Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“What’s new, pussycat?”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory No Comments »

Saturday – 21 July 2007
I was up at 6:45 this morning.

It was of my own volition, this time. I agreed to go with to take Lightning to the vet. He howled and mewed the whole way there. And while we were sitting there waiting to be seen. Once we got into an examination room, he settled down… a little. He roamed around the room, exploring all of the places he could get to, which turned out to be most of the room. He was still a little skittish, as there were many sounds coming in from other parts of the office, but as I said: “he calmed down.

Until the nurse took his temperature.
(Do the math… it’s not hard to suss out why he wasn’t happy about that.)

I like the doctor we saw. He was good with Lightning and he listened to what we had to say and gave us constructive feedback on what to try. I give him a thumbs-up with an okay.

After dropping Mr. “They took my temperature WHERE?!” at home, it was on to Einstein Bagels to get breakfast-type foods. I haven’t been to Einstein in a while; it was a nice change of pace. And, as a note: Their omelette bagels are pretty tasty.

Back home for some down time. Naps are good. And now, errands!


“Beyond the rim of starlight…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, music, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Thursday: coda
The post-work evening looked rather drab, until called and asked if I was interested in getting sushi.

Well, let me think about that… Sure!

And out we went. Tepanyaki Japanese Steak House. I think that this is the first time that I’ve eaten in a Japanese steak house since I went to visit and Tyanna back on Long Island. (And that’s been a while!) It was fun… even though I missed the shrimp that the chef tossed at me. Oh, well. I had a Chicken and Shrimp combination plate, with Ika (squid) nigiri and California Rolls. Quite tasty. It also reminded me of Kabuto, the Japanese steakhouse that Mom used to take us to in Greensboro, so it was not only a nice change of pace, it brought back a few pleasant memories.

Stray Toasters

  • I am, once again, talking with the lovely Ms. .
  • Safest Seat on a Plane: PM Investigates How to Survive a Crash
  • Fluffernoodle. Almost as amusing to say as “Jigglypuff.” But not quite.
  • Thank you to Tyranist for returning me to a softer world.
  • Chocolate. Milk.
  • CubeNews1
  • I was wrong: There is an Iron Lad ‘Clix… which means that it makes even less sense for there not to be a Hawkeye II ‘Clix.
  • I Would Die 4 U/Baby I’m a Star – two songs that make me bounce like a fiend.
  • This excerpt from Ask Kate amused me.

    Dear Kate,
    I wonder what early Borg looked liked? Was it just some alien race that decided to go cybernetic? If so, when did they start assimilating other races? Is there a species 01? Questions like this just go on and on, like why do the Borg speak English(they even think in it). I find these questions confusing, maybe you could give me some insight.

    Hi 23,
    Well, since you’ve asked me… early Borgs are among us! You’ve seen those people who walk around dazed with an earbud in one ear — early Borg! And those people who have a phone on one hip, an iPod on the other, and a PDA, and have to have the latest and greatest electronic gadgets — oh yeah, Borg too! Besides, haven’t we all seen the way the cellphone has evolved, remember how big they used to be only a few years ago? Next we’ll be implanted with our phone and we’ll have to plug the charge cable into our arm to power the batteries. See, we’re being consumed and dependent upon our technology… Technology is overtaking us! Grab your less advanced 8-tracks, and manual typewriters — and go! Run for the hills! Save yourselves!!!

  • And, since I’ve already crossed the Neutral Zone… for : Requiem for Methuselah
  • Oh, and here’s a bit of trivia for : Yvonne Craig, probably best known for her role as Batgirl from the 1960s Batman television series, also had a guest appearance on Star Trek: The Original Series. Whom did she play? Marta, you know… “the green chick.”
  • The theme from The Simpsons, played on two guitars… by the same guy. Check it out.


“She blinded me with science!”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Wednesday – 18 July 2007
4:43 AM.

That’s when a rocket launched from just outside my bedroom window. Needless to say, I was roused from sleep – rather suddenly. It took me a moment or two to realize that I was not, in fact, on a launch pad at Kennedy Space Center. It turns out that it wasn’t anything so grand.

It was my air conditioning unit. Yay. I need to call maintenance and get them to take a look at it.

Otherwise, the day’s been fairly uneventful, so far.

Stray Toasters


“There’s no point in living if you can’t feel the life…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, music, toys No Comments »

Monday (coda)
The post-work day has been somewhat productive.

  • I got a new phone, as my old one was quite literally falling apart. I didn’t need anything incredibly fancy, so I went with the Motorola V3m.
  • I looked in on a friend’s place, while he’s out of town.
  • I cooked dinner (chicken breasts; rice, cooked in cream of mushroom soup; stir-fried vegetables)… and after it was done, fixed tomorrow’s lunch.

So, all-in-all, it wasn’t a bad evening. And I have a glass of Gewürztraminer (Holy crap, Firefox actually knows how to spell that… correctly) next to me. *nod* Not a bad evening at all.

I even caught online and chatted with her for a while. She pointed back in the direction of Monster by Mail. I then found the link to his Flickr page, with tons o’ zombified goodness. and I spent the next… half-hour or so stumbling across things that “fit” different people. Here’s what we came up with:

  • and Tyranist: This should be up your alley.
  • : You get two, this and this.
  • : Pour vous… ceci
  • : I saw this and thought of you.

And what conversation would be complete without the barbs and jabs…?

[21:03] : ah – for brad: http://flickr.com/photos/jawboneradio/670912335/
[21:04] : You should [send] that to him… or post it.
[21:04] : i’ll let you 😀
[21:04] : you’ll be a hero
[21:04] : I already amduh!
[21:04] : 🙂
[21:05] : i mean in the REAL world, silly
[21:05] : not where you dress in skirts 😉
[21:05] : I’m the Pope. What more do I need?
[21:06] : And, I look nice in that skirt.
[21:06] : I mean “shenti”
[21:06] : And I even shaved my legs for that!

