Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“We’ll get higher and higher, straight up we’ll climb…”

books, comics and animation, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, music, quote of the day, zombies No Comments »

Stray Toasters

  • I checked my mail this morning, on a whim. (Mostly because I couldn’t remember whether I checked it yesterday…) I’m glad that I did – there was a letter waiting in there that made for a great start to the morning.
  • Sara posed an interesting – and somewhat unusual – question last night: “What is your favorite texture?”
    My counter was “Tactile or other, such as ‘food texture,’ for example?”
    So, I started thinking about it. The one that I’ve come up with so far is: Skin. It is common and similar… yet it can also be so varied: rough, smooth, calloused, pitted, wrinkled.
  • Last night, I continued my reading of the graphic novel V for Vendetta, on which the movie was based. I had the iPod playing in the living room. I was reading the scene where Evey is being tortured in “prison” and Madonna’s Die Another Day started playing. It reminded me of the opening scenes of Die Another Day (the movie), where Bond is being tortured in time with the song.
  • Along those same lines, I had forgotten that the fight between the pirates and Prince Septimus’ guard in Stardust had been choreographed against Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld (“Can-Can”), until seeing the movie again this past weekend.
  • By way of CNet: Blocking memorable scenes with LEGOs
  • The drive-time commute included Van Halen’s Dreams. I like the video for the song, it features the Navy’s Blue Angels. The song started playing just as I was coming to the summit of I-15 on Traverse Mountain. When I looked to my left, there were paragliders floating around the ridge. Sure, they aren’t F/A-18 Hornets, but the overall effect was good enough for me.
  • , Comics2Film has a few stills from the upcoming season of Legion of Super Heroes.
  • If you haven’t heard about Warner Brothers upcoming adaptation of New Frontier (1, 2), a graphic novel by Darwyn Cooke, check out this teaser/preview.
  • Tonight, God willing and the creek don’t rise, I’m going to a preview of Resident Evil: Extinction. Zombies!!!

Quote of the Day
I responded to a department email with lyrics from Working in a Coal Mine, by Lee Dorsey:

Working in the coal mine
Going down down down
Working in the coal mine
Whoop about to slip down

This was the IM response I received from :

(10:38:12 AM) : I am SO TIRED.
(10:38:20 AM) : 🙂
(10:38:21 AM) : How long can this GO ON?
(10:38:41 AM) : Good morning, Mr. B.
(10:38:53 AM) : (ps- damn you for getting that song stuck in my head this early.)
(10:39:07 AM) : Could have been worse.
(10:39:13 AM) : I could have gone with Sixteen Tons.
(10:39:15 AM) : …or…
(10:39:20 AM) : The Pina Colada Song.
(10:39:21 AM) : 😀
(10:39:24 AM) : eh, sixteen tons wouldn’t have been…. FUCK YOU

Back to it.

“Electricity, Electricity!”

comics and animation, everyday glory, geekery, IKEA, music, workout, zombies No Comments »

Saturday – 08 September 2007
First off, Happy Hatching Day to Sib-4, !

Last night’s Clitorati was good. Sara, in town for the weekend, put in a special surprise guest appearance. The conversations were good, but the people-watching was a little lax.

This morning, Perry called to see if I wanted to get together for coffee. Not one to pass up early morning caffeination, I said that I’d be along shortly. I rolled out of bed, came in to check my email….. and the power went off.

*blink blink* Oooookay.

I checked the breakers, they were fine. But still, no power. So I called the power company. No reports of problems in the area, but they could send someone to check it out. The agent also suggested that I check with the apartment management or maintenance. I hadn’t thought of that angle; that’s what I did. I finished getting ready and rolled out. The ladies in the front office said that others had reported outages, throughout the morning, but that they weren’t long-lasting. I asked to have someone from maintenance check, just in case I had missed something.

Coffee with Kate, Perry and the kids was good. After I had thinned the blood in my caffeinestream, they invited me to go with them to Gardner Village. I have been “to” Gardner Village before, but that was usually on Sunday bike rides along the Jordan River Parkway; and the shops are closed on Sundays. It’s a quaint little shopping… village with a couple of restaurants. It was a nice way to spend a couple of hours.

