Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“Who needs sleep? Well, you’re never gonna get it…”

art, books, business and economy, event, everyday glory, games, geekery, health, house and home, movies and TV, science and technology, style and fashion, The Covet List, the world, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 15 June 2011
Midweek. Thank Heaven…

And, thank Heaven for the local Beans & Brews; I’ve returned to my old coffee shop while Pinup Girl Espresso is “on hiatus.”  Did you hear that, IHC?  “On. Hiatus.”  The ball’s in your court now. Let’s see some machinery and equipment on that lot, so that I can get my neighborhood coffee shop back.

*stares menacingly at IHC*

Last night was low-key. SaraRules! and I started some of the moves that will eventually allow the current guest room to become the nursery. There’s still a good bit of work and moving to be done, but we’ve at least made a start.

Today is new comics day.  (Good.)  And, it’s also  game night… although, I may have to skip it: I have passes to see Green Lantern.  Whether or not I am one of the lucky ones who makes it into the theatre has yet to be seen.

Stray Toasters


Better la… you get the idea.

comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, education, event, everyday glory, faith and religion, health, history, house and home, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, stage plays and theatre, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 14 June 2011
Today is Flag Day.

And, even though it’s Tuesday, it’s another day chock full o’ meetings. Whoop-de-damn-doo!

Last night, I attempted to conquer the front lawn… as a thunderstorm loomed in the not-to-distant sky. (I managed to finish before it became a torrential downpour.) After that, I deemed that it was going to be a lazy night in. SaraRules! and I spent the evening watching Top Gear (UK) and the various versions of House Hunters.

Sidenote: Apparently House Hunters, like Law & Order before it, has enough spin-offs for me to start tagging them like Star Trek series:

  • House Hunters: TOS
  • House Hunters International: TNG
  • House Hunters on Vacation: DS9

Just saying…

And, I read a bit more of Sixkill, which has been quite good.

Stray Toasters

Saturday and whatnot…

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, engagement/wedding/marriage, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, health, history, movies and TV, space, trains/model railroads, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Saturday – 11 June 2011
Yesterday was my youngest sister’s birthday:

Yesterday was also my 9/80 day off. And it was a good day. I started with a short trip to the gym. (This is almost getting to be a habit…)

  • Elliptical: 15 minutes, ~5.75 MPH pace
  • Bench press: 3 sets/8 reps — 2 sets @ 135, 1 set @ 155
  • Curls (dumbbells, seated): 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs
  • Shoulder Press (dumbbells, seated): 3 sets/10 reps, 35 lbs
  • Compound Row: 3 sets/10 reps, 125 lbs.

Back home to get cleaned up and then I was off to Porcupine Pub and Grille for lunch with my friend, Emily. We’d not seen each other in a couple of years, so there was a fair bit of catching up to do. Next I popped in to say “Hi” to and .

Then… it was off to meet SaraRules! for another appointment with her doctor. Only, the doctor was “out,” as she got called to the hospital to deliver a baby. So, we met with a nurse instead. She checked on the babies and gave us a thumbs-up on their progress.

I made it back home (by way of The Train Shoppe) and played a bit of Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters before we went out to meet the usual suspects for Clitorati.

This morning, following a series of disturbing dreams and fitful sleep, I found myself awake at 0630. Rather than toss and turn in bed, I made my way to the couch and watched TV. I actually got to see The Rifleman (1, 2) for the first time in ages. Then, the TV started watching me, as I nodded in and out of sleep for the next hour-and-a-half.

Stray Toasters


“…while my guitar gently weeps.”

art, books, business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, education, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, health, history, music, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, space, toys, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 09 June 2011
Another NBN Technical Friday is upon us. Amen. It looks like it’s going to be a clear, sunny day. That doesn’t exactly hurt my feelings.

Last night, SaraRules! and I had dinner with Ron and a couple of his coworkers, Linda and Kathy. We ate at The Pie Pizzeria. I’ve long been of the opinion that pizza from The Pie is “good,” but I’m not as head-over-heels about it as some of my friends. I think that I know at least part of “why” I’ve had a problem in the past: I have most often had their “Mountain of Meat” pizza, which tends to be a bit… messy… and greasy. And, while filling, it sits heavily in your stomach. Last night’s pizza (or, rather, my half of it) had pepperoni, sausage and green peppers. It went down easily and was filling, without being “too heavy.” I’m fairly confident in saying that it was probably my most pleasurable experience eating a pizza there. After dinner, Ron came over and hung out with us for a while. SaraRules!, he and I sat around trading stories until late in the evening. It was a good end to a good day.