Stray Toasters

  • I really don’t feel like cleaning the kitchen. But, I will.
  • and , this is a “Two birds, one stone” item: click here.
  • Jelly Bellys.
  • For :
  • These Games Are So Bad, It’s Not Funny
  • I have another idea for a lyric-to-drawing picture… and I think that it might supersede the one I’m planning on doing for Ed’s Song, because I can do this one much faster.
  • The World Is Not Enough (video, by Garbage)
  • Acolyte Derek posted a link to this video, done in LEGO. I countered with this video. And, I held this one in reserve, just in case… but I didn’t need it.
  • I want another Sentinel Build-A-Figure.
  • Jackie Chan (mp3)

And, that’s a wrap.


“IKEA: meatballs, tasty…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, IKEA, music, the best No Comments »

Sunday – 15 July 2007
I woke from an otherwise good sleep a few times this morning… “just because,” as best I can figure. Around 9:30, I had my fill of lying in bed, so I made my way to the Command Center. After a few minutes of surfing, messaged me to see if I was still interested in going to the driving range. I was, so I got ready and hit the road.

I had originally considered going to Pebblebrook, in Sandy, but we opted for Murray Parkway, instead. Nice driving range and you can use drivers there. We hit a couple of buckets of baskets of balls. She said that my form looked good, but she suggested that I move in – slightly – on the tee. Lo and behold, it made a decent difference in my drives – better contact and fewer ground-skimmers.

Afterwards, we headed to the Garden of Sweden. We’d worked up appetites on the range – and we had both skipped breakfast – so we decided to have lunch before shopping. Swedish meatballs. Salad. Potatoes. And “Chocolate Overload Cake.” Mm-hmm, that’s right. Then the shopping began. My mission: Dining room table. We wandered through the store, looking at other things, before going to get… the… the… um… Where are the tables that are supposed to be here?! *blink* The entire bin of boxes – no, where the boxes should have been – was empty.


Fine. I went to find a sales associate. He looked. None in the store. I corrected him: There was one – the floor display upstairs. He made a call… and a short while later, I was the proud owner of a new table, at a discounted price. Selah. We loaded it into <lj user=”suzie_lightning”>’s car and brought it here. It looks good in the dining area… but in it’s “small” form, the room seems to swallow it. To me, that just means that I need something on the walls to fill the blank space. Good thing I have a couple of ideas of how to do that.

The Best
Although it’s not radically different from the original, I prefer the No Doubt version of It’s My Life to the Talk Talk version.

On the flip side, Genesis’ version of Land of Confusion still wears the crown, although the Disturbed cover isn’t bad… it’s just not the same. Likewise, I prefer the Don Henley rendition of The Boys of Summer to the version by The Ataris.

Stray Toasters

  • I talked with the ‘rents today. They’re doing well.
  • I exercised restraint in the Garden of Sweden, quite a feat for the Patron Saint of Poor Impulse Control.
  • This looks interesting…
  • The world is not enough
    But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
  • For Derek: Stephen Colbert’s Tek Jansen #1
  • If Daredevil is known as “The man without fear,” doesn’t it make more sense to juxtapose him with Hal Jordan (or any other Green Lantern), whose power derives from his/their ability to overcome fear (or, in Jordan’s case, be without fear)? Instead, they always stack him up against Batman. I can understand that, in the sense that aside from DD’s radar sense, he’s the closest thing to “baseline human without superpowers” to put up against Gotham’s protector… aside from the late Captain America. But still… *shrug*
  • Pop Quiz: What do you do when the God of Hunger – the very same god you’re trying to destroy – shows up to say “Hi,” while you’re in the middle of trying to get one of the weapons you’re planning on using to destroy him?Did I mention “He’s a god,” already? I did? Okay… just wanted to be clear on that point.

    I think that it basically comes down to: “We’re boned.”
    (Remember Dunwich County? Yeah… that level of boned.)

  • I realize that putting old shows on DVD and sticking ’em in your local video purveyor is the new “in” thing, but I would have never expected this show to get that treatment.
  • Comic Urban Legend: Marvel Comics once had a line of female superhero comic books. Answer.

Time to figure out what I plan on doing for dinner… and what to do this evening.


More than meets the eye…

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, IKEA, movies and TV, science and technology, the best, travel No Comments »

Saturday – 14 July 2007
For reasons yet unknown, I was up at 8:15 this morning… after going to be sometime around 3:30. Not that this was a problem, per se, I just wasn’t expecting to be up quite so early.

Last night was apparently Rob the Route Planner (not to be confused with Bob the Builder) night – both Dad and Adam are travelling, and I was acting as remote navigator. Not a problem, especially as I’m kind of used to the role, but it was a little amusing. Adam is traveling a small portion of the route that I took when I moved out here, so I was passingly familiar with some of the things he should look for, but had to consult the Internet and a Rand McNally atlas to fill in some gaps when he got into an area that I didn’t travel. And I neglected to ask him to stop in Metropolis, Illinois to get a picture of the Superman statue. And, I just spoke with Dad; he’s about 10 miles out of Reidsville – he’s stopping in to see Mom and my stepfather and one of my aunts on his way home from West-by-God Virginia. He’s spoken with Adam this morning, who is already underway on the next leg of his trip.

Last night was also Clitorati night. Good turn out… and Acolyte Derek also put in an appearance at coffee. The conversation-to-musical reference generator in my head was turned up to 11. I think that it amused Chris S. to find out just how quickly – and randomly – it worked.

This morning, I watched a “new” episode of Legion of Super-Heroes: “Phantoms.” In it, Clark inadvertently releases a criminal from the Phantom Zone. This results in lots of property damage across New Metropolis as the Legion tries to wrangle him back into the Zone.

