Monday : 22 August 05

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I neglected to mention a couple of things from yesterday’s outing.

While at Barnes & Noble, I discovered a Magnetic Poetry kiosk. With tiles on the sides. Apparently, they didn’t know how dangerous it was to give me things like that to play with. I decided to show them the error of their ways:

From there, we wandered around and discovered the store’s greeting card section. I found a few things there that amused me, as well:

> PLAY >
It was a short workday for a couple of reasons:

  1. I slept in later than I had planned.
  2. I had to leave early so that I could meet during her stopover.

So I worked. And did stuff. And whatnot. Then, I left.

I met at SLIA. Once again, I have to say that the design of the airport is good for keeping the ticketed passengers happy, but is ass-tastic for people who want to visit with family and friends before they take off for points unknown. had to come out of the terminal area and up to the baggage claim/ticketing area. We sat and chatted for about 40 minutes before she had to leave to catch her plane. We saw plenty of people dressed in outfits that almost begged for Clitorati-worthy cattiness (1, 2).

And then… I saw it. It has to be another sign of the Apocalypse. That’s the only explanation. It was, literally, a sign:

Okay, in and of itself, that wasn’t so bad. But, what was under the sign… that was truly an indication that the end of life as we know it is nigh upon us:
That’s right: A vending machine. FOR PIZZA! Ms. was kind enough to stand next to it so that I didn’t think that I had hallucinated it during some fever dream. I don’t even want to consider how they keep the “pizza” nominally fresh.

I came home and had a little down time. It was nice. I think that I even nodded off for a bit. Then… I saved the world. Or a small, virtual portion of it, at least. A little later, it was off to do some shopping – I needed some new gym shorts. Found ’em at Target. And the price made me happy. So, I bought three pair.

Stray Toasters
