I’ve been at my new job for 5 weeks. I have been doing an ongoing research project as part of my duties. This morning, I managed to find some information that had eluded a few people prior to my getting hired. I informed my immediate supervisor and figured that was that.

About ten minutes later, the president/COO of the company came up to me to commend me on finding it.

That’s a great way to start a Friday and the weekend.

The rest of the work day followed that same kind of pattern:

  1. I asked a programmer to add certain functions to a program that I use. He said that he could take care of it and just needed to know how I wanted the output to look; I told him that I would get back to him shortly. When I got back to him, he was working on a different part of the program – also dealing with output. He had gotten bogged down with having to write the two parts of the code. I suggested writing one function – whose output was determined by the user – which could handle both tasks.

    He hadn’t considered that option.

    And (more importantly), once I explained what I needed/wanted, he said that it was a great idea and would drastically cut down his overall time to complete it.

  2. Over lunch, I had a great discussion with some members of my team about my impressions of Utah and what it’s like to be the proverbial “stranger in a strange land.”
  3. One of the guys on another team invited me to hear a concert orchestra (of which he is a member) perform this Sunday morning.

After work, I hung out with for a while. That was good.

Tonight’s meeting of the Clitorati was good. We had a good mix of regulars, irregulars and few initiates, including . Naturally, this grouping made for some interesting conversations… including one that ranged from Bollywood to Blow Harder: With a Vengeance. Don’t ask. It’s safer for all involved. Although, I will admit to singing/chair-dancing to Donna Summer’s She Works Hard for the Money when it came over the sound system at Cheers: North.

Food, good conversation, BEER, and excellent company.
The perfect way to end an already good day.

And a good Friday is always a great way to start off the weekend.
