Wednesday : 16 November 05
I was in a surly mood this morning. In and of itself, that’s not necessarily a “good” thing… but it does tend to keep most of my team at bay and thus allow me to work more or less uninterrupted. Today was no exception. Thus, I was able to work – and listen to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – with very few distractions. That was a good thing. My mood improved as the day wore on.

I came home… and crashed for about an hour. I haven’t slept well for the past couple of nights; apparently, it caught up with me this afternoon. The nap was good, but I hope that it doesn’t play hob with tonight’s sleep.

messaged me, asking if there were any dinner plans afoot. There were none. So, he asked if he, and I could get together for dinner. And we did – we went to David’s Kitchen. As always, the food was excellent. After dinner, we came back to the house and I let Nox test drive City of Villains. He made a Mastermind archetype character who could summon zombies. He played through a couple of levels and seemed to like it, even though it’s not exactly his cup of tea.

Stray Toasters
