Sunday – 12 May 2024
Happy Mother’s Day!

This is my first Mother’s Day without my mother. While that does make me a bit melancholy, there are three considerations that help soothe my spirit and make the day:

Consideration One
I got to spend over fifty years with my mother. She was an amazing woman. No, she was a Force of Nature. Capital F. Capital N. All Diva.

Despite the fact that people said we were so much alike, we didn’t always agree on things. We definitely had our share of disagreements, arguments, and fights.

But, I never – EVER – questioned whether or not she loved me.

I could not have asked for a better mother.

Consideration Two
I have been blessed with a cadre of wonderful bonus mothers. From my stepmother to those of either blood or bond, they all helped raise me – or, at least, keep me (more or less) in line – and have allowed me to benefit from their love and wisdom.

Consideration Three
I get to help raise a pair of young ladies with the aid of Sara, who is a fantastically devoted and caring mother. I am delighted that they have her guidance and love as they grow.

And, so, I would like to wish all of the mothers among my friends and family a most Happy Mother’s Day. I hope that you are/were able to spend in the company of your loved ones or at least talk with them, across the miles.