When I got home, the power was back on. I have seen no notifications from Rocky Mountain Power nor from maintenance as to the nature of the problem, though.

And with that: Electricity, Electricity!

Stray Toasters

  • I have apparently picked up a cold. Let me add: I am getting seriously tired of the congestion and of having my voice intermittently decide that it doesn’t want to work.
  • Wired’s How To Wiki: Write a Perfect Email
  • Vikki just jumped up a few spaces on my “Favorite People” list.
  • I had two people come up to me at work yesterday to ask me some “getting started” questions about working out.
  • The Great Closet Migration is pretty much done. I still need to tweak a few things, here and there, but I am rather satisfied with the way it’s turned out.
  • WB Unveils T-Works; free, expansive online animation
  • Water, Gatorade or juice…? I should probably go with juice. Orange juice.
  • Oran “Juice” Jones. The Rain.
  • Juice: Pulp or pulp-free? I prefer pulp-free.
  • I feel a pilgrimage to the Garden of Sweden coming up…
  • Toilet paper and paper towels: Over the top or under the bottom?
  • Tentacle Hentai Birthday Cake

  • As if we needed yet another team break-up in the Marvel Universe. Who knows…? Maybe we’ll get “The New X-Men” and “The Mighty X-Men” and “Young X-Men” spin-off series outta the deal.
  • Sorry, I just found a new low: Marvel Zombie Dark Phoenix. *shakes head*

I believe that a trip to Paragon City is in order.


“One night in Bangkok and the world’s your oyster…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, IKEA, music, news and info, science and technology, zombies No Comments »

Friday – 24 August 2007
Last night’s “What should I have for dinner” conundrum was solved thanks to the timely intervention of lj user=”khayla”. She suggested sushi (Ika! Ika! Ika!). I agreed and we were off to the races, as the saying goes. We went to Tepanyaki; our chef, Don, was good. Not just that he was a good cook, but he also had personality. (“Personality goes a long way….”)

City of Heroes/Villains: View from the Aerie
After dinner, I took Corvus Nox back to Paragon City to get the last few thousand points he needed to hit Security Level 17. I joined a pretty good team and got the points needed… and moved a decent way towards getting to Level 18.

As I was preparing to log out, I stopped outside the Talos Island train station to try and resurrect a player who had been ambushed. The attempt was successful… to a degree. There were two problems, minor things really…

  • The person would have rezzed fine… had they been paying attention. But, they weren’t so they just continued to lie there.
  • The type of power that I was using requires me to drain life from nearby enemy characters – to redirect their energy into the body of the fallen hero. That part worked, but as soon as I did that, they started attacking me. And they were WELL above my level. So, I wound up dying. With the quickness. *sigh*

Stray Toasters

  • I introduced a couple coworkers to Avenue Q, by way of the The Internet is for Porn machinima and the Avenue Q Wikipedia entry.
  • It’s a good thing that it’s Friday: I just scrolled up to edit something in the top paragraph, saw the “Ika! Ika! Ika!” comment… and immediately started trying to reparse it to fit Iko Iko. Yeah… I need a weekend.
  • Coworker Susan sent me a link to Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. (As if I needed yet another distraction…) I countered with Instructables.
  • forwarded this to me. It made me laugh.

  • Wife of Police Chief Arrested on Drug Charges.
    “Wife of Police Chief.”
    “Drug Charges.”
  • Tag: The Ring meets zombies
  • Liz sent me this; I should print it and put a copy of it on my cube wall…

  • Grindhouse breakfast cereal photoshopping contest
  • Here’s another way I can tell that I need it to be Friday:
    • I was looking at the cover art to Tag (from the ‘Toaster posted above)
    • It reminded me of the artwork for Chess
    • Chess reminded me of Deep Blue
    • Deep Blue kicked off a tangent about “…the Devil and the deep blue sea”
    • …which morphed in my head to “Devil and the Deep Blue C,” as in the programming language (naturally, I had to look up what language Deep Blue was programmed in – it was C)
    • …which somehow triggered a thought about Crystal Blue Persuasion.

