“City lights stretch out before us…”
comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »Friday: Coda
Annnd, we’re here. Long Beach. SoCal. According to Weather.com, it’s 49°F here. Forty-nine. At almost 10:00 PM. SLC won’t see the other side of forty for the next couple of months, probably.
The trip was fun. Long, but fun. We stopped in St. George (so I could pick up my camera – kudos to online shopping/in-store pick-up). While we were off the interstate, we decided to pick up lunch at the nearby Burger King. This was… entertaining.
We pulled up to the drive-in and SaraRules started to place our order. I think that it took four tries to get the first part of the order in and have the person on the mike actually get it right. Then, SaraRules put in the second part of the order. That was, comparatively, a piece of cake – she only had to repeat herself once.
And, just as we were about to add an extra order of onion rings to the mix, we were cut off, given a total and told to drive around.
*blink blink*
We drove up to the window… and added in our onion ring request. Because, as SaraRules put it: “We already had food and knew that they would not spit in our onion rings.”
So, the whole exchange – which should have taken about… four minutes – took nearly ten. Wow. Talk about “fast” food.
We drove through Vegas and the NV/CA state line and on to Baker, CA. If you’ve never been to/through Baker, you’re not really missing much: A few gas stations, some restaurants (mostly attached to the gas stations) and a buttload of mobile homes. Oh, and the world’s tallest thermometer. On the plus side, they did have a Dairy Queen, so I was able to sate my chocolate-dipped cone craving.
On the road again and on to Long Beach! Tally-ho!
As we dropped through Cajon Pass and into San Bernardino, the traffic picked up… the way that traffic does when you’re entering a major metropolitan area. It reminded me of the traffic on 495 in/around DC.
We made it to Meliko‘s. When we got there, Jeff and Adrienne – friends of theirs, were there. We said our “hellos” and then decided to head off to get something to eat. We went to a place called Marri’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant. I had the chicken alfredo. Good stuff. By the time we got back, Meliko’s roommate, Cat, was home. SaraRules and I hung out while the four of them (Meliko, Cat, Adrienne and Jeff) practiced a song.
Stray Toasters
- Right after this afternoon’s post,
pointed me in the direction of 25 Amazing Photos Taken at the Exact Perfect Time -
: I got ya covered. There’s actually a TJ’s just around the corner. Literally. - How bad-ass is Wonder Woman? Not only did she whoop Batman’s ass, but she’s a therapist: Ask Golden Age Wonder Woman
- The newest “Sneak Preview” from the upcoming HeroClix release Crisis: The Flash. The Barry Allen “I’m going to run myself to death” Flash.
And, since I’m on vacation… I’m done.