Another day in the neighborhood.

I’m not sure what’s up with the twins, but you would think that we never paid them any attention. I’m starting to refer to them as “Little Ms. Attention Whore” and “Little Mr. Attention Monger.” Don’t get me wrong (…if I come and go like fashion…), they are still adorable and I love playing with them, but there are times when I’d like to not have a kitten roaming around my lap and/or desk. And, I did take them outside for a half-hour of backyard jungle stalking play time.

and I spent some time looking for a visor for her Hallowe’en costume. This lead to a trip to Deseret Industries (think the LDS Church’ version of Goodwill). Jumpin’ monkey-squeezin’ Jehosephat! I don’t even know how to begin to describe it. It was… an experience. Some of the things that people donate… *shrug* We followed this up with a trip to Big Lots, Family Dollar, Everything’s-a-Dollar and Thrift Town. Oy.

Jess and I hung out with Perry and Max this evening. We watched the debate and followed that up with the “new and improved” Return of the Jedi. About 2/3 of the way through the movie, I started improvising dialogue. That made it even more fun. It also gave me the warped idea of watching A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back (and Jedi, again) with the sound off and coming up with an entirely improvised script.

NPR and Other News
Morning Edition: A Surprise in Crawford
Morning Edition: One Man’s Junk Is Another’s Marvel
All Things Considered: Surfer Hangs Ten on a Whale, Not a Wave
Fresh Air: Interview with John Stewart (The Daily Show)

NOTE: James Earl Jones will be the guest on Friday’s Fresh Air

Stray Toasters

  • I finished the Moab and Thompson pictures today. FINALLY. There are about 125 pictures; they range from 50kb – 200kb, each. Consider that your warning – I don’t want to hear any bitching about “They were too big to look at” or “They took too long to load.”
  • drew this for me last year. Whenever I look at it, it makes me smile. Or laugh.

  • Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
    Our fine, four-fendered friend!
    Bang Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
    Our fine… four-fendered… friend…

  • A Guide to Hard Drive Troubles – brought to you by the friendly folks at…

  • The Pillows. They did the music for FLCL. Good stuff.
  • , I think that you’ll like this…
    “The folks over at Rooster Teeth Productions, best known for their Red vs Blue comedy movies based on the Halo rendering engine, are branching out with a second series, with more of a sitcom flair, called The Strangerhood. This time, they’re using the Electronic Arts Sims 2 game as their rendering engine.” (Article taken from Slashdot.)

    I watched three of the Red vs. Blue episodes. Very funny.

I should hit the rack, but I’m not quite that tired yet. Maybe a few hands of poker will do the trick.
