“…but you’ve gotta promise me I’ll be back in time.”
comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, football, history, house and home, movies and TV, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, style No Comments »Thursday – 22 April 2010
It’s another NBN Thursday in the valley and it started off with… well… I wouldn’t go so far as to say “flurries,” but there was “some snow” falling when I left the apartment this morning.
It’s also Earth Day.
Last night, SaraRules and I packed up a good portion of the things in the kitchen. I’ll probably tackle the pantry, the remains of the office and some of the bedroom closet this evening. Have I recently mentioned that I’ll be happy when all of this “moving” business is done?
Stray Toasters
- Guess who has Sloppy Joes and Thin Mints AND a fortune cookie in his lunch today!
- Today is a Three-Meeting Thursday, apparently.
- Environmentally-Friendly Clothing
pointed out Daring Fireball’s take on the 4G iPhone leak; it’s a good read. - New Zeus version targeting Firefox users for bank fraud
- I heard a remake of Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time on the radio during this morning’s commute. I had no idea how many times this song has been covered; this morning’s version was by a band called Quietdrive.
- Hearing that song made me think of other covers, which somehow made me think of C+C Music Factory’s cover of U2’s Pride (In The Name of Love):
….which, in turn, led me to their cover of Aretha Franklin’s Pride/A Deeper Love
- Ben Roethlisburger has been suspended for six games, though he could possibly be out for only four.
- ….and it seems as though the Steelers are possibly looking to trade Big Ben… to the Raiders.
- Checkmate
- Yesterday’s comic haul was light, but good. I’m planning another Four-Color Coverage review… but after The Great LEGO Brick Debacle of 2010, courtesy of “some setting changing/being changed in WordBook, I’m a little leery of doing so. Â Tests shall have to be run.
- Clerks Find Papers from 1881 Gunfight at OK Corral
- New Fringe tonight.
- New Burn Notice …in 6 weeks.