Yesterday afternoon, I took a few minutes to step outside and get some fresh air. The sun was out, the weather was moderately warm. It felt good. Just standing in the open air.

I took a moment to wonder if there was a slight chance whether there was any Kryptonian or Daxamite blood in my gene pool. Upon further thought, I hedged towards “no” – I haven’t worked up the gumption to see if I really am faster than a speeding bullet, I am more powerful than a locomotive… if it is N, HO, or G scale, and the only buildings over which I can leap in a single bound are made of Lego.

But it still felt good to be outside. And, to be honest: The whole invulnerability thing (except for Kryptonite or lead – for Daxamites – or supernatural attacks) would definitely be a perk. Flying… Do I really need to say anything there?

Around 8:00, I started feeling a lot more human. But, not in what I considered a “good” way. I started feeling achy. My stomach was upset or at least “unsettled.” And a headache decided to pay me a visit.

I stuck it out and watched CSI (and I forgot to tape the series finale of Frasier, go figure). But immediately after that was done, I drew a hot bath and proceeded to soak for the next hour-and-a-half. Sissy the Wonder Kitty came into the bathroom and kept me company for most of that time. The bath helped a bit with the aches, but it didn’t do much for the queasiness. A couple of Tums were dispatched. They helped somewhat.

I got on the computer to check my email and chat with a few people, but around 11:00, I was still feeling run-down, so I decided to call it an early night. A typical “early night” for me is somewhere around 1:00 AM. I was in bed and bundled in covers by 11:30 PM. When I say “early,” I mean “early.”

Sleep was fitful and restless. I woke up often. The aches had returned and my stomach had still not decided whether or not it wanted to settle down. And I could not seem to get comfortable in bed. Sometime shortly before sunrise, I got out of bed and stretched out in the HALO Command Center. This came under the heading “Good Idea, Bad Idea.” It was good in that I was able to get nominally comfortable. It was bad in that the hum of the computers’ fans – which usually do not bother me – were an irritating distraction from my attempts to return to The Dreaming. I left the HCC and went into the living room. I climbed into the Big Comfy Chair, wrapped my blanket around me and drifted off into sweet oblivion.

Jess woke me up around 9:00. I wasn’t quite as achy and my stomach wasn’t as disagreeable as it had been when I laid down. I wasn’t going to tempt fate by trying to eat anything just yet, but I felt a bit better.

So far, I’ve felt pretty good today. My diet has consisted of crackers (mmm, bland) and Gatorade (because I’ve been feeling a bit dehydrated.) I might try eating something more substantial around dinnertime.

I still wouldn’t mind having a bit of the Kryptonian or Daxamite DNA in my genome, though.