Stray Toasters


“I hear the train a comin’…”

books, business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, education, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, movies and TV, politics and law, quote of the day, science and technology, sports, the world, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 08 June 2011
Today is my brother-in-law, ‘s birthday.

..and I neglected to mention that yesterday was my friend, Josh’s, birthday, also. D’oh!

Last night, we celebrated ‘s birthday with the in-laws. Dinner. Presents. Cake. It was a good evening. On the way home, SaraRules! and I stopped at the local Best Buy; I needed wanted to pick up Green Lantern: Emerald Knights.  SaraRules! picked up a Guitar Hero game and, somehow, I wound up also getting the brand-spankin’ new Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters for my 360.

Once we got settled in at home, we fired up Emerald Knights. It was well-done. Hell, if the live-action movie is half… okay, three-quarters… as good as this was, I’ll be pleased. Emerald Knights is an anthology piece, with six stories that are woven together throughout the film… which appears to fall somewhere in the middle of the events of Green Lantern: First Flight. The writers did a good job of creating a “new” overarching story, while adeptly intertwining some newly-animated classic GL lore into the tale. There were some familiar names/voices attached to this project, including:

  • Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Castle) as Hal Jordan
  • Jason Isaacs (“Harry Potter” films) as Sinestro
  • Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men) as Arisia
  • Henry Rollins (yes, “that” Henry Rollins) as Kilowog

For me, it was a good way to wind down the day.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
As I noted yesterday, Folsom Prison Blues is one of my niece’s favorite songs, which is made more amusing by the fact that she’s only three… unless you’re my sister, who finds it appalling.

That being said, my brother-in-law sent me the following last night:

coda to yesterday’s lecture:
your niece tonight was singing her song
then she asks me to sing
so i start singing
gracie: “no no no no no daddy, that’s wrong!”
me…wha?  no it’s not
“yes daddy it is wrong”
ok sweetheart, how does it start?
“like this, daddy. ‘hello, i’m johnny cash.'”
i stand corrected, child.  proceed.

Ladies and gentlemen… my family.


“I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die…”

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, event, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, football, geekery, history, house and home, LEGO and Rokenbok, office antics, politics and law, The Covet List, travel No Comments »

Tuesday – 07 June 2011
It’s my mother’s birthday!

It’s also Prince’s birthday. Under normal circumstances, I’d post a link to a video by Prince here, but he’s pretty tight about rights management – as is his prerogative – so, you’ll just have to hum something to yourself.

On a less-light note, I’m in the south office today. I can’t really complain, though; it’s a nice change of pace.

Last night, I attended the Justice League Junior League Annual Dinner with SaraRules! As an added bonus, I got to be the proxy date for three other ladies. (Yeah, I know… rough life.) We sat at a table with two other members and one provisional. And a lovely time was had by all.

I was struck, once again, by the fact that of ALL the ladies there, I only saw three (3) other men… and one (pre-)teenager. It seemed odd to me that wives/families are almost expected to attend festivities related to their husbands’ jobs or activities, but when it’s time to support the wives’ activitites…? You can watch the vapor trails form as the men fly out of sight.

Personally, I’m happy to support and attend SaraRules!’ events:

  • Opera? Check.
  • Symphony? Check.
  • Junior League dinners and events?  Check.

Why? Because they’re important to her (and in the case of the symphony and opera, job-related). And, as she’s important to me, so are the things she’s interested in. Besides, I get to go to great symphonic concerts and opera and I get to meet interesting people… and, in the case of last night, I get to dress up and escort a number of lovely ladies to an event. How can that be a bad thing?!

Stray Toasters

And now… lunch!


“…and you could look deep into my eyes, like I was a supermodel. Uh-huh.”

business and economy, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, education, everyday glory, games, health, movies and TV, opera, people, science and technology, style and fashion, the world, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 06 June 2011
I won’t lie: I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It wasn’t that I was dreading the work day. Nor was it that I had a particularly busy/hectic day yesterday. I just didn’t feel any sense of urgency about getting up and on the way this morning. But, I did… and here we are.

