It is.

Slept in a little because I was up later than usual. came over to help me set up Samba on my Linux rig. As I was moving files, I was a little taken aback by the reported size of the hard drive in it – I had forgotten that I had put a 40 GB drive in there. *boing* Guess where all of our mp3s and videos will be going. He also gave me a 21″ monitor that he was getting rid of. 21″ monitor… I can’t wait to see HALO on this.

Work wasn’t too bad.

I spoke with my dad for a bit – I called him to let him know that the birthday card he sent arrived.

Post-work, I set up the new monitor and watched a little football.


So far, St. Louis is on top.

And now, off to and ‘ place for some gaming.
