The day started with another odd dream. And this was about 35° left of center: Pop star Jessica Simpson and her joined-at-the-hip hubby Nick Lachey were in it. They were talking about getting a divorce… but how they’d still be friends. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!? After waking up from that, it was an easy bet that the rest of the day could not possibly get any worse.

And then I tried to get out of bed.

Turns out that I was wrong; there was something worse than the dream: The headache that I woke up with. And it was a bell-ringer. Fortunately, we had some Aleve on hand to quell the rebellion at the back of my head. And then, life was good again.

The day ended with “Dinner and a Movie Double Date Night” with Nyx and Nox. We went to see National Treasure. It was a fun movie and we were in good company.

Happy (belated, in some cases) Birthday to LJ’s December kids:

Stray Toasters

  • I had cotton candy tonight. Spun sugar bliss abounded. I had a Slurpee® earlier, too.
  • China Is Out to Get Us. This is almost worthy of something you’d read from Maddox or The Onion. I might even have to bring it to Maddox’ attention.
  • Hey, : The new Batman Begins trailer will can be seen in front of Blade: Trinity and Ocean’s Twelve, both opening this week.
  • “No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can’t possibly…”

I’m tapped.
