Saturday – 24 November 2007
A quiet, lazy day in the valley. The morning started off with an odd dream: I was back in school and taking a mid-term… and couldn’t remember any of the answers. Very frustrating and a little disconcerting. That was followed up by episodes of Legion of Super-Heroes and The Batman – reruns, but episodes nonetheless. While SaraRules continues work on her project, I have been watching bits of Armageddon and Lethal Weapon 3. I think that I’m going to switch over to Madden 2005, in a little bit.

Last night’s Clitorati was fun – it was nice to hang out with the usual suspects. Borders also had a couple of deals that I couldn’t pass up: The West Wing – The Complete Second Season and Firefly: The Complete Series, both for $19.99. And I also picked up a book, Guards! Guards!, that SaraRules’ father mentioned to me at Thanksgiving dinner. Post-Clitorati, SaraRules and I broke out Trivial Pursuit: Warner Brothers Edition. After the way that she pwned me at backgammon, there was no way that I was going to lose at Trivial Pursuit. I mean, it’s trivia. And pop culture. HOW could I possibly lose!? For a while I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to pull it off – the “Classics” category kept kicking my ass. Fortunately, I hit a question when going for the Classics wedge that I knew. I won. I like to win. Go figure.

Stray Toasters

Time to find some trouble to get into.
