“Oh beautiful, for spacious skies…”
everyday glory, geekery, movies and TV, science and technology, toys July 4th, 2007Wednesday: 04 July 2007
Happy July 4th… to those to whom it applies.
Many people fought so that we can have the freedoms that we enjoy today. They proved that with enough people gathered behind a cause, anything can be changed. Take time to remember that the day is about more than cookouts and sales and fireworks.
The Fourth of July reminds me of my paternal grandparents. Growing up, I would often spend a few weeks in the summer with them. Those parts of my vacation usually bridged the Fourth of July weekend. Every Fourth, my grandparents would pack me into their car and drive to Princeton to see the fireworks. I’d sit on the hood of the car, looking up over the shopping center, watching the various pyrotechnics. (To this day, my favorite display remains the chrysanthemum.) After everything was over – with my ears ringing and a slight headache from the explosions – we’d get back into the car and head home. I was usually asleep shortly after we got out of the parking lot.
This morning, despite turning off the alarm and not placing Nomad in the SoundDock, I was awake at 6:20 AM. Six. Twenty. For no discernible reason. *grblsnrkx* After staring at the clock for a few moments, I rolled over and went back to sleep. When I finally decided to get up and out of bed, I made coffee showered… and then proceeded to do a lot of nothing. I called Kris – she’s out of class today for the holiday.
Game night was canceled last night, so I had the opportunity to find something else to entertain myself. My weapon of choice: A movie. Live Free or Die Hard. It was good. Fun. Witty. Good writing. Sure, there were a few scenes that required some suspension of disbelief. But, you know what you’re getting when you walk into the theatre. I wasn’t disappointed. There were a couple of interesting trailers before the movie, as well: War, The Kingdom and… Hitman (which, if I am not mistaken, is based upon the video game series). Also, Timothy Olyphant, the lead antagonist, reminded me of a young Billy Bob Thornton in a few close-up shots.
Stray Toasters
- I fear that two of my interests (addictions/obsessions) are beginning to merge: I have an urge to build a replica of LSH HQ out of LEGO bricks.
- I have finally upgraded to Firefox 2.0 One change that will take some getting used to is the “X” on each tab, rather than the “x” at the end other Tab bar.
- Ursula LeGuin rips into Slate Magazine
And now… time to hang out and have some coffee.
One Response to ““Oh beautiful, for spacious skies…””
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July 4th, 2007 at 4:31 PM
You can change the close buttons on the tabs back to the old way.
Type about:config in the address field.
Enter closeButtons in the filter.
Double-click to pop-up the change dialog.
Change the value to 3 and hit okay.
Restart Firefox.