Yesterday was a relaxed day. Ron came over in the morning, and took SaraRules! and me to breakfast. We opted for a place with a local flavor, so we chose Ruth’s Diner. Ron liked it. (Which was a plus.) We drove up Emigration Canyon into and down Parley’s Canyon, heading back into the valley. We also drove along Wasatch Blvd, to afford Ron a good look at the valley.

Later in the afternoon, the three of us and a few of the usual suspects went to see X-Men: First Class.

Right off the bat, I’ll say that I enjoyed it. No, it wasn’t the “First Class” that I think of when I think of the X-Men (Angel, Beast, Cyclops, Iceman and Marvel Girl)…

…but it was a good roster for the movie continuity. While not set in the Marvel 616 Universe continuity, they were able to do different things to introduce new characters. For example, their take on Sebastian Shaw, Black King of the Hellfire Club, had a nice twist… and one that also connected him to another character in the film. There were also a few nice “easter eggs,” including [REDACTED].

All told, it was a good “preboot” for the movie version of the X-Universe. The actors were good — I especially enjoyed Michael Fassbender’s take on a young Magneto. It moved well (despite compressing a couple of subplots in the interest of time). And, it was just plain fun.

For dinner, SaraRules! grilled steaks and vegetables. And they were good. Very good. “Bring it in for lunch today” good. We wound up the evening watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. I’m not really sure what to say about this other than, I’m putting it in the same category as Regina: I’m willing to read the book to see if the end is any more coherent.

Stray Toasters

On to lunch!


Sunday musings…

books, business and economy, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, event, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, style and fashion, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Sunday – 05 June 2011
I was caught in the middle of a struggle for the past two-and-a-half hours. It’s definitely not a fight that I would have chosen to be part of, but sometimes, we don’t get to choose.

The fight was between sleep and being awake.

It may sound rather silly, but it’s true. I was awake – for no discernable reason – a few minutes after 0600. I tried going back to sleep, but only managed to stare at the walls. And the ceiling. And the window. I did manage to nod off again, though. For about twenty minutes. Then it became “Lather. Rinse. Repeat.” …for the next two hours. I’d finally manage to fall asleep, only to wake up – again, for no reason – and the cycle would repeat. Annoying. Hopefully, it’s not a harbinger of how the rest of the day will go.

There are a couple of bright spots in the day, though:

  1. It’s National Cancer Survivors Day

  2. SaraRules! and I get to hang out with our friend, Ron, today.

Yesterday was a good day. It started off with a trip to one of the local churches for a Boy Scout pancake breakfast and car show. The food was good and there were a lot of nice cars to look at. When we got back, I had some time to kill, so I decided to mow the lawn. When I finished that, it was time to get clean and ready to meet Chris and Alex. We stopped off for (second) breakfast before heading to Dr. Volt’s. There was another good turnout – we had fifteen players. After the game, I came home to get SaraRules! and we headed to Pawit’s Royale Thai Cuisine for dinner. (SaraRules! dropped into Dr. Volt’s to say “Hi” earlier… and informed me that I was taking her out for Thai.) I had a dish whose name I can’t recall, but it reminded me of Pho. And it was VERY good. After dinner, we wound down the night with some TV and a game of Trivial Pursuit. It was a long game; SaraRules! edged me out for the win.

Stray Toasters

…right on to the friction of the day.


Just another Friday, nothing to see here…

art, books, comics and animation, computers, cyberpunk/steampunk, everyday glory, family and friends, football, geekery, house and home, movies and TV, music, news and info, people, politics and law, The Covet List, the world, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Friday – 03 June 2011
The weekend is mere hours away…

And it’s a sunny day out there. Hopefully, it lasts until I can get outside to enjoy it.

Last night, I achieved a new milestone in the “Hey, we’ve got babies on the way!” event: I felt one of the kids (I’m fairly certain that it was “Baby B”) kick for the first time.  It was neat. A little later in the evening, I felt a little more activity… but not sure which one it was.

