Wednesday – 02 April 2008
Last night was Scion night at and ‘s. It was fun. ‘s character wound up drugging almost everyone at a social event… in order to facilitate our… um… liberating a piece of artwork. In the name of the people! The God’s honest truth.

After game, I went home and played City for a while. I wound up on a farming team. I also wound up acting as a bridge. We ran the instance twice; the second time, I wound up being told to basically “just stand there,” while one of the Level 50 characters ran through the mission and wiped out the lower-level bad guys. That, friends and neighbors, is BORING. I left the team – and the game – after we finished that instance. On the “plus” side: I am three bubbles into 49; seven more to go ’til Nefer-Tem hits 50. And then, it will be time to figure out who next.

Today was a good day. And, it’s ‘s birthday.

(No, really… you do! See!?)

Nothing out of the ordinary. And, oddly enough, “Sushi Wednesday” was on… a Wednesday. Who knew?!? I also picked up this week’s four-color haul. It was a light week: I picked up another Astro City TPB and only had four other books. Four?! That’s a manageable number… manageable enough for…

Four-Color Coverage

  • Action Comics # 863 – This issue wrapped up the Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes vs. the 31st Century Justice League storyline. I thought the way that the story arc read was great. I am very pleased to see that DC has finally pulled a rectal craniotomy and reintegrated Clark and the Legion into each other’s history. The issue also had a teaser for this summer’s Final Crisis that whet my whistle:

  • Countdown to Final Crisis: 04 – Sorry, but this issue was a bit weak. *sigh* After the last issue, I just expected… more. It was another “Mary Marvel gets manipulated” issue. Can you say “broken record,” boys and girls?
  • Secret Invasion (1 of 8) – It has begun. Who’s a Skrull? Who’s human? Despite everything else that, in my opinion, Joe Quesada has done to give the Marvel Universe a good rogering… this was good. Markin’Time and I have been talking about this for a bit. We – and I’m sure a good number of readers – have a lot of questions. Damn you, Quesada! *shakes fist*
  • Supergirl #28 – Supergirl has promised a little boy that she will save him from dying… from cancer. Wonder Woman and a seldom-seen DCU hero feature fairly prominently, presenting their opinions on Kara’s rather lofty goal.

Now to finish watching Law & Order… and maybe get Nefer-Tem a little closer to Security Level 50.
