Thursday – 07 January 2010
Another NBN Thursday/Technical Friday in the valley. I heard on the radio that today’s high is supposed to get all the way up to 31F. That’s a veritable heatwave! (Have I mentioned that I’m really looking forward to Spring/Summer and warm weather lately…?)

Last night, I saw Dances with Wolves in Space… I mean Ferngully in SpacePocahantas in Space… I mean Avatar. In IMAX 3D. Wow. Talk about a visually stunning movie. And that’s despite the fact that I was in the front half of the theatre and on the far left side of the screen. It, quite simply, looked amazing. Sure, the story was one that’s been seen/heard before, but – as I have been reminding people: James Cameron isn’t necessarily known for bringing groundbreaking stories to the big screen…

  • Terminator – Robots run amok and decide that “Kill All Humans” sounds like a pretty good idea.
  • Aliens – Humans boldly go colonizing planets… only to find that they might not be quite as high on the food chain as they thought.
  • The Abyss – Nuclear sub goes missing, civilian divers are brought in to help recover the sub… and run into aliens. Hijinks ensue.
  • Terminator 2 – Robots, realizing the “Good Theory, Poor Practical Application” of their “Kill All Humans” idea, try again.
  • Titanic – Boy meets girl. Boy and girl get on boat. Boat meets iceberg. Boat sinks.  (We all – ALL -  knew the boat was going to sink, but still went to the theatres in droves to watch, down to the last “glub-glub.”)

…but he is known for being able to make them look beautiful. This movie was no exception. And, at nearly three hours in length, it didn’t “feel” like a long movie. I would be willing to see it again – in the theatre – and I will be adding it to the DVD collection, when it’s released.

Stray Toasters

Almost time for the first of (at least) three meetings today. Lucky me!
