Monday : 07 November 05
Aside from oversleeping this morning, it’s been a good day. The evening was good, too.

I watched most of tonight’s Monday Night Football game with . The Colts trampled over the Patriots (40 – 21)… and are undefeated this season. And in other NFL news: It seems as though the Philadelphia Eagles’ Terrell Owens is about to find himself a rebel without a cause… or a team. It will be interesting to see how things unfold.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I ventured into Paragon City for a while after the game. I tweaked Bolt’s character description a bit to tie-in him in with Dhoruba. I like the twist in the origin; it gives a good motivation for both characters to behave the way that they do.

I joined a small team for a couple of missions and then tackled a solo mission. I think that I died a total of three times tonight. *sigh* I managed to get out of most of the experience debt – I have 9,500+ points left to work off. And I’m only 25,000 from Security Level 27.

Stray Toasters

And now, bed.


1 – I find it oddly amusing that it’s shipping from roughly… ten to fifteen miles from where my uncle lives.