“No, his mind is not for rent…”
comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, football, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! December 19th, 2007Wednesday – 19 December 2007
Mid-week and all is well. The clouds over the valley are breaking up… a little. It’s Sushi Wednesday. And it’s new comic book day.
Last night, I had dinner with SaraRules and her family. Before I jetted off to
On to game night! The game was a little slow – mostly because we, as a group, weren’t exactly sure how to proceed with a couple of things. But, half of us did manage to get our collective recta beat down and handed to us at one point. Not pretty. And, I was reminded that my character was not built to be a fighter. Not by any stretch of the imagination. My spec is more “the face,” the fast-talking social chameleon. So, getting into combat isn’t exactly in my best interests. But, we survived. And lived to adventure another day.
This morning, letting go of the bed was hard to do. So I put it off as long as possible. So far, it’s been a good day. Can’t complain about that.
Stray Toasters
- I got a message from
the action man: “I’m happy, hope you’re happy, too…”my father a little while ago: The present for my stepmom arrived this morning. Now to get Dad and Rana’s presents in the system… - Coworker Jan told me today’s Sven and Ole joke; he’s my go-to guy for my daily dose of Sven and Ole (and/or Ole and Lena) jokes. I mentioned that I had talked with Adam a few days ago and that he was loving (/sarcasm) his current post… a post that Jan was up for when he was deciding whether or not to join/stay in the Air Force.
- NASA has a Stargate
- I love it when you’re on a tech support call and you’re (in theory) being transferred to another department… and they drop the call. >.<
- When did Trekkies jump the shark?
- Why not Minot?
Reason: It’s Freezin’. - Ten Habits of Highly Successful Brains
(You can watch the new trailer here.)
- Recap of 2007’s “12 Gizmos of Christmas”
- From the “Big Brother is watching you” file: Chicago police ask you to report people using maps or taking notes in public
- There’s a rumour that Marlon Wayans is either up for or interested in the role of Heavy Duty in the upcoming G.I. Joe movie. That scares me. My pick would be Michael Clarke Duncan. Hands down. No, wait… I was thinking of Roadblock. Yeah… MCD for Roadblock, not Heavy Duty. Okay, I’m better now.
- The ten most entertaining tech videos of 2007
- “Server… Server… No… Server…”
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