All-in-all, today was a good day.

Lonely things like nights,
I find, end finer with a friend

The fact that I spent the evening in the company of five friends made the night that much better. We had super-secret stealth coffee tonight. Twas good.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
Jess and I were on the way to work this morning (carpooling = good) and stopped at a red light. A car pulled up beside us with three women in it. One woman leaned forward and looked at us. I made a comment to Jess. We bantered about possible reasons “why” she was… less-than-staring-but-more-than-casually-observing… us. Jess finally broke out this little nugget of amusement:

Maybe they want you to help them to realize their inner-penis longing.

After the initial shock of what she said wore off, I did the only thing that came to mind: I laughed. A lot.

Blue skies and gentle landings.