I didn’t do a lot today.
It’s the weekend and, quite simply, I didn’t want to do much.

I went to see Steamboy this afternoon. I enjoyed it. Some of the scenes in near the end of the movie seemed a little disjointed, especially compared to the rest of the movie, but on the whole, I thought that it was pretty good. After the movie, I went to End Zone and picked up a few more Heroclix. I wound up with a lot of duplicates of ‘clix that I already owned. But, as the song says: “That’s the way that Lady Luck dances…”

, , and I met a few other friends for dinner (at Cafe Med) and a movie (Sin City). I haven’t read the graphic novels – and Frank Miller’s writing can be hit-or-miss with me – but I liked this. Comic book noir. Stylized without being too over the top. There were elements that required suspension of disbelief, but when you’re talking about a movie based on a comic book, you expect that.

We skipped bowling (sorry, … ) but did go to breakfast. It was a small group. There was some interesting people-watching tonight. A couple of the post-bar rush patrons were more than slightly inebriated. Which made them all the more amusing. And, as this is LDS General Conference weekend, the Singles didn’t show up tonight. Oh, well.

Random Access

Peace on Earth, can it be
Years from now, perhaps we’ll see
See the day of glory
See the day, when men of good will
Live in peace, live in peace again

     “Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy” by David Bowie and Bing Crosby

Pope John Paul II died today.
May he find peaceful rest beyond the Gates of Heaven.

In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Stray Toaster
Happy Birthday to the April LJers:

  • and
  • (Hey…. you just saw Rocky!)