I saw Transformers (again) with <lj user=”duckspeaker”> and his… friend and/or co-worker (I think), Terry. Watching robots wantonly blow up lots of property is a great way to start off a Saturday afternoon.

The Best
New addition to the list: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy – I Wanna Be Like You (from The Jungle Book).
You can check out a version of it here.

Four-Color Coverage
This week’s take included eleven weeks of Countdown, DC’s latest weekly maxi-series that I had originally intended to skip… until I found out that Karate Kid seems to be featured in it. Which means that it’s a Legion tie-in, even if only tangentially. Which means that I am compelled to buy it. So, that said, let’s get to it:

  • Action Comics #851 – Superman is trapped in the Phantom Zone, while General Zod, Ursa (and a few other Kryptonian villains) are free on Earth. But, just like Ringo Starr, Superman gets by with a little help from his friends. Or just one friend, in this case: Mon-El, who at this point had been in the Zone for about 15 – 20 years… of the 1,000 years that he would wind up being there.
  • All-Star Superman #8 – More adventures on Bizarro World. And Lois discovers Superman’s secret. No, not that he’s Clark Kent (that was Issues #1 and 2… and she didn’t believe him). The secret that his mission to the sun in Issue #1 is killing him.
  • City of Heroes #20 – Final issue. This issue has a big knockdown, drag out fight that lasts for seven pages, establishes a few changes in the CoH/CoV uniferse and alluded to a few things in the upcoming in-game update, Issue 10. There was a little too much exposition in this issue and it felt as though they tried to wrap things up a little too quickly. But, what’re ya gonna do?
  • Countdown #51 – 42 – Something is amiss in the newly reborn DC Multiverse. The Monitors – DC’s answer to Marvel’s Watchers – are back; they who haven’t really been seen since 1985’s Crisis on Infinite Earths. Now, there are 52 of them – one for each level of the new multiverse. And, at least one of them is on a mission: Eliminate anomalies in the timestream/multiverse – namely, anyone who should be on one Earth, but has migrated to another one.The mysteries don’t end there. Why is Jimmy Olsen suddenly exhibiting superpowers? What’s happening to Mary Marvel? What are the Flash’s Rogues planning? What’s the story behind the Athenian Women’s Help Shelter… and what’s Harleen Quinzel’s angle? Who’s killing the New Gods? What is Monarch planning for the new multiverse?One thing that I am appreciating is a look at some of the between-the-pages scenes that occurred during “The Lightning Saga.” Case in point: A scene aboard the JLA Watchtower, with Dr. Mid-Nite, Dream Girl, Karate Kid and Starman looking down on Earth:

    Dr. Mid-Nite: Does she still look the same in your era? Or have we managed to completely pave her over by then?
    Karate Kid: Actually, Earth’s axis is tilted differently in our time. The South Pole’s in Australia…
    Dream Girl: Can we please not make chitchat? I’m worried about the others.
    Dr. Mid-Nite: Understood, Dream Girl, but we’ll find them, safe and sound, just like we found you.
    Karate Kid: We appreciate your Justice Society and Justice League putting everything into finding our lost teammates, Dr. Mid-Nite… but Dream Girl says one of us is going to die before this is all over, and she’s never wrong about these things.
    Dr. Mid-Nite: Perhaps… but all of you experienced memory loss when you arrived here from the thirty-first century. In the case of Starman, the cognitive impairment was, shall we say, even more profound. How do you know Dream Girl’s precognitive abilities aren’t similarly affected? Just let us finish tracking down your missing teammates’ flight rings. We’ll bring them back here safe, just like Dream Girl. And, hey, at least you’re not locked up in one of our holding cells anymore.
    Karate Kid: Aren’t we? You’ve given us free run of the station, but we’re effectively in quarantine up here.
    Dream Girl: Val, this man is trying to help us.
    Karate Kid: He’s diagnosing us, Nura. He knows a potential infection when he sees one.
    Dr. Mid-Nite: Fair enough, Karate Kid, but can you blame me for being cautious? You very nearly took down Batman!
    Karate Kid: I was mind controlled. I’m not a threat anymore.
    Dr. Mid-Nite: *hh* Do you know why you traveled a thousand years back in time to come here?
    Karate Kid: You know I don’t.
    Dr. Mid-Nite: Do any of you know why you’re here?
    *blank looks on Dream Girl, Karate Kid and Starman’s faces*
    Dr. Mid-Nite: Then until we’re sure your mission isn’t something along the lines of “Kill Sarah Conner,” I suggest you relax and enjoy the view.


    *Karate Kid approaches Batman on a Gotham rooftop*
    Batman: People who try to sneak up on me usually regret it.
    Karate Kid: I’m sorry, Batman. I didn’t come to make trouble. I just wanted to say that the Legion is returning to the Thirty-First Century. I’m going to go rendezvous with them right now…
    Batman: Don’t let me keep you.
    Karate Kid: Before I go, I, uh… I am humbly grateful to have fought such a skilled martial artist–
    Batman: Don’t. You outfought me. Once. You wouldn’t in a rematch.
    Karate Kid: I wasn’t trying to rub your nose in it. I only wanted to… Never mind. *flies away*
    Batman: *smirking* Did you expect a sidekick job?

