 2003 test environment.

Tonight, I need to do some cleaning and then I think that I will save the world… or at least Paragon City.

Stray Toasters

And that’s a wrap.


“Style is like a second cousin 2 class…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, style, workout No Comments »

Friday – 07 December 2007
This morning started early. 6:00 early. After getting to bed around 3:30. But, that’s when I had to get up to make the 7:00 service appointment for the car. And it was rainy in the valley… which is better than in the canyons, where it was snow. And it’s supposed to rain and/or snow tonight and tomorrow. Good thing I’m heading south this afternoon.

Last night, I stopped at Dr. Volt’s to feed my four-color and plastic crack addictions. There were some good things in the four-color haul, which I’ll get around to talking about sometime later this weekend. The plastic crack haul was quite good, too. I picked up one box, each, of the Justice League and the Mutations and Monsters sets. Inside were some choice items:

Dave, proprietor of Dr. Volt’s, saw me looking at boxes of ‘Clix and came over to offer suggestions… or so I thought. He took my box and, one at a time, picked up the other eight boxes on the wall, weighing each one against the box that I had selected. Um… okay. He hesitated over the last couple of boxes, but wound up handing me the one that I had originally selected, then he walked back to the register. As he rang up my purchase, he picked up the box of ‘Clix again and attempted to balance it on his index finger, seesaw-style. It dipped heavily to one side. He looked at me and said,”There’s a Devil Dinosaur in that one.” I smiled and nodded and thought how amusing it would be if he was right.

When I got home, I opened the box.

Inside was a Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy figure.

I also played a couple of hours of City last night. This time, I used the Hand of Nefer-Tem. I was checking out a few things when I got a random message asking if I wanted to join a pick-up team. Since I enjoy playing in a group more than running around alone (and dying), I said “yes.” We had a good mix of characters. We ran a few missions before people started leaving the team.

Today’s been good. Aside from the rain, that is. The soundtrack to this morning’s commute was interesting: All of the songs had one-word titles:

  • Slam – Onyx
  • Changes – Tupac
  • Misled – Kool and the Gang (What ever happened to them, anyway?)
  • Jaded – Aerosmith
  • A – Barenaked Ladies
  • Spiderwebs – No Doubt

It wasn’t intentional: Onyx came up first. When that song was done, I skipped songs until I hit something that appealed to me. It wasn’t until I got to Misled that I noticed the one-word “theme.” As I skipped through the mp3 list, the songs that appealed to me happened to be ones with one-word titles. And it didn’t stop there. After I had been in the office for a while, Jason started listening to Hollaback Girl. I decided that I wanted to hear something with a good beat after that. So, rummaged through the videos on my machine and settled on Will Smith’s Switch. Win-Win situation.

Today’s workout was basically a repeat of Wednesday’s workout, with a couple of changes in the weights used.

  • Bench Press: 3 sets / 10 reps, 185 lbs (slow, controlled descent)
  • Lateral Pull-downs: 3 set / 15 reps (broken into 5-5-5), 110 lbs
    • Wide-grip, behind-the-head (5 reps)
    • Wide-grip, overhand/standard (5 reps)
    • Close-grip, overhand/standard (5 reps)
    • **Close-grip, underhand/reverse-grip (done as an additional 5 reps on the third set)
  • Shoulder Press (Dumbbell): 3 sets / 12 reps, 40 lbs
  • Seated Curls (Dumbbell): 3 sets / 10 reps, 25 lbs
  • Standing Wrist Curls (Barbell):
    • Forward: 3 sets / 15 reps, 35 lbs
    • Reverse: 3 sets / 15 reps, 35 lbs
  • Leg Raises: 3 sets / 20 reps

Again, it was short and sweet… but a good workout.

Stray Toasters


“Neither snow nor rain not heat or gloom of night…”

comics and animation, Council for Better Driving, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, monkeys!, movies and TV, news and info, toys No Comments »

Friday: Coda
Sweet frozen zombie monkey-squeezin’ Jesus…

I’m in Cedar City. That’s a good thing. The trip down here was… not entirely hellish, but the Utah’s “It should be Winter now” weather was in rare form. It started drizzling this afternoon, around the time I got done with my workout. It continued through the afternoon. By the time I got between Filmore and Beaver, the rain decided to turn into snow.

<sarcasm> Yay. </sarcasm>

This, of course meant that most of the people on the road slowed down to a bit below the speed limit. The Council for Better Driving considers this a adherence to Rules #1 and #2. Nuff’ said. There were, however, a few monkeys who decided to roll the bones and drive at approximately the same speeds that they would in dry weather. The Fates must have smiled upon them, as I did not see any of them upside-down on the side of the road. After I got a little past Beaver, the snow turned into intermittent rain again.

