I should have been in bed an hour ago. But, since I’m not, I’ll make a quick post.

The day was good. I had lunch – and shot pool – with Pat. It was a nice change pace. We picked up an entertainment center from Kate and Perry. It’s a corner unit and it’s pretty big. I was originally going to put it in my office, but the thought of trying to get it down the stairs was not a pleasant one, so it will reside in the living room.

Jess and I went to Borders for coffee… but no one else showed. *shrug* I did some drawing and realized that I need to practice more often. After that, we went to Cheers, to say “Hi” to Kate. There was an interesting assortment o’ customers there this evening.

Stray Toasters

  • posted an Animaniacs quiz in her journal. I had to take it. It’s Animaniacs, after all!

    Which Animaniacs Character are You?

    Talkative, huh? Perhaps sing-ative would be more appropriate, actually. When people don’t understand something, it usually drives you to cutting, sarcastic remarks. Your other extreme is bursting into song with almost no prompting, often to explain complex ideas. No one knows quite what you are, exactly. You have made many “special” friends, and there’s baloney in your slacks.

    Click here to see my Livejournal.

  • I heard Styx’ Come Sail Away on the radio the other day. I started singing along. I sing in the car; a lot of people do. The funny/odd/scary thing was that I started singing like Eric Cartman. There’s just something about hearing that song that compels me to sing it that way. And then laugh maniacally afterwards.
  • By way of : Fourteen Characteristics of a Serial Killer
    I have two, possibly three of the traits.

  • : Another Legionnaire – Andromeda
  • By way of : Cat with Hands
    “Curiouser and curiouser,” said little Alice…

Tomorning brings the camping excursion. I really should get some sleep. I’ll be back Sunday with details of the experience.
