Sunday – 16 December 2007
Yesterday’s errand-running and shopping excursions went well. I knocked a few names off the list and made a few decisions about other gift ideas. After shopping – and some short downtime at home – it was off to breakfast with the usual suspects.

This morning came early.
Very early.

7:00 early.

Why? Because SaraRules and I had tickets to:

We picked up SaraRules’ mother and headed towards downtown.  Getting to the Conference Center was a bit of an adventure: Traffic near Temple Square was horrendous, mostly due to an accident or stalled car blocking one of the lanes of traffic.  We had a pass to park in the structure under the Church Office Building, so that made parking a non-issue.  We met Land outside the Conference Center and headed inside.  Finding seats was also fun; because of the delays in getting to Temple Square, most of the large groups of seats were taken……except for a section at the Plaza Level (near the floor), stage left: We were about six rows from the stage.  However, being so close, the choir seating and parts of the stage were obscured.  Fortunately, there were a couple of video monitors near our seats.  Thus, we had a good view.  Of everything.

The performance was excellent.  When you take into account that this was the fourth live performance in four days (and that part of today’s performance was the broadcast performance), it  gives you a special respect for the quality of these all-volunteer organizations – the only paid positions are the Conductor and the Organist, if I remember correctly.

I have heard of The King’s Singers, but I don’t believe that I have heard them perform before today. They were very good. They sang a capella, with Orchestra at Temple Square and with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.   In addition to the Christmas songs – including a very fun take on Jingle Bells – they closed their performance with a rendition of Danny Boy (Londonderry Air), and  dedicated it to President of the LDS Church, Gordon Hinckley.

Interesting note: I was talking with Coworker DaveM, who plays in the orchestra, about tickets to the event and he related the following to me:

  • The Conference Center has 21,000 seats – 20,000 in the main hall and an annex that holds 1,000.
  • There were four performances, including this morning’s Music and the Spoken Word (1, 2) and the mini-concert that followed.
  • Given the above statistics, there were 84,000 seats/tickets available for this weekend’s concerts.
  • There were over 1 million requests for tickets.

Football Update
Baltimore has played the best and worst teams – the Patriots and the Dolphins, respectively – in the NFL.

And lost to both of them.

I didn’t get to watch today’s game, but when I heard the final score, I was stunned. I took a nap this afternoon and when I nodded off, Baltimore was ahead 13 – 3, with a little time left in the first half. When I woke up… Baltimore had lost in overtime, 16 – 22. Amazing.

Having said that, I have to say congratulations to the Dolphins. Long-time readers know that Miami has been my second-favorite AFC for many years. I’m glad to see that they were able to finally win a game… but there’s a (pretty big) part of me that wishes it hadn’t been against the Ravens.

Stray Toasters
I’m sure that I had something I wanted to add here… but I don’t remember what it was.  So,  we’ll come back to this later.  Or something like that.