    At that point, I forced myself to stop thinking about tangents. Yeah, I need a weekend.

  • By way of boingboing.net: someecardsWhen you care enough to hit send.


“All we want to do is eat your brains… We’re not unreasonable, no one’s gonna eat your eyes.”

comics and animation, everyday glory, games, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology, toys, workout, zombies No Comments »

Friday – 17 August 2007
Yesterday morning’s monkeydom was punctuated nicely by more simian antics on the way home. As much as I wish that I could say that they ended at the county line… I can’t. They carried on all the way until I got to 90th South. So many monkeys, so little ammunition.

I stopped in to see Perry and the kids for a bit. And rifle through his plastic crack collection. And stuff.

Reeling by on Celluloid: Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead

Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin satura, satira, perhaps from (lanx) satura dish of mixed ingredients, from feminine of satur well-fed; akin to Latin satis enough — more at sad

1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

synonyms see: wit

I took an elective English class on Satire in 10th Grade, from a teacher of whom I was not fond. (Some of you may have heard the “mastication” story. Yeah, that guy.) In fact, I didn’t think that he was all that great of a teacher, but what do I know…? I mean, it’s not like I have any teachers in the family or anything. </sarcasm> If he spent as much time on curriculum as he spent on trying to look or “be” cool, he could have actually been a decent educator. But, we learn different things from all experiences.

Unfortunately, I didn’t learn much about satire from him.

But, I’m not here to talk about him.

Instead, I am going to talk about a couple of movies that I watched at the behest of Tyranist: Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright “get” satire. They also know where the fine line between “funny” and “absurdity” is… and they trample on it mercilessly.

Hot Fuzz tells the story of Nicholas Angel, a London police officer who was good at his job. Very good. Too good. And, as a reward for his performance, he was shipped off to a sleepy little town in the English countryside. Quaint. Quiet. Peaceful. And that’s when the real fun begins. On the surface, the movie seems little more than a funny buddy cop movie. To be honest, when I saw trailers for it, that’s exactly what I had taken for granted… and what eventually made me decide not to see it. I had decided that if I wanted a funny buddy cop movie, I would watch Beverly Hills Cop or Rush Hour. I did the movie a horrible disservice in brushing it aside in such a cavalier manner. It was funny, surprising and very well-written.

Shaun of the Dead is… well… a zombie movie. Whoops, I just said the “zed word.” Sorry. But, let’s face it: That’s what it is. And it’s funny. Beyond that, it is a buddy movie. And a movie about family – the one you’re born into and the one(s) you choose. And, it’s a movie about the sometimes too grey world in which we live – the one that we trudge through, day after day, moving forward as simple creatures of habit. And what happens when we wake up one morning to find that things have changed. Again, I was surprised to discover how sharp a movie it was. (Yeah, yeah… three years after pretty much everyone else figured it out, but I got there. Finally.)

I also made a comment to Tyranist about how Simon Pegg and Nick Frost – the male leads in both movies – in their own ways reminded me of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Not so much in their acting styles, but in the way that you can tell through the on-screen chemistry that you’re watching a couple of friends having a good time hanging out with each other… while there happens to be a camera recording the whole thing.

These movies may not necessarily be considered “family fare,” and they may not be everyone’s cup of tea (U.K. films… tea… Oh, Hell, if I have to do all the work for you, what’s the point?!) , but they are good pieces of entertainment. And, thanks to these movies, I will never listen to Queen or the phrase “By the power of Greyskull…” in the same way. Ever again.

I give both movies enthusiastic “thumbs up with an okay.”

Stray Toasters

And off to work!


“I’ve got celestial mechanics to synchronize my stars…”

arts and leisure, everyday glory, games, movies and TV, music, science and technology, the best, zombies No Comments »

Wednesday – 01 August 2007
Two down, three to go and a new month begins.

I don’t know what the deal is/was, but last night’s sleep was phenomenally craptacular. I think that I was awakened – for no apparent reason – at least three times between 2:00AM and 5:00AM. And, I woke up again at 5:56… 29 minutes before the alarm was scheduled to go off. *grblsnrkx*

Last night was a game night: All Flesh Must Be Eaten. We didn’t die, but a Plague Marine did its damnedest to try and change that. We aren’t out of the scenario – or the proverbial woods – yet. But, we did manage to show the Marine who had superiority through numbers/firepower. Barely.