After going out and running a few errands – including a walk through/around the local mall for some exercise –  SaraRules! and I stopped at Farr’s Fresh for some ice cream before heading home for the evening. We flipped channels for a bit and wound up finding Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1, 2) on TCM. That’s right a classic Japanese monster movie, featuring Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan. BAM! That’s what we wound up watching for our evening’s entertainment.

This morning, I woke up with Barenaked Ladies’ If I Had $1000000 in my head. I’m good with that.

Stray Toasters


“Everything’s Going Green”

arts and leisure, basketball, comics and animation, everyday glory, geekery, house and home, movies and TV, news and info, office antics, opera, space, stage plays and theatre, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Thursday – 02 June 2011
Another “Day of Thor” (look it up) is upon us. I’m hoping that it follows the appropriate “No Bad News” protocol. That would be a “good” thing.

This morning, I woke up with the opening theme from Love, Sidney in my head. I have no idea “why,” as the show hasn’t been on the air in over 20 (nearly 30) years. Granted, I’m a fan of some of Tony Randall’s work, but why not the theme from The Odd Couple?! As Dr. Rosenblatt would say, “It’s so bizarre…!”

Last night, I had forgotten that SaraRules! was going to a presentation of Die Walkure, presented by Fathom Events at the local cinemaplex. As had to postpone our D&D game, this meant that I was left to my own devices to find something to do. I wound up doing the dishes and some laundry. (*shrug* It needed to be done…) I also went to the gym. There was a brief internal struggle about did I really want to go, but it was overruled by the “You need to go” camp. It’s still slow-going, but at least I’m doing something:

  • Elliptical: 15 minutes, approx 5.5 MPH pace
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/8 reps, 135 lbs
  • Curls (dumbbell, seated): 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs
  • Shoulder Press (dumbbell, seated): 3 sets/10 reps, 35 lbs
  • Compound Row: 3 sets/10 reps, 125 lbs
  • Reverse Fly: 3 sets/10 reps, 50 lbs

I was quite happy to be done with the workout… while kind of looking forward to getting into the gym again. Go figure.

When I got back home, I treated myself to a little DVR fare while waiting for SaraRules! to get in. I’m almost up to the season finale of Human Target. (And I’m still wishing that USA or some other channel would pick it up next season.)

Stray Toasters

And now… lunch!


“You go back, Jack, do it again…”

books, business and economy, comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, games, geekery, health, history, music, news and info, science and technology, space No Comments »

Wednesday – 01 June 2011
It’s a new month.
It’s new comics day.
It’s D&D (4.0) game night.
And… it may even be Sushi Wednesday, depending on how my morning shapes up.

For reasons that I have yet to discern, I woke up with Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 running through my head.

Last night, , Chris, Dee and I met at MacCool’s for a guys’ night out. Any evening that ends with Guinness can’t be bad. I opted for the Meat Loaf entree – which is prepared with a barbecue sauce, as opposed to a tomato-based sauce; it was very good. In fact, the beer, the food and the company were all good. If I have my druthers, this will become a regular (or at least semi-regular) occurrence.

Stray Toasters


“Here comes the sun…”

art, arts and leisure, business and economy, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, health, house and home, science and technology, trains/model railroads, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 31 May 2011
I don’t know if this is Mother Nature’s parting gift or the setup for an incredibly cruel joke, but it’s a lovely morning. It’s sunny and clear, temps are in the 50s, on their way to the mid-70s. Everything about it says “Today’s going to be a great day.” Yet, my inner cynic is still waiting for the other metaphorical meteorological shoe to drop.

Yesterday was a fairly quiet, low-key day. SaraRules! and I did get a little productivity in, though. We added some new items to the baby registry. We looked at tile for the new bathroom. And, we discovered a new place to eat. Well, it’s not really “new,” as much as it’s “new to us:” Mama’s Plantation Restaurant, in the Midvale Family Center (near the Wal-Mart). had mentioned it a while back, but SaraRules! and I never got to visit it at its old location in Taylorsville. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that it wound up in our extended neighborhood. The food and the service were good. The pricing may be a little on the steep side, but it was a nice change of pace and someplace we will revisit.

…and tonight: Guys Night Out.