  • Fantastic Four #547 – I think that this has to be one of my favorite issues of FF ever, if only for the following exchange between Storm, The Thing and The Black Panther:

    Storm: I can’t believe you said that.
    Thing: I didn’t say it, I’m just telling you what Michael said.
    Storm: You can tell Michael Collins that my hair is completely natural.
    Thing: Okay, you know. Whatever. Sorry I brought it up.
    Storm: This is not a weave. Go ahead.
    Thing: Go ahead what?
    Storm: See for yourself. Pull my hair.
    Thing: Are you nuts?
    Storm: *wrapping strands of hair in Ben’s hands* Hard as you want.
    Thing: I don’t want!
    Storm: Do it. *irritated look on her face*
    Thing: *lifts Storm a few inches off the floor… by her hair* There. Happy now?
    Storm: I think I proved my point.
    *Black Panther walks into the room*
    Thing: T’Challa, I can explain…
    Black Panther: Don’t bother. She’s very sensitive about her hair. Word of advice: As you value your life, never ask her if she’s wearing colored contact lenses.
    Storm: I ‘m not!
    Black Panther: I know, my love. *walks out of the room*

  • Green Lantern #21 – Aftermath of the attack of the Sinestro Corps. 59 Green Lantern rings seek replacement bearers. Most of the Guardians are… ignoring… the Blackest Night prophecy. Two Guardians – Sayd and Ganthet (surprise) – don’t think that it’s a wise course of action…. and recruit Officer 2814.1 (Hal Jordan) to spearhead an attack against the Sinestro Corps. But, what is it that Hal Jordan (still) fears?
  • Justice Society of America #7 – Another post-“Lightning Saga”thread weaves through this story, with Superman visiting Starman at the Sunshine Sanitarium:

    Starman: *singing* “…to make me fret, I fly a-round! I had strings, but now I’m free– there are no strings on me!” *walks into the cafeteria*
    Doctor: Good afternoon, Starman. You did a very good thing this morning, pulling that school bus from the river. You saved a lot of kids and made a lot of parents happy.
    Starman: Well, today should be a good day for everyone, Doctor. It’s Wednesday, after all.
    Floyd: Hi, Starman.
    Starman: Hi, Floyd. Oh, yes! *bends down to look at Sloppy Joes on the lunch counter* They don’t have these when I come from.
    *off-panel voice* Excuse me, Starman.
    Superman: I know the Justice Society wants a few words with you , but since we’re old friends– I asked for some time first. I want to know more about what’s happened with the Legion. And I want to know more about you.
    Starman: *chompf* You ‘anna ‘oppy ‘oe, Kal?
    Superman: I’d love one, Thom.
    *the pair get lunch trays and sit down*
    Starman: Aren’t you going to drink your milk?
    Superman: Um, no.
    Starman: It makes your bones stronger. You’re not still mad at me, are you, Kal?
    Superman: I’m not mad at you, Thom.
    Starman: The we’re still friends?
    Superman: The Legion will always be my friends.
    Starman: Mine too. I like Power Girl an awful lot, but not in the way I love my Dreamer. I can’t wait to see her again. *chompf*
    Superman: Why didn’t you go back with the other Legionnaires?
    Starman: I wanted to, but I can’t. I’m here to help.
    Superman: Help who?
    Starman: Myself. And Earth, too! The black hole is supposed to help her see the truth. Then he’ll come and why… the Justice Society of America shows us all the way. The world needs better good guys! That’s not just our world, you know. Or our time. But the future isn’t up to me to save. I have my own job. I have gravity powers! I’m quite happy about that. *uses his power to crush a milk carton*
    Superman: Why did the Legion come back here?
    Starman: There’s trouble in the 31st Century, you see. The big three say you can’t help them.
    Superman: Why not?
    Starman: Why Clark Kents can’t come! It’s common sense.
    Superman: When they opened the Speed Force, Wally West and his family came back.
    Starman: And they say lightning never strikes twice in the same place! Pfft! Just ask him.
    Superman: But is that why the Legion were here? To bring the Flash home?
    Starman: From the vibrational plane! Zip! Zoom! The Legion of three worlds! Do you remember XS? She had such a crush on you. And I got to meet another Thom and another Thom!
    Superman: I don’t understand what you’re talking about.
    Starman: Yeah. Me either.

  • The New Avengers #32 – Welcome to “Who Wants to Be a Skrull-ionnaire?” There’s tension on the team. After last issue’s revelation that Skrulls may have replaced some of Marvel’s best and brightest, now the question looms: “Who can you trust?” In the New Av’s case: It seems to be no one. Not even your teammates. Where are Scully and Mulder when you need ’em?
  • Supergirl #19 – Finally! FINALLY! Kara grows up, grows a pair (so to speak) and owns up for her actions – or lack thereof – over the past year. Maybe this book will actually see some progress and story advancement now…
  • Ultimate Fantastic Four #43 – The Silver Surfer arrives… and he’s not exactly the harbinger of good news.
  • Ultimate X-Men #84 – Wolverine lets off a little steam. Stryfe attracts the attention of a fleet of Sentinels. Bishop’s team of X-Men makes a public appearance.
  • Uncanny X-Men #488 – Nightcrawler and the Professor go off in search of Magneto. The Morlocks declare war on the over-world. Storm, Hepzibah and Warpath head to the Morlock tunnels in search of some answers, which leads to this scene:

    Storm: Can both of you concentrate, please? We’re about to enter potentially hostile territory.
    Hepzibah: I do not like tunnels either, Storm. Especially not ones that stink of rats and vermin.
    Storm: For me, it’s a little bit worse than not liking them, Hepzibah. It’s worrying that they might drive me insane*hovers down into the sewers*
    Warpath? What does she mean?
    Warpath: Storm’s claustrophobic. Can’t take being in small places, or being boxed in. It takes all she’s got to even go into these tunnels.
    Hepzibah: Then let us not leave her on her own down there. *drops through manhole… into sewer water* Ukk. This is so unclean.
    Storm: Heh… you look…
    Hepzibah: Careful with your next words…
    Storm: I was just going to say… dignified. You look dignified. For a wet cat.
    Hepzibah: You are a brave woman, Storm. Very brave woman.
    Storm: You don’t know the half of it.