The Best: Come Together
The Beatles vs. Aerosmith: I like the Aerosmith cover, quite a bit… but, for me, the boys from Liverpool’s version has the edge.

Stray Toasters

  • I am now the owner of a pair of fencing foils. Just because.
  • By way of ThinkGeek: The Government Manual for New Pirates and Pirates for Hire hat
  • I received the same email (body, not headers) from my mother and a coworker today. asked if I have ever seen them both in the same place at the same time. I haven’t. He suggested that I drive a stake through the coworker’s heart… just to be sure.
  • Transform and roll out eat up!
  • I (still) think that this is a great video: All I Want Is You, by U2
  • Vincent: Want some bacon?
    Jules: No man, I don’t eat pork.
    Vincent: Are you Jewish?
    Jules: Nah, I ain’t Jewish, I just don’t dig on swine, that’s all.
    Vincent: Why not?
    Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don’t eat filthy animals.
    Vincent: Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.
    Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I’d never know ’cause I wouldn’t eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That’s a filthy animal. I ain’t eat nothin’ that ain’t got enough sense enough to disregard its own faeces.
    Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.
    Jules: I don’t eat dog either.
    Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
    Jules: I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
    Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?
    Jules: Well we’d have to be talkin’ about one charmin’ motherfuckin’ pig. I mean he’d have to be ten times more charmin’ than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I’m sayin’?
  • Apparently, ordering diagnostic equipment is very similar to using a Wish spell in D&D: You have to be VERY specific in what you ask for, or else you get… what you ask for as opposed to what you wanted.
  • The photography of Kat Bret
  • Because sometimes you just need yet another geeky tech site: Gizmos for Geeks
  • Sometimes Salvation, by the Black Crowes – a song I haven’t listened to in a while… and a video I haven’t seen in an even longer time.

That’s good for now.


“No one’s going to save you from the beast about to strike…”

books, everyday glory, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, music, zombies No Comments »

Friday – 20 July 2007
I crashed a little early last night… which was a bit disappointing as I had wanted to finish Vision of the Future. Oh, well… that will give me something to read tonight. No, I didn’t pre-order Deathly Hallows. *shrug* I’ll read it when I read it.

This morning is moving along nicely. The abbreviated commute didn’t hurt, either.

Stray Toasters



“It’s a dead man’s party, who could ask for more?”

everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, science and technology, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 12 July 2007
Last night, after saving the world – or at least a portion of Paragon City – I stretched out on the bed, thinking, “I’ll lie here for a minute and then get a shower and get a little reading before bed.”

Three-hundred-fifteen minutes later, I woke up.
Road to Hell, meet my friends: Good Intentions, Handbasket and Gasoline Drawers.

But, I didn’t wake up with a headache this morning. And it didn’t take long to cut through the “I’m tired” haze, either.

The Scales of Justice
I logged into CoH and looked for a team to join.

Nada. Zip. Zilch. Sorry. No go, Flight.

So, I boarded the train and headed to Brickstown. I had a mission there and if nothing else, I could happily get pummeled to death (again) by Freakshow, Crey or The Council. A minute or two after stepping off the train, I was invited to join a Level 29 Blaster who was hunting Crey and Council. I did. And we beat on them mercilessly. A few more minutes passed and I was messaged by a member from my supergroup who wanted to team; I dropped from the hunt and joined up… and wound up leading the team. We got some decent experience out of the deal and I didn’t die, which is always a bonus.

Stray Toasters



“What the Hell is an ‘aluminum falcon?!?’ “

everyday glory, games, geekery, toys, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 21 June 2007
I spent a quiet evening with the kids, after work.

Then… I played City.

I logged on first as Corvus Nox. I ran with a team comprised mostly of my supergroup, which was fun (and a little rare for me). We took on Council of Thorns and Tsoo. There were some deaths involved… on our side. But we managed to get through the missions. And ‘Nox got to Security Level 14. Which means that I get to ditch the second most-stupid superpower (Hover) in lieu of it’s beefier upgraded version: Flight. Selah.