Stray Toasters

On with the show…


“Let the rhyhtm move you…”

computers, dining and cuisine, education, everyday glory, food for thought, games, health, history, music, news and info, people, science and technology, the world, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Saturday – 28 May 2011
The sun is up and playing Hide and Seek among the clouds. This is good.

Last night, SaraRules! and I, along with our friends Marie and Josh, had an evening out. We had dinner at Settebello (all of us had variations of the same pizza), dessert at Capo and then attended Utah Symphony’s final concert of the 2010-11 season:

The program consisted of:

  • Charles Ives – Three Places in New England
  • Richard Strauss – Four Last Songs
  • Igor Stravinsky – Le Sacre du printemps

I’d not heard the Ives nor the Strauss pieces before. The Ives was a chaotic and frenetic piece; it was the aural equivalent of a hurricane. Yet, in the midst of the storm, Maestro Fischer did a fantastic job of  coordinating the musicians. If Three Places in New England was the leading edge of the hurricane, Four Last Songs was the calm eye of the storm. The movements were melodic and serene. Soloist Janice Chandler Eteme‘s performance was beautiful and very well-received — very nearly the entire hall gave her a standing ovation, with three curtain calls. The program closed with La Sacre du printemps (“The Rite of Spring”), another hectic and wildly energetic piece. As the symphony played, I realized that this piece is, in my opinion, one of the musical compositions that should be experienced as a live performance.

During and after the performance, I pondered Director Fischer’s choices for the selections used in this concert. I found there to be something of a counterpoint to the selections — the upbeat and chaotic sounds of Three Places and Rite, contrasted against the mellow tones of Four Last Songs. I also came to the conclusion that ending the season with pieces as energetic as Three Places and The Rite of Spring was akin to ending the season with a very emphatic exclamation point. It closed the season on a very strong  note, so to speak — showing that even at the end of a season, Utah Symphony was able to end things with a bang.

All told, the concert was a fine finish to Maestro Fischer’s first season as Music Director and was an excellent end to Utah Symphony’s season.

Stray Toasters


“armchair rocket scientist graffiti existentialist”

dining and cuisine, event, everyday glory, family and friends, geekery, health, music, news and info, style and fashion, trains/model railroads, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Friday – 27 May 2011
It’s my 9/80 day off… and it’s the start of a four-day weekend. I’m good with that. I’m looking forward to a bit of downtime this weekend.

Last night, SaraRules! and I hit the local Noodles & Company for dinner, ran a few errands and then came home for a quiet evening in. I fired up the 360 and tried my hand at the CoD: Black Ops mission that’s been kicking my ass for the past little while. I finally had to look up some hints online. Same result, but I think I finally figured out what I need to do differently. (Aside from the general “not get killed” concept.)

This morning, I slept in… until 8:15. Hey, it’s later than my normal mornings, so it counts as “sleeping in.” After seeing SaraRules! off to work – and puttering around the house for a bit – I dragged my sorry carcass out of the house and into the gym for the first time in [REDACTED]! I have witnesses to prove it — I ran into ‘s dad and former coworker/current co-gamer Josh. Today’s workout consisted of:

  • Elliptical: 20 mintues/Level 3/Random, pacing between 5.0 and 5.5 MPH
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/8 reps, 135 lbs.  (Gotta start somewhere…)
  • Curls (dumbbell, seated): 3 sets/10 reps, 20 lbs
  • Lateral Raises (with Flys): 2 sets/10 reps, 10 lbs
  • Shoulder Press (dumbbell): 3 sets/8 reps, 30 lbs
  • Flys: 3 sets/8 reps, 100 lbs

Not too bad for the first workout in a while. It’s my One Little Victory of the morning.

Stray Toasters

Time to find some lunch and get on with the day.

So… close…

business and economy, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, football, games, geekery, health, history, office antics, politics and law, space, style and fashion, the world, travel No Comments »

Thursday – 26 May 2011
It’s my “Technical Friday.” And, since we’re going into Memorial Day weekend, that means that this is a four-day weekend. Win.

Last night, SaraRules! and I went to Rodizio Grill for dinner. At least one of us (*raises hand*) decided to indulge in one of the Seven Deadly Sins. When we left, I was quite full. When we got home, I read the day’s four-color haul before calling it a night. (And I was still very full from dinner.)

Stray Toasters
