Good 2005 to you.

As snow fell in Salt Lake City, we spent a quiet and fun New Years’ Eve at and ‘ place with a few other friends. We sat around, chatted, drank a little, played games and had an all-around good time.

I slept in like a (crypt) fiend this morning. It was very nice. Even nicer was to find that someone had apparently shoveled our driveway this morning or that last night’s snow had melted. Either way, there’s no snow on the driveway and that makes Rob verra happy.

and I went out for lunch… only to find the place that we wanted to go to was closed for the day. Fine. There were other places. We’d choose something else. We called Land and Catherine to see if they wanted to go with us. They said that they would need a little prep time, but that they would otherwise be up for joining. This worked well because it afforded us a time to look at printers; the one that I have is about eight years old. Yeah, I’d say that it’s time for a new one… We checked a couple of places and now have a couple of front-runners. We met Land, Catherine and their friend (and ‘s coworker), David for late lunch/dinner. A long dinner. I think that we were there for close to two-and-a-half hours. But the company and conversation kept it from feeling that long. We headed back to Land and Catherine’s for a bit; they had a networking problem that they wanted me to look at.

Next on the agenda: Bowling. I opened with a 167 but couldn’t match it in any of my next eight games. From there it was on to breakfast. and met us at V.I. We were later joined by , Matt, Dave, Brent and Pat. A few weeks ago, ‘ sister gave her a huge wall scroll with Marvel Comics characters to give to me. I got it tonight. This thing is massive; it’s going to take some time to figure out where I’m going to put it or if I’m going to find an alternative use for it, like turning it into a blanket.

Stray Toasters

  • : I’m sorry that I missed you this evening. Give me a call and we’ll try to get together sometime this week.
  • Top 20 Gaming Lows of 2004
  • Former G4TechTV employee Dan Huard blows the whistle on G4.
  • has been talking about getting another XBox. w00t!!! She wants one so that she can play DDR without having to commandeer mine. (: I’m sure that you will immediately recognize the added benefit of this: Cooperative (or competitive) Covenant eradication… at full screen for both of us!)
