Tonight’s episode of Justice League was called “Hereafter.” It involved a “Death of Superman” plot. (This is the second series that I know of that has done this type of story; ABC’s Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians did one in the late 80s.) There were cameos by characters from both the Batman and Superman Animated Series; I *think* that they even shown Green Lantern Kyle Rayner (introduced in the Superman: TAS), but the character didn’t say anything. But… they did show the Lanterns in their dress/ceremonial coats. I thought that was pretty cool. They also showed Wonder Woman in her ceremonial armor. Batman even seemed to have a “human” moment. The part of the story that included Vandal Savage was handled very well, also.

Bowling wasn’t bad: 160, 141, 148, 157, 114 and 130-something (the computer killed that game in the ninth frame for reasons that we nor the counter staff understand). The last two games of the session would have been in the low 100s and 130-something, also. , his wife Jen and Bill showed up for a while and hung out with us.

Breakfast was the same as it ever is… for the most part. , and were there waiting for us. Pat (our friend in the Sandy P.D.) and Brent (Sheriff’s dept/Mall security) showed up and ate with us. We were all having a decent time until someone at another table decided to:

  • Attempt to stare me down. He was FAR from intimidating and I don’t intimidate easily.
  • Mouth off and try to trash talk

I did mention that we had two off-duty cops sitting with us, didn’t I? Pat was in a bit of a rough-and-tumble mood and wanted the idiot to actually start a fight. It would have been amusing to see what might have happened had still been there, but he and the Lady Spydr had left about 00:20 before. Oh well.