I logged out, with the intention of going to bed.
(Please see entries on: “Road to Hell” and “Paving”)

Then, I remembered that I had gotten the Hand of Nefer-Tem up to Security Level 30… and neglected to pick out a new costume. I also remembered that new costumes are “earned” by taking on missions for the tailors at iCON. I had not yet completed my costume mission. *grblsnrkx* I had to defeat 30 Crey agents. Fair enough. At least I had started the mission before logging out last time. I headed to Brickstown to find some low-level (30 – 32) Crey. I found them. They, for some reason, shot… back. Ô.õ What was that all about?! Not only did they shoot back, they killed me a couple of times. The bastards.

I got through all thirty of them and returned to the iCON in Independence Port to see Lauren, one of the tailors. A nip here, a tuck there and a few adjustments later, I had a new, “formal” costume:

Formal costume (view 1)

Formal costume (view 2)
Formal costume (view 3)

The kilt was the closest thing that I could find to a shenti, so I went with that. I’m happy with the overall look, too.

Stray Toasters

  • I had a meeting with the Captain and his First Mate, Coca-Cola, this evening. Unfortunately, his Second Officer, Juice d’Orange, was unavailable. We were, however, able to come to an accord.
  • Dwim pointed out this stop-motion film of a young man putting together a Millenium Falcon… out of LEGO bricks. Around 1:30 into it, keep an eye on the “exploding” red tile (lower left corner of the screen).
  • NCSoft has finally added new flying poses to City of Heroes/Villains. I still want the ability to do loops and barrel rolls.
  • likes to kill zombies.
  • I’m still torn: Hopen or Malm. Decisions, decisions…

Next on the agenda: Acquire caffeination and ease on down the road.


“Oh, I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive. “

everyday glory, games, geekery, music, zombies No Comments »

Wednesday – 20 June 2007
This morning has gotten off to a slow start. I apparently didn’t sleep well last night. When I got up this morning to turn off Nomad (I use it as a secondary alarm), I stretched out on the couch… for an hour. I felt a bit better after that, so I figured that it was about time to get the day started. I also have a frozen mocha, so hopefully that will thin out the blood in my caffeinestream.

The work day hasn’t been bad. A little work in the server room. Some research. Rush in Rio. And a nice constitutional… with a discussion about guns.

Stray Toasters

  • I was listening to Piccadilly Collection, by Squeeze, last night. One of my particular favorite songs of theirs is Hourglassa song that makes NO sense (as far as I can tell) and whose video makes even less sense… but is a fun, bounce-around-like-an-idiot tune.
  • comes: Endless Zombie Rampage
  • …and while we’re on the subject of zombies: Monster by Mail
  • From Coworker Dave W. (I swear… I’m going to have to start numbering the Daves at this rate): Overheard in New York
  • So you wanted to meet the wizard?
    Let me tell you that you’ve come to the right place!
    Shall I make you a frog or a lizard?
    You should see the strained expression on your face
    If the way I come on is fright’ning
    That’s the way I felt like coming on today
    Have you ever been kissed by lightning?
    Let me tell you, that will make you go away
  • Star Wars AT-AT stroller mod
  • Titanic lamp (the only thing missing is the guy bouncing off the propeller)
  • Computer programs… hidden on your old LPs? Yep.


“Trust no one.” (…or “The truth is out there.”)

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, games, movies and TV, news and info, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 14 June 2007
Today is Flag Day.

Yesterday was Blog Like It’s the End of the World Day.

My last four posts – and ‘s comments and posts – were part of that. Salt Lake City has not succombed to “mass hysteria, dogs and cats living together” …. or even the zombie apocalypse. This time. C’mon, we’re talking about the Land Behind the Zion Curtain, after all. Do you think something like a zombie uprising is going to stop the faithful?

*ponders a missionary vs. zombie cage match*

As a result of yesterday’s little exercise, I recieved:

  • Three comments
  • Two IMs and
  • One phone call

…to make sure that everything here was alright. That made my inner writer feel good. “Better than James Brown” good. And I didn’t want to come right out and say “Hey, look! Zombies!” I thought it better to slowly build up some suspense and tension – I hate it when they give everything away in a story or movie right after it starts. Where’s the reason to keep going, if you already know what’s up from the get-go?!

If you’re interested in seeing what others who participated wrote, click the link at the top of the page. Or click here. Or don’t. It’s your call.

Stray Toasters

  • Last night, I went to a test/preview screening of Day Watch with Liz, Tyranist, Rish (the other contributer to the Horror Film Compendium), and . Interesting movie. This morning, Tyranist asked me what I thought, as I have not yet seen Night Watch. I told him that liked it and that it had enough “what came before” flavor to help fill in some of the gaps. One thing that was very cool about it: The subtitles were not just “static.” They did some rather interesting things with them that went along with what was happening on-screen. I would like to see both Night Watch and Day Watch, together, to see how the story flows as a more-or-less complete piece (there’s supposed to be a third movie, at some point).
  • Screensaver of Old Comic Book Ads
  • From Dwim: FlÅ“jte Hero
  • Etched in Time
  • Steampunk Computing

Tonight: Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me… the taping!


“Close your eyes, we’re going to Hell. You’re going to like it.”

everyday glory, zombies No Comments »

I wish I could take credit for that title – I like it. It was Tyranist’s little contribution to my Magnetic Poetry in American Fork. Ironic that it looks like I actually found a “good” use for it.

After that last group of people, we finally had to block off the elevator and fire stair doors. I can’t tell you how sick it is to have people beating on the doors and screaming to get in. I’ve had a few really gut-wrenching experiences, but I don’t think that I’ve felt quite like this since I left for college… and Kris was crying in the driveway. Yeah, that bad.

The power has flickered off and on a few times. The last time it flicked off, it was down for about ten minutes. UPSes on the machines here have been whining. That hasn’t done anything to help anyone’s mood. And I don’t see things getting any better.

A couple of the tech writers said that they heard someone talking about watching a man out in the parking lot get beat to shit and just torn apart. I’m glad I didn’t see that.

::: EDIT :::

The power went out. Again. I recovered as much of the above as I could remember.

The screaming stopped. I wish I could say that makes me feel better. It doesn’t. There are still sounds out there, like people beating on the doors.

I wish I could get lines from Ashes to Ashes to stop playing in my head:

I never done good things
I never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue, woh-o-oh
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now

I just want to go home.

The worst part is: I’m actually scared that I’m not going to see it again.

There are so many things I wanted to see and do. Plans I’d made. Dreams. Whatever. I don’t know. I’m… sad…scared… mad… and about nine-hundred other things… that I’m not going to get to do any of them. Dammit.

There are a lot of things I wanted to say to FAR too many people:

  • I love you.
  • I’m sorry.
  • I’m glad I got to know you.
  • I would have liked to gotten to know you better.
  • I really couldn’t stand you.
  • Thanks for being there when the chips were down.

Dammit. Too many. They’re all running together in my head.

Let me just say this, in case the power goes out again or… or… wow, I can’t even type it. In case we don’t wind up getting out of here. You can’t imagine how hard that was to type. My fingers are still shaking. Anyway…

Hi. I tried to be a good person. I tried to be a good son, brother and friend. I like to think that sometimes I actually managed to get it right. I’m sorry that it’s come down to this. I’m sorry that I didn’t get to see you all again. Dammit. Fingers shaking again. Be happy. Be well.

Really not good

everyday glory, zombies No Comments »

This just keeps getting better and better.

Sorry. I’m really on edge now. When I get tense, I have a tendency to get even more sarcastic and snarky than usual. I haven’t heard anything from home… either of them. Or Kris. Or my uncle. I haven’t tried Rana again. I did hear from , which good. He’s in Germany. Sounds like things where he is are fairly normal.

I’d give a LOT for “normal” right now.

In the past couple of hours, we have had people showing up in our office… from other offices in the building. I didn’t think much of it. At first. Then, they didn’t stop coming. They still haven’t stopped. It’s not quite “asses and elbows” in here, but at this rate, it won’t be long.