I got to SaraRules’ around 6:30… and fell almost immediately asleep. Her parents got into town about forty-five minutes later and we went to dinner at Cafe Orleans. Tonight, I tried their crab cakes (they were “okay,” but I’m not sure that I’d order them again), a grilled chicken po’boy and the chicken and sausage gumbo, both of which were good. After dinner, we came back to the apartment and watched Blade: Trinity. It was alright, not “great,” but a nice way to kick back at the end of the day.

Stray Toasters

  • I just learned that Evel Knievel died today. He was 69. If you were born after… 1980 or so, that name might not mean a lot; but if you were a kid in the late 60s/early-to-mid 70s, you are probably at least passingly familiar with his exploits. And the toy line that he inspired. (And I had quite a few of those toys, back in the day…)
  • Did you know that Kris Kristofferson (yes, the country and gospel singer/actor) is a Rhodes scholar. He was also a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army. And, he dated Janis Joplin.
  • Uranium ore for sale on Amazon.com


“…and you give, and you give, and you give yourself away.”

books, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, IKEA, monkeys!, news and info, quote of the day, science and technology, workout No Comments »

Friday – 30 November 2007
The end of the week is at hand.

Dinner last night was a lot of fun. We went to Sampan. Tasty beef lo mein… with enough left over to make a decent post-workout lunch. After dinner, most of us headed to Barnes & Noble for coffee and conversation. I also picked up a new Windows Server 2003 book, that is perfect for some of the things that I’m going to need to know for work.

After the group broke up, came over to take pictures for my Christmas card. She took many pictures. MANY. So I’ll have a good number of options from which to select. It was nice to see – and hang out with – her this past week.

This morning, I overslept a little. Only by half an hour. And I was happy that it was “only” a half-hour, as I didn’t get to bed until somewhere around 3:30. So, while I didn’t get as early a start on the day as I could have, I wasn’t as far off the mark as I could have been. Today’s workout was a good way to wrap up the week:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets / 20 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets / 8 reps at 225 lbs.
  • Nautilus Fly: 3 sets / 10 reps at 95 lbs, with a ten-second hold on the last rep of each set
  • Decline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets / 10 reps at 50 lbs.
  • Bench Dips: 3 sets / 20 reps – all sets with a 35 lb plate
  • Dips: 1 sets / 10 reps
  • Lower Back Raises: 3 sets / 15 reps

Stray Toasters

Quotes of the Day
Today’s quotes come from last night’s coffee gathering:

  • (after seeing an ad in Lürzer’s Archive): I want to be able to shit cupcakes! I’d be []’ best friend!
  • (referring to… an acquaintance): She’s the Amazing Expando-Girl!

And that’s a wrap!

See you on the other side of Juab County.


Midweek musings…

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, music No Comments »

Wednesday: Coda / Thursday – 29 November 2007
Before I left work, Land called to ask if I had any plans for dinner. I didn’t. We decided to meet at my place and figure out what we wanted to do from there. We decided to go to Porcupine Pub & Grille. As we were walking to our table, a couple yelled at us… well, specifically me. I looked over to see Fiona and at the next table. They offered us seats and we joined them. Dinner was nice. After dinner, I decided that I wanted to go to the Garden of Sweden, so Land and I went. Unfortunately, I was wrong about their closing time. Oh, well… another time. Back home and…

City of Heroes – The Scales of Justice
….I took a trip to Paragon City with Nefer-Tem. I decided to clear out a Devouring Earth mission that I’ve had in my queue for a few weeks. Solo. Well, not entirely solo – I had my “pet,” whom I may start calling “Inky.” We didn’t exactly sail through the mission, but I didn’t die – despite the best efforts of a couple of Void Stalkers. As I was winding up the mission, I was joined by a player – and occasional teammate – whom I haven’t seen in a while. We wrapped the mission and considered picking up another one, but opted to hold off until another time.

Stray Toasters

  • I had Indian (dot, not feather) cuisine for lunch. Very tasty. VERY filling.
  • Hiren’s Boot CD. *nod*
  • Bicycles with sick soundsystems
  • The new beta for Parallels is a little more stable – and has a couple of improvements – but still doesn’t render City properly. So… I may go ahead and set up a partition under Boot Camp for Windows. We shall see.
  • + + = Damn you, Tyranist.
  • Truly Scrumptious / Doll on a Music Box
  • SaraRules just sent me a link to this picture, by Jan Van Holleben:

    (click image for more)

After work, I stopped at Dr. Volt’s and fed my four-color crack – and plastic crack – addiction. Among the ‘Clix items I got were:

Tonight, dinner with and the usual suspects. And there’s a rumor that we may do some bowling afterward.