Stray Toasters

  • I spoke with Dad and Adam again today; their respective trips are going well.
  • I am going to have to replace my cell phone. Today. This one is on its last… hinge.
  • To go to the Garden of Sweden or not to go? That is the question.
  • I should install – and play – Locomotion. Finally. I’ve had it since God was a boy.
  • I think that I’m actually craving Ika… and maybe a few other types of sushi.

Time to get something to eat and get some errands taken care of.


“You pay the profits to justify the reasons…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Tuesday – 03 July 2007
I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but this morning’s commute was relatively monkey-free and it had a good soundtrack:

  • emmet swimming – Arlington
  • Rush – Tom Sawyer
  • Duran Duran – Notorious
  • Rush – The Spirit of Radio
  • The Presidents of the United States of America – Lump
  • Michael Jackson – In the Closet (the man may be a whackjob, but some of his music is damned entertaining and good)

I’m not sure whether or not it was the technopathic link with Nomad in action, but I was very pleased with that lineup.

Thanks to those of you who gave comments on last night’s “Irish Creme + Decaf = ???” question. As it turns out, it was rather tasty and made for a nice pre-bed drink while I read more of Vision of the Future. made the suggestion of Butterscotch Schnapps and coffee… I will have to explore this possibility. Do any of you have any other “alternately leaded” coffee recipes/combinations that you enjoy? I’d be interested to see what they are, if so.

Stray Toasters

And now to pick up and put down heavy things.


“So I called up the Captain, ‘Please bring me my wine’ “

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought No Comments »

I just made a run to the local purveyor of packaged goods. I exited with:

  • A bottle of Merlot
  • A bottle of Gewurtztraminer
  • A bottle of Irish Creme

I was struck by the thought that an Irish Coffee sounded pretty good as a nightcap. Then I thought about the flip side of that: I don’t know that I want to start drinking coffee at 10:00, if I plan on being in bed sometime around 1:00, especially since I haven’t been sleeping well of late…

Then I remembered: I have some decaf coffee, left over from when Chris would drink it on Shadowrun nights. But then I was stuck with the conundrum:

I know that decaf is pretty much the coffee equivalent of masturbation, but is it blasphemy/heresy (or even prostitution) to put Irish Creme in decaf?

What are your thoughts on the matter?

“Those neon eyes make Mom and Dad think that we’ve lost our minds…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, music, science and technology No Comments »

Friday – 29 June 2007
The week finally draws to an end. Selah.

Today’s been good, aside from the slight… I’m not really sure how to explain it… feeling that I’ve had since waking up. Light-headed? Swimmy? At first, I attributed it to the differences between wearing my glasses, as opposed to my contact lenses – it was the same kind of distortion/perception. But, it didn’t go away when I reinstalled the integrated secondary optical enhancers.

More studying. Today: Networking – specifically, DNS & BIND. I’m going through a book by O’Reilly & Associates. I believe that this is the first time that I have actually read an O’Reilly book. It’s not bad. Not bad at all.

For “lunch” today, I went to Dr. Volt’s. I picked up my four-color shwag… and my Legion Heroclix. Mm-hmm, that’s right!

Stray Toasters

  • I talked with Mom earlier; she’s doing well.
  • I tried out WordPress’ “Import” feature. It’s not bad; it’s a little slower than I had expected, but it works… and that’s the key thing here.
  • The iPhone launched today. Beware first-gen tech. Consider that your only warning.
  • Coworker Dave(SLC) pointed me in the direction of: Chaco. He apparently used to live not far from here.
  • Grand Funkmaster Dis
  • showed us Sexy Back (Kirk/Spock) at Game Night on Monday… I forgot to post it. Until now.
  • Dasks.

Quotes of the Day
Two quotes today. First up, from a conversation with :

(6/29/2007 3:02:09 PM): is Adobe ActiveX alright to install without worry?
(6/29/2007 3:02:32 PM): yes
(6/29/2007 3:04:08 PM): is www.canadanbeerhookersattheborder.ca.org alright too, then?
(6/29/2007 3:04:30 PM): Oh, of course!
(6/29/2007 3:04:46 PM): I’m surprised that it’s not on your usual bookmark list.
(6/29/2007 3:05:01 PM): well, I hate to lie to you Rob….but……..
(6/29/2007 3:05:23 PM): yes, I have that site hooked into my t.v. in the bedroom to fall asleep to/wake up to every day
(6/29/2007 3:05:28 PM): I just get hooked, man
(6/29/2007 3:05:41 PM): Oh, it’s easy to do.
(6/29/2007 3:05:42 PM): *nod*
(6/29/2007 3:05:50 PM): Canadan women with floppy jahoobies and BEER?!?!
(6/29/2007 3:05:54 PM): I mean, c’mon!!!
(6/29/2007 3:06:33 PM): look… give me my vices, alright?

And the second, from a conversation with Derek:

(6/29/2007 3:17:35 PM): Take Konnie mini-golfing.
(6/29/2007 3:17:38 PM): Or to the batting cages.
(6/29/2007 3:17:45 PM): Or to Boondocks.
Derek (6/29/2007 3:20:24 PM): we will probably do something of that nature
Derek (6/29/2007 3:20:33 PM): I want to get a wii bowling tournement going sometime
Derek (6/29/2007 3:20:39 PM): oh and she hates stufffed animals
Derek (6/29/2007 3:20:42 PM):
(6/29/2007 3:23:28 PM): Reeeeally?
(6/29/2007 3:23:36 PM): Bad experience as a child with one?
(6/29/2007 3:23:48 PM): …or is she afraid of becoming a plushie?
Derek (6/29/2007 3:24:11 PM): she just finds them pointless
Derek (6/29/2007 3:24:20 PM): haha when I went to moab I got her a souvenir
Derek (6/29/2007 3:24:26 PM): I got her a rock from the side of the road
Derek (6/29/2007 3:24:36 PM): and just said, “I got you a rock”
Derek (6/29/2007 3:25:04 PM): then I told her that I meant to carve a cool petroglyph on it, and she said she wanted me to do that before I gave it to her.
Derek (6/29/2007 3:25:06 PM): so ya
Derek (6/29/2007 3:25:11 PM): she has a rock instead of a stuffed animal
(6/29/2007 3:25:15 PM): Nice.
(6/29/2007 3:28:40 PM): You should get her an action figure.
Derek (6/29/2007 3:28:46 PM): lmao
(6/29/2007 3:28:55 PM): When she goes “What’s this?” you can say “Not a stuffed animal.”
Derek (6/29/2007 3:29:02 PM): lmao
Derek (6/29/2007 3:29:06 PM): I am SOOOOO doing that
Derek (6/29/2007 3:29:09 PM): you win
(6/29/2007 3:29:16 PM): I always win.
(6/29/2007 3:29:19 PM): That’s why I’m the Pope.
(6/29/2007 3:29:52 PM): Or General Zod.
(6/29/2007 3:29:59 PM): I get them confused sometimes.


“No, his mind is not for rent to any god or government.”

arts and leisure, books, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, news and info, quote of the day, science and technology No Comments »

Wednesday: coda
And so, another mid-week ends…

I came home this evening and took a somewhat unexpected nap. Then it was time to feed. But, I didn’t feel like cooking and, as I do not have the powers of Ronson (yet), making pizza and beer appear from thin air wasn’t an option, either. So, I did the next best thing: I went to Charlie Chow’s Dragon Grill. And, as an added bonus, went with me. Spring rolls. Beef with broccoli. Oolong tea. And a fortune cookie! After dinner, we headed over to Salt Lake Coffee Break for a bit. Nyx shared with me some of her ideas for upcoming art pieces; my thoughts hovered somewhere around “Wow.” I am looking forward to seeing them when she’s done with them.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day

[19:40] : So.
[19:40] : Aye?
[19:40] : When buying a new SATA drive for your PC it is best to make sure your PC has SATA support first.
[19:40] : sigh. 🙂
[19:40] : SATA add in card here i come.
[19:40] : I take it that you didn’t confirm this beforehand.
[19:41] : You’re aware that this will be posted, aren’t you?
[19:46] : yeah. i didn’t. i just assumed. *sob*
[19:46] : mistakes were made.
[19:46] : some deaths were involved.
[19:46] : or maybe i just wanted a new motherboard, CPU and RAM too. hmm. 😀
[19:47] : Maybe so.


“Take a friend…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, music No Comments »

Sunday – 24 June 2007
It’s been a pretty decent day… even though I haven’t done a lot.

The day started with brunch at Ruth’s Diner with , , Carrie Kelly and Dina. From there, I drove up Emigration Canyon and down Parley’s back into the valley. I decided to take Wasatch Blvd. back rather than 215. A quick stop at B&B and then back home. and Dina got their gear and – after we exchanged a few videos on YouTube – headed for the northlands.

came over a little while later and picked up the kids. It’s going to be a bit more quiet (esp. around 4 in the morning) without them here.

I decided to have Nefer-Tem spend a little time in Paragon City. Shortly after logging in, I was invited to a team – comprised of a few Peacebringers, Tanks and Blasters. Usually, I’m a bit leery of teams like this, as I prefer teams with a Defender or Controller to help with the healing. But, I ventured on. And it was a pretty good team. I did die once, but only once; and that was despite us taking on some rather healthy-sized groups of The Council and The Freakshow.

Now… I think that I’m going to head downtown again. There is jazz at the Arts Festival. The temperature is cooling off and it will be a nice way to wind down the evening. Something that I neglected to mention last night: I was a little… disappointed in this year’s festival. It seemed “smaller,” with respect to the number of artists’ booths. I think that I walked through pretty much all of them in about an hour. If hadn’t spotted me – and I hadn’t sat around to chat with her and a few others, I would have been out of the gates after that hour. But, that’s okay… The Kimball Arts Festival in Park City is just around the corner.

I just got a message from saying that she made it home safely. Selah.


“From some other planet, I’d get this funky high on a yellow sun…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, music No Comments »

Monday (coda)
Post-work, I did something that I neglected/avoided doing yesterday: Grocery shopping. I was rather proud of myself for sticking (mostly) to the things on the list.

Came home and cooked – soft tacos for dinner tonight AND pasta for dinner/lunch later this week. came over; we ate and watched Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut – something we’ve been planning on doing for months, but never got around to actually doing. While Donner never finished his version of Superman II – he was fired from the production by the Salkinds and replaced with Richard Lester – this is a closer version to his vision. There were scenes that had been completely changed – and a screen test that was added as footage. I liked the feel of the “new” stuff. I think that it worked well with the story and, to be honest, I couldn’t be happier that they got rid of the “kiss of forgetfulness” scene. On the whole, I think that this version edges out the “classic” version – at least in spots. And it was a fun way to spend the evening.

Four-Color Coverage
First off: The Sinestro Corps.

They are being set up as the anti-Green Lantern Corps. (Duh.) Instead of being able to overcome great fear, their power comes from being able to instill fear in others. Fair enough. In… Green Lantern #9, I think, we see one of the Sinestro Corps rings choosing a new host: This guy. Makes perfect sense, as instilling fear is his M.O.

Tyranist made a good counterpoint though: Of all of the characters in the DCU, why doesn’t Scarecrow get a Sinestro ring?

And now, on to the reviews:

  • Action Comics #850 – A look at the Man of Steel… through the eyes of the Girl of Steel (who is still temporally displaced in the 31st Century). An interesting thing here is that we get – through Kara and the Legion’s eyes – a look at Superman through the years, but we also get some insight into Kara’s feelings about her cousin.
  • Avengers: The Initiative #2 and #3 – Superhero-in-training boot camp continues. Some of the cadets are hiding secrets from some of the senior Avengers. An ex-New Mutant pays a visit to Camp Hammond. Nanobots? Who are the guys in the familiar-looking red-and-gold outfits?
  • Elephantmen #9 – What do you do with a drunken sailor an Elephantman with a broken leg? How does he get his groceries home? Why is that truck barrelling out of control down the road? And… was that a pick-up line?
  • Green Lantern #20 – We learn more about the nature of the Star Sapphire and the Zamorans. It also seems that the Zamorans are capable of rubbing a couple of brain cells together and coming up with “a clue.” How will that bear out for the Green Lanterns? Will the Sinestro Corps find a place in the equation? Somebody get me a color wheel!
  • Justice #12 – The 12-part maxi-series comes to a close. Wonder Woman is falling apart. Literally. Superman is… uncertain? Aquaman is pissed off. Green Lantern calls some friends for a sleep-over a little assistance. And Batman is, as ever, cool as the other side of the pillow. Speaking of which: Why is Toyman sporting an almost-cyberpunk look? Black Manta without his helmet is just as megalomaniacal… but just not as threatening. Brainiac’s master plan has been thought out to the nth degree, but Lex Luthor is hedging his bets… just in case. All of this AND a two-page spread of my favorite 31st Century team? Yeah, this story closes out with a bang. And a smile.
  • Justice Society of America #6 – I covered this one yesterday.
  • Liberty Girl #2 and #3 – I’m still trying to get a handle on this title. I like it… but trying to figure out the timeline is a bit like trying to read current issues of The New Avengers. Despite that, it’s still intriguing enough to keep me turning the pages.
  • The New Avengers #31 – Wong asks Jessica Jones a breast-feeding question. (How, exactly, does one “delicately” ask a former superhero a question about breast-feeding?) Ninjas. LOTS of ninjas. And [spoiler deleted].
  • newuniversal #6 – The Starbrand and Nightmask travel the Superflow. Justice is served. The President calls a meeting. And, the Project: Spitfire HEXsuit comes online. Can World War III be far behind?
  • Supergirl #17 and #18 – We learn more about what’s going on inside the Girl of Steel’s head. And it’s not a very happy place. And it may just be that someone else is pushing her buttons and pulling some strings to push her farther and farther out of synch. Who would do something like that? Ask Troia, I’m sure she’d have an idea or two.
  • Superman #662 and #663 – Pop Quiz: What do you do when an ancient Atlantean sorceror comes to you and basically tells you “Get off of Earth or everyone and everything dies?” Yeah… aren’t you glad that your biggest decision today is “Should I super-size the fries and drink?” All this and a surprise appearance from the New Gods. Plus, Lana and Clark get some time to talk. Plus, Lois and Clark get some time to talk.
  • Superman/Batman #34, #35 and #36 – Dr. Magnus, I presume? And the Metal Men. And Brainiac…? And… wait… the last time we saw [spoiler deleted], didn’t it just about bring the DCU to a flaming, screeching, crashing halt? Right. I thought so. So… why has Batman kept this around?! Warning: Bumpy ride.
  • Ultimate Fantastic Four #42 – Reed lets his father get under his skin. Again. Ben Grimm’s mom shows her poker face. Literally. And… a surfboard?!
  • Uncanny X-Men #487 – The Morlocks are back. Hepzibah does her best Yoda impression. And Storm pulls rank… not only as an X-Man, not only as a member of the Fantastic Four, but as the Queen of Wakanda. How much do you want to bet that the Office of National Emergency blinks first?

Stray Toasters

  • Sissy the Wonder Kitty strikes again!

She was in the master bathroom.
She walked out, next to the cabinet under the sink…
Raises a paw to open the cabinet door…
Looked down the hall to see if I’m watching her…
Saw that I was…
And walked off like she never planned to touch the door in the first place.

  • John Williams’ Superman Theme is a great piece of music.
  • For :
    Evil Comic
  • HOWTO knit a baby Viking helmet
  • Instant Karma’s gonna get you
    Gonna knock you off your feet
    Better recognise your brothers
    Everyone you meet

    …which reminds me of…

    Take a walk outside myself
    In some exotic land
    Greet a passing stranger
    Feel the strength in his hand
    Feel the world expand


“If you set your mind free, baby, maybe you’ll understand…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Monday – 18 June 2007
Another week begins.

So far, the day has been rather quiet and uneventful. This morning’s excursion to Ye Olde Shoppe of Coffee yielded an improper elixir. I didn’t really notice it until after I had gotten into the car and was preparing to leave – apparently, the machine that makes the “frozen” part of the “frozen mocha” was not working properly. It just gave out mocha-colored liquid, far from frozen. You would think that I would have noticed that the triple-shot of espresso just… sank to the bottom of the cup beforehand. Nope. Ok, well. I went back in, asked about it and Niki went about fixing a new – frozen – drink from another dispenser.

Yesterday, post-pilgrimage to the Garden of Sweden, I went home and hung out with the kids for a few hours… after which, I decided that I wanted to get out for a bit. I headed up Fort Union Boulevard and towards Wasatch Drive. Then, I noticed that I was getting hungry. Not ravenously so, but enough to allocate a couple of brain cells to the task of figuring out what I wanted and where to get it. I called Angela, with whom I haven’t spoken since God was a boy, to see what she was up to. Not much, it turned out… and she hadn’t eaten, either. We opted for Redrock Brewing Co. They have a very smooth Oatmeal Stout. And calamari. And “Maryland Crab Cakes.” The calamari was good, as always. The crab cakes were alright… but I’m pretty picky about anything claiming to be “Maryland Crab Cakes” or “Maryland-Style Crab Cakes.” After dinner, we headed over to The Gateway to check out the remnants of the Chalk Art Festival. Most of the drawings along the south end of The Gateway had been removed, but the north end was still cordoned off and the drawings were mostly intact. Mostly. There were footprints in a lot of the drawings and – this was irritating – people were taking the beadwork off of the picture (based on this piece) drawn by Gina Jrel. Some peoples’ children…

The Scales of Justice
After I got back home, I decided to see what was going on in Paragon City. I’d already missed (most of) Double XP Weekend, but I had finally worked up the desire to play. I started the CoH loader and was greeted with a notice about Issue 10: Invasion. Wait… Issue 10?!?! We just barely got Issue 9 and they are already talking about Issue 10!? Sweet! Looks as though the Rikti are back… and they’re not happy about having been repelled.

I was invited to a team shortly after logging in. I played for a couple of hours and managed to get two levels under my belt before logging off. That’s right: Security Level 30. Which also means a new costume slot. Which also means that I have to figure out what I want to do for the new costume.

Stray Toasters


“Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, IKEA, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology No Comments »

Friday – 15 June 2007
So far, it’s been a pretty good day. Of course, any day that starts “Fri-” us usually pretty good.

Unless it’s 1929.
And October.
And the last Friday of the month.

But, it’s not. So we’re good.

I’m working in the Salt Lake office today and that’s a good thing because a semi driver decided to play chicken with an overpass – the one at the exit I take to get to the A.F. office – and lost. Big time. He was hauling a pre-fab home. I guess that he technically is still hauling it… but it now has one hell of a sunroof:

Bridge: 1   House: 0
Picture courtesy of Acolyte Derek

Yeah. Not so good there.

Last night, I went to a taping of Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! with KHAYLA. I had a ball! I was expecting it to be fun, but nowhere near as much as it was. The whole taping took about two hours… of which only forty minutes or so will make it on the air. That’s a shame, because I’m willing to bet that some of the really funny stuff is going to be edited out. Your loss. The panel was Paula Poundstone, Mo Rocca and Tom Bodett and their celebrity guest for “Not My Job” was Donny Osmond (by phone from L.A.). I have never been the biggest Donny Osmond fan, but I have nothing against him, either… and he was quite funny. DANGERMOUSE_UT: You were right – Peter Sagal is not a very tall man. But, he knows how to work a crowd, has good comedic timing AND he knows when to just let the panel – and Carl Kassel – just go off on their riffs. Last night’s taping will air on Saturday, 16 June 2007, check your local NPR station for the time.

Stray Toasters

Tonight: Clitorati
Tomorrow: Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer with Perry and Max and the Chalk Art Festival… and, at some point, a trip to IKEA.


“That’s the sound of the men working on the chain gang…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, music No Comments »

Sunday (coda)
The day ended well.

  • I picked up from the airport and delivered her home.
  • Presto has apparently forgiven me for giving her cat treats that apparently didn’t agree with her. Eleven times.
  • I hung out with Perry and the kids.
  • I talked with Kris for a bit.
  • I didn’t die while playing CoH.
  • I had ice cream.

So, all-in-all, it was a relaxing way to end the weekend.

And it’s only four days till Friday. Apparently, Loverboy was right: Everybody’s Working for the Weekend. But, that then makes me wonder where Huey Lewis And the News’ Workin’ for a Livin’ fits in… We know that Kool Moe Dee is all about working, since he told us I Go to Work; and Big Daddy Kane said I Get the Job Done, so I’m not to worried about his work ethic. Geddy Lee is Working at Perfekt, so you have to admire his desire to get things done right… if not his spelling skills. And, he’s apparently been at it a long time – since 1974, in fact, when he told us that he was the Working Man, back from the days when he worked with Misters Lifeson and Rutsey.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, now what’s a title to fit me?
A champ like Tyson, a Captain like Kirk, no
Employee of the Month, cause yo, I do work
The K-A-N-E is on the J-O-B
An expert, cause I get it D-O-N-E
So lights, camera, action – all hail the one!
That gets the job done


Um… sorry about that. It slipped.

Stray Toasters

  • I’m craving cotton candy again.
  • : I’m not sure what possessed me, but I tried posting something on ‘Opinionated… and it ate it. All of it. Didn’t even leave seeds or stems. Besides that, where did everything else go?!
  • Superhero Recipe
  • I bought a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream ice cream last week. It’s not bad. Tasty, even.
  • “…on a train.” (which is NOT to be confused with: “To. Your. DOOR!”)
  • Day Watch. Wednesday.
  • …speaking of which: Tyranist, if you acquired Night Watch, I would like to borrow it tomorrow, please.
  • The Stardust movie website has been updated.
  • Sometimes, songs get stuck in your head. When it’s something like Brian Wilson or Scotty Doesn’t Know or Chiron Beta Prime or Code Monkey, I’m okay with that. Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car? No problem. When it’s something like Pina Colada… it makes me want to perform a slow, painful frontal lobotomy on myself. You know the song…

    If you like Pina Coladas
    And getting caught in the rain
    If you’re not into yoga
    If you have half a brain

    That one. I had this song stuck in my head for three days once. Three. Days. Like I said, “slow, painful frontal lobotomy.”

  • Ed Brubaker on “The Rise and Fall of the Shi’ar Empire” – Conclusion
  • Should the words “World’s cutest” and “goatse” ever be used together?
  • 30 Days of Night (official site)
  • M.O.D. are you out there?
    I can’t see your face
    But you left a trace on a data back-road
    That I almost erased
  • : Legion Animated Cosmic Boy