It doesn’t help that some people seem to be bordering on hysteria. For the most part, things have been okay. There’s a lot of confusion, but I think that the whole “safety in numbers” thing has come into play. Someone mentioned something about seeing someone getting attacked. That didn’t do anything but help fan the fires again.

Speaking of which, the freeway hasn’t gotten any better, either. At least the cars have stopped piling into each other. And people. That fight I mentioned earlier just seemed to be the tip of the iceberg. More of them have broken out. And, it’s really kind of surreal – the people aren’t just throwing punches or kicking. It’s just general mauling, as far as I can tell. And there are just… dogpiles of people down there. It’s a bloody mess. It looks like a couple of people start throwing punches and then this mob just swarms over them. It’s kind of sick.

There’s smoke all around the valley now. I heard sirens a while ago, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a police car or fire truck. I bet the cats are freaking out. In all of the confusion, I completely forgot about them. They’re probably under the bed going nuts.

LifeFlight just flew past. They kind of hovered over the bend in 215, like they were looking for a place to land. They dropped down a bit… and then jetted off. That can’t be a good sign.

I haven’t been able to get anything that looks like reliable news. Tons of reports of similar incidents all over the country: Mobs attacking people. Bloody messes everywhere. Lots of “Stay inside” and “don’t go out” notices. I really hope that everyone back home is okay.

Nine Hells. More people. *sigh* I’d better go.

I’m getting a little weirded out by this…

everyday glory, news and info, zombies No Comments »

I tried calling both places again – this time, I got the “All circuits…” message in both locations. That’s really not kosher. Just for the sake of argument, I tried calling Kris’ cell phone. Straight to voicemail. Same thing with Mom and Dad’s phone. I know that there’s about a 12 hour time difference, but I called Rana to see if she’d heard anything. I was able to get through to her; All seems to be going fairly well on the far side of the world. Not wanting to alarm her, I tried to leave out as much of my worry as possible and just chalked it up to something stupid going on back east.

I tried to get my uncle on the horn. No go. And, like I said: The last time I couldn’t get through in the NY and MD areas, there were planes falling out of the sky. It’s REALLY unlikely that something like that is happening again, so I’m going to mentally eliminate that option.

: I couldn’t turn on the TV, I was already at work. When I looked at newsfeeds, all that I could find were items about mobs and rioting. There was something that looked official, from either NIH or the CDC, but I haven’t a chance to follow it up. (That reminds me: Bret works for NIH, I should see if I can get through to him.)

: I didn’t have any problem with traffic this morning, but I was in the office a little before 8 and I had the short commute today. Have you checked Commuterlink? With the cameras and all, it’s usually pretty good for checking traffic. Tell your IT guy, “I’m sorry,” from another IT guy. Too bad it’s not No Bad News Thursday.

*looks out window*

There’s a nice view of the valley from here. And there’s no inversion, so I can see downtown, too. Bonus! And, there’s… smoke…. downtown. Must be a fire. No… there are multiple plumes of smoke. *looks around* There’s smoke in West Valley, too. And… Taylorsville. Okay. This is officially NOT cool.

m3l: I just looked down onto 215 – there are a couple of pile-ups that I can see from here: One over by Old Mill Golf Course and one a little west of 2300 East. And it looks like road rage central at the 2300 one. I can’t make out the details, but it looks like there’s a pretty big fight or something down there. Stupid Commuterlink cam is focused further down the road, so it’s not helping. Have you seen/heard anything?

“Curiouser and curiouser,” said little Alice…

everyday glory, zombies No Comments »

Wednesday – 13 June 2007
So far the morning has been good: Up, prepped, out the door, picked up some frozen caffeination, and into the office to take on the world… or at least the pile of things on my desk that need some attention.

I tried calling the southern contingent to see how things are going on that side of the country. No answer. Odd, but okay. Left a message that I’d try again later.

I figured that batting .500 was better than a shut-out, I tried the northern homestead. Not only did I get no answer, I got “all circuits are currently busy.” I hung up and tried again. No go, Flight. Same thing the third time, too.

The last time that something like this happened was 2001. September. So, there’s a little twinge of weirdness. But, I’m worried. Yet. If it continues, then I’ll worry.