Started off all right… had a couple of snags in the middle of the day… got better.

Came home, ate and watched


…and then headed out for a few hours of RPG goodness.

Song of the Day
Cristofori’s Dream by David Lanz

Stray Toasters

  • On the way home, I passed a young lady driving down I-215 who had a small fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers (I think that they were the ones that Hallmark sell) hanging in her back window. It made me laugh.
  • Hummingbirds and bio-mechanica.
  • They’re Pinky and the Brain
    Yes, Pinky and the Brain
    One is a genius
    The other’s insane…

  • MIT robot walks on water
  • And, in “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” news: Florida Proposes Taxing Local LANs
  • Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
  • Sci-Fi Movies and ‘Bad Science’
  • Greg Rucka will soon be the new scribe for DC Comics’ Adventures of Superman. *nod* I was reading an interview that Comic Book Resources had with him. At one point, discussing Lois Lane, he made a very interesting point:

    The biggest thing that gets me, and one of the reasons that Lois gets tarred with the ‘bitch’ appellation, is that we assume rightly that Clark would be attracted to a woman who is strong, passionate and capable. But those very positive traits can be portrayed – if you’re not careful – as very negative things, especially when issues of gender get involved. It’s very easy to go from strong and outspoken woman to ‘bitch.’ A lot of that’s societal, there’s a sexism involved that allows that kind of self-confidence can be read as arrogance.

    I thought that it was very well-stated. If you get a chance, read the entire article.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is that.
