Today was a good – if colder than I would have liked – day.

This evening I stopped by ‘s and picked up a monitor. (Have I mentioned that I love my superpower?) And then, it was off to drop in on ‘ Necromunda game. Interesting concept, but I’m not sure that it’s my bag. came home early, so we watched a Bollywood movie called Naag Lok. Words cannot express how bad this movie was. If I had a “Cool WorldLong Kiss Goodnight Scale” for Bollywood movies, this would be somewhere around the Batman & Robin equivalent of that scale. Yeah, it was that bad. And the subtitles weren’t working… so we had to make our own dialogue. And even that only barely enhanced the experience.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day

(08:10:15) : …
(08:10:32) : I’m listening to Morning Edition
(08:11:12) : They had an interview w/ someone from the Army about the flushing of the Koran in Iraq
(08:11:31) : He said that there was “…no way that we could have anticipated [their] reaction to [this].”
(08:11:33) : >.<
(08:11:41) : “No way…?”
(08:11:45) : …
(08:13:03) : My ass.
(08:13:09) : </soapbox>
(08:14:51) : hmm
(08:14:56) : “military intelligence”
