Wednesday – 21 June 2011
Midweek is upon us once more.
It has been brought to my attention that I have neglected to mention something. Again. Something that’s kind of a big deal and bears mentioning. The omission wasn’t due to lack of care and/or consideration. In fact, it was more of a “I had other, more immediate things on my mind.” And, to be honest… it’s not just ONE thing that I haven’t mentioned, but TWO.
So, I’m going to give them their due. Even better: I’m going to tie them together. Because I can.
What are they? Glad you asked. The two items are:
- My sister-in-law, Melissa’s, birthday was this past Saturday. (Like I said I didn’t forget it — cards were sent and “Happy birthday” calls were made.) But… I didn’t mention it here.
- I saw Green Lantern on Thursday night/Friday morning… but haven’t given it a review yet.
I know what you’re thinking: “It’s great that you’re acknowledging these things, but… um… how are you planning on tying them together?” Good question.
My answer:

BLAOW! That’s right… my sister-in-law as a Green Lantern. How ’bout them apples?!

Here she is, post-training, when she was allowed to personalize her uniform.

Seen here with Lantern recruit G’nort (1, 2), before he was issued a power ring
And, with not-quite-entirely-belated birthday greetings out of the way, on to Item #2: The Review…
As I mentioned above, I saw the midnight showing of Green Lantern Thursday night. I’d heard rumblings – but managed to avoid reading/listening to full-on reviews – about the movie over the course of the day. The things I heard were that it wasn’t a great movie… it was a BAD movie… blah blah blah. I tried not to let this jade my opinion; after all, Martin Campbell had brought us the new-and-improved James Bond in Casino Royale, along with a couple of rousing takes on Zorro (1, 2). With that in mind, I was good to go.
The overall atmosphere of the theatre was upbeat and anxious. This is of little surprise, as the event was hosted by Big Movie Mouth-Off, Dr. Volt’s Comic Connection and Play ‘n’ Trade. When I arrived, about an hour before the movie started, the folks from Play ‘n’ Trade had set up an Xbox 360 with Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters on the movie screen. I milled around with Dave and Jeremiah from Dr. Volt’s for a bit before finding my seat. About fifteen minutes before the movie started, they opened up the floor for trivia and a costume contest. Then, it was showtime.
After sitting through two hours of emerald ring-slinging moviedom, I can say this: It wasn’t perfect, but I enjoyed the film. My rating scale for comic book-related properties runs from:
Batman and Robin (1) up to Superman: the Movie (10)
I’d put Batman Begins and The Dark Knight in the high 9’s. Likewise, I’d put the Fantastic Four movies around… a 6 or 7, give or take a bit.
I’d give Green Lantern somewhere between seven and eight LEGO bricks. We’ll call it 7.5, for the sake of argument.

It didn’t knock it out of the park, as I’d hoped, but it was good. And entertaining. And fun. I think that there are a number of factors that are causing people to knock it, not the least of which is: Given the “realistic” feel of movies like Batman Begins and TDK – and even the X-Men franchise – audiences and critics were hoping for a more… serious or realistic… take on GL. Really?! Let’s look at the premise:
A man gets a ring… that can create anything he thinks of… from a dying alien… who’s part of an intergalactic police force.
Yeah, let’s see the “grim and gritty” take on that. No, thanks. I’m sorry that die-hard fanboys felt that it was missing this obscure reference or that character or this storyline and that critics are giving Mr. Campbell the business because there was “too much of this” or “too little of that.” I think that he did a good job. Not only that: I think that he made a movie that parents can take their kids to see. (I credit Kenneth Branagh with doing the same thing with this season’s earlier release, Thor.)
Was I disappointed that I didn’t get to see John Stewart, my favorite Lantern (other than my sister-in-law, of course)? A little. Would it have been fun to see more of Hal’s training on Oa? Sure. What about more in-jet flight time? Yeah, that could have been fun, too. But, as The Rolling Stones sang: “You can’t always get what you want…” Besides, if DC/Warner Brothers decide to make a sequel, there’s a chance I can see him there. And if not, I still have my collection of Justice League DVDs